2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook 
    Sep 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook

Alcohol and Drug Policies

Alcohol Policy

The alcohol policy was written by the Student Affairs Committee on which students, faculty, and administrators serve together. The Student Affairs Committee has final authority over the regulations that govern student life at Pomona College. Pomona College complies with and enforces all federal, state, and local laws governing alcohol consumption and distribution. 

In addition to enforcing state and federal laws, Pomona has also developed policies that attempt to reduce individual and community harm and allow students to be educated about alcohol use when mistakes are made. 

Although the College cannot provide treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, there are numerous on- and off-campus resources including the Pomona College Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Jasa Cocke (jasa.cocke@pomona.edu) and Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services.

  • Pomona College’s policies on alcohol coincide with federal and state laws. Students under 21 may not legally purchase, possess or consume alcohol. Students are not exempt from local, state, and federal law while on the Pomona College campus. 

  • The federal government, through the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, requires that colleges enforce state and local laws concerning drugs and alcohol in order to remain eligible for federal funds including federal student financial aid. 

  • California has a strict host liability law. If a student sells or serves alcohol, they can be held responsible in a court of law for the conduct of any individual who is served if that person subsequently injures themselves, becomes ill, dies, or injures a third party. This is especially true when the person served is a minor or is already intoxicated. 

  • The City of Claremont prohibits public intoxication, open containers of alcohol in vehicles, possession and use of cannabis, and consuming alcohol in public parks. 

  • All Pomona students are accountable for the alcohol and drug policies regardless of whether they live on or off-campus. Students studying abroad may follow the laws of the nation of residence, where applicable. 

Alcohol policies. 

  1. The legal drinking age in the United States and California is 21 years old. Students under 21 may not consume, possess, buy, or distribute alcoholic beverages. 

  2. Students 21 years of age and older are permitted to possess and drink alcoholic beverages at Pomona but may not distribute, sell, supply, or serve alcohol to people under 21 years of age. 

  3. From the arrival of Fall athletes (traditionally the second week of August), through the first two weeks of classes, no alcohol may be possessed by any Pomona students regardless of age.  

  4. Hard alcohol is not allowed to be consumed, or stored, in south campus residence halls: Blaisdell Hall, Gibson Hall, Lyon Hall, Mudd Hall, and Wig Hall, Smiley, Oldenborg or Harwood. 

  5. Operating a motorized vehicle (including golf carts and scooters) on Pomona College, or other Claremont College property while under the influence of alcohol is prohibited.  

  6. Alcohol is not an excuse for other policy violations and can, in fact, be a compounding factor in decisions made by student code administrators, Judicial Council or the Student Affairs Committee. 

  7. Drinking games are prohibited at Pomona College.  Any game that requires drinking alcohol as a component, rule, outcome, or objective is a drinking game. This includes games that look like drinking games, for example “water pong.” 

  8. Public drunkenness is not permitted. 

  9. Students may not drink alcoholic beverages in public areas on campus, except at officially registered parties and social events. 

  10. Open containers of alcohol, or cups containing alcoholic drinks, may not be carried around campus or in public spaces in the residence halls. Private gatherings in residence hall rooms or the common living room areas of student suites that violate the College’s Alcohol and Drug Policies, infringe on public space, or become a public nuisance, are not allowed and will be dispersed. Students who host or attend such parties will be sanctioned appropriately. Hosts are responsible for the behavior of those who attend. 

  11. Kegs and other common containers of alcohol are prohibited in residence halls. Kegs are permitted at registered events in non-residential spaces. Common containers of alcohol include, but are not limited to kegs, kegerators, pony kegs, punch bowls, water coolers, “handles” of liquor, and other such containers meant to serve a large number of individuals. 

  12. Brewing beer, distilling alcohol, or fermenting wine is not permitted on campus. 

Amnesty Policy 

The Amnesty Policy is a provision that emphasizes health and safety issues take precedence over conduct. Students are encouraged to put their health and safety or the health and safety of others above all other concerns. The College encourages reporting of health and safety emergencies and seeks to remove any barriers to reporting by providing limited amnesty for individuals who report such emergencies. This offer of amnesty refers to isolated incidents only and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly and/or repeatedly violate the College’s drug and alcohol standards and expectations. It applies only to suspected or actual medical emergencies due to alcohol or drug use and does not extend to related infractions such as assault or property damage.  

Generally, sanctions related to alcohol or drug policy violations will not be imposed on individuals cooperating in any official college conduct process. 

  • If a student signs an “Against Medical Advice” (AMA) waiver they are eligible for amnesty and will proceed through the standard Code of Conduct process. They will likely receive a warning and have to meet with a Student Code Administrator. 

  • If a student refuses to be transported AND refuses to sign an AMA waiver the Claremont Police Department will be contacted in order to ensure that the student does not disrupt the community. This may lead to transport and arrest. 

  • Federal law requires that the College contact the family of students under the age of 18 who are hospitalized for alcohol or drug use. 

  • The College can decide to contact students’ families or proceed with conduct violations if a student has been hospitalized two or more times. The impact on the community will be taken into account. 

This policy only covers how the College will respond to students who could be involved in the student conduct process and does not cover criminal charges that could result from law enforcement based on the incident.  

Alcohol and Social Events Regulation 

The College allows student organizations and individual students to register parties and social events that serve alcohol (“registered events”) in specified campus locations. The College reserves the right to revoke or alter the specific spaces in which registered events can be held and the frequency with which registration may occur. 

The following regulations apply to ALL registered events 

  • Students, individually or through clubs, must register alcohol events through Engage. 

  • Liquor may not be served or consumed at registered events. 

  • Beers, seltzers, ciders, etc. up to 9% are allowed. Wine, champagne, and sparkling wines up to 14% are permissible. All alcohol must be served in clear cups or glasses.  

  • Alcohol may not be purchased with funds collected as mandatory fees by the College, including all fees turned over to the ASPC by the College for the purpose of supporting student activities.  

  • Alcoholic beverages may not be sold at any campus event or served at any event that requires an admission fee. 

  • Alcoholic beverages may not be served at registered student events that are open to the non-7C community. 

  • Events at which alcohol is served may not be registered during reading days or during the final examination period. 

  • Consumption or possession of alcohol during athletic events and in athletic venues is prohibited. 

  • Individuals are prohibited from bringing their own alcoholic beverages to any registered event or from taking alcoholic beverages out of events or social functions. 

  • The number of people attending a registered event who may legally drink will determine the amount of alcoholic beverages available. This formula is based on one drink per hour, with a maximum of three drinks per person. 

The following regulations apply to all registered events with alcohol: 

  • Events at which alcohol is served must be registered with and approved by the Office of the Smith Campus Center and Student Programs in Suite 244 of the Smith Campus Center, HYPERLINK “https://claremont.campuslabs.com/engage” HYPERLINK “https://claremont.campuslabs.com/engage” through Engage. 

  • Only students of The Claremont Colleges who present valid College identification cards and their registered guests are permitted to attend registered events. Guest passes may be obtained at the Smith Campus Center Building Manager’s window on Friday and Saturday nights. 

  • Students of the Claremont Colleges must show their college-issued ID card, as proof of age, at the point of alcohol service. Visitors of students, who possess a valid Guest Pass, must show their Driver’s License with their Guest Pass, at the point of alcohol service. 

  • No event with alcohol may begin or continue without a College server in charge of alcohol distribution. Servers are hired by the Office of the Campus Center and Student Programs after an event is registered. 

  • Advertising alcohol 

  • Advertising may specify the type of alcohol being served (for example, wine, champagne, sake) but it may not specify brands. 

  • Advertising may not specify the quantity of alcohol present. 

  • Advertising may not encourage drinking or make reference to drunkenness. 

  • Campus Safety Officers (or their designated security representatives) must be present for the duration of events at which alcohol is served. Campus Safety Officers are hired by the Office of the Campus Center and Student Programs after an event is registered. 

  • All registered events must have a host or hosts who are sober and present for the duration of the event. If alcohol is served, at least one host must be 21 years of age or older. Hosts contact the Office of the Campus Center and Student Programs to arrange appropriate numbers of servers and Campus Safety officers and to ensure that the party does not begin or continue without their presence. Hosts are also responsible for ending the event at the agreed upon time and for ensuring clean-up of the event site. 

  • Water and other hydrating non-alcoholic beverages must be provided. In addition, in quantities enough for all guests. In addition, food that is high in protein must be accessible at social events throughout the duration of the event.   

  • Unregistered social gatherings will be dispersed and may be sanctioned. Students who host such gatherings are responsible for the behavior of those who attend. 

Pomona College Drug Policy

It is a violation of the Pomona College Drug Policy for students to: 

  • Possess, manufacture, sell, provide, distribute or use, or participate in the use of illegal drugs. Prohibited drugs include all illegal drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, LSD and other hallucinogens, designer drugs and prescription drugs (not including personally prescribed drugs) or other illegal drugs. 

  • Have drug paraphernalia in their residence hall rooms, on their person, or in any area under their immediate control. 

  • Violate state, federal or local laws concerning drug use, distribution, sale or manufacture. 

  • Pomona complies with Federal law regarding the use and possession of cannabis; therefore, cannabis use on campus is prohibited even if the student has documentation of medically prescribed cannabis.   


Possible Sanctions 

  • E. Sanctions for Alcohol and Drug Policy Violations 

    The Pomona College Code of Conduct is an educational process that allows for students in violation of the Student Code to think about their actions, the impact of those actions on the community, and prevention of future code violations. The process outlined below is a framework outlining various violations of the alcohol and drug policies and recommended sanctions. (Policies not covered below will be handled on a case-by-case basis and could be handled by Student Code Administrators, Deans, or the Judicial Council depending on the incident.) 

    Please note: If you are found or plead responsible for a policy violation that will be kept as a record of your conduct throughout your time at Pomona. This is common in college and university conduct systems throughout the United States. If you have questions about the impact of an incident on your record you can speak with the Judicial Council Advisors, your Class Dean, or the Career Development Office.


  • Possession of beer/wine (under 21); possession of hard alcohol on South Campus (any age); providing beer/wine to students under 21; misusing prescription drugs (not including distribution or intent to distribute):  

  • First offense – Warning letter and meeting with Student Code Administrator  

  • Second offense – Second warning letter and meeting with Student Code Administrator and AOD counselor  

  • Third offense – Meeting with Dean, meeting with AOD counselor, and AOD education  

  • Fourth offense (or more) – Judicial Council  

All student conduct administrators and Deans may include additional educational sanctions (ex. Apology letter, community service) and will be discussed with the respondent during the meeting.  

  • Possession of liquor (under 21); providing liquor to students under 21; hosting an unregistered party OR possessing keg/party ball/common container/multiple cases or bottles; using or possessing marijuana (not including distribution or intent to distribute):   

  • First offense – Warning letter and meeting with Student Code Administrator  

  • Second offense – Warning and meeting with Dean and the AOD counselor  

  • Third offense – Probation for one semester, meeting with Dean, meeting with AOD counselor, AOD education  

  • Fourth offense (or more) – Judicial Council   

All student conduct administrators and Deans may include additional educational sanctions (ex. Apology letter, community service) and will be discussed with the respondent during the meeting.   

  • Using false identification (any kind); attending an unregistered party; failure to comply/refusal to cooperate with a reasonable request of a Pomona College official (incl but not limited to RAs, RLCs, Campus Safety, Student Code Administrators)   

  • First offense – Warning letter and meeting with Student Code Administrator  

  • Second offense – Second warning letter and meeting with Student Code Administrator  

  • Third offense – Probation for one semester, meeting with Dean, educational sanction  

  • Fourth offense (or more) – Judicial Council   

All student conduct administrators and Deans may include additional educational sanctions (ex. Apology letter, community service) and will be discussed with the respondent during the meeting.   

  • Using or possessing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, LSD or other hallucinogens, designer drugs or other illegal drugs   

  • First offense - Judicial Council, likely sanctions: probation, scheduled meetings with the Pomona College AOD counselor; parental notification   

  • Second offense - Judicial Council, likely sanctions: suspension from the College, off-campus treatment, additional educational sanctions   

  • Manufacturing, selling, distributing, or intent to distribute any illegal or prescription drug   

  • First offense - Judicial Council, likely sanctions: interim suspension from the College until a hearing is held, suspension from the College, off-campus treatment, additional educational sanctions   

  • Second offense - Judicial Council, likely sanctions: interim suspension until the hearing has occurred, expulsion from the College