2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook

Emergency and Safety Policies and Procedures

Emergency and Safety Policies and Procedures

Campus Safety

Campus Safety is open 24/7, 365 days a year, and we strongly recommend you include their number in your cellphone: 909-607-2000

On-Call Administrators

One of the resources that Pomona College makes available to students is the support and guidance of a Pomona College professional staff member who is on call and can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This on-call administrator can be reached by calling Campus Safety at (909) 607-2000 by telephone. The on-call administrator is often one of the first responders to calls from Campus Safety about any student situation, concerning behavior, or crisis. The on-call staff determines the appropriate steps given the situation and keeps a detailed record on the interaction and intervention. The On-Call Team is coordinated by the AVP/ DOS in the Dean of Students Office (909-621-8017) and serves as the primary resource for managing referrals and student issues and follows up with the call.  

The on-call administrator intervenes at times to de-escalate a situation between a student and other members of the campus and/or community. In these cases, on-call staff determine and coordinate Pomona College’s response to ensure that all parties involved receive due consideration and fair treatment. The on-call staff may involve other Pomona College offices to determine the institutional response and will monitor an incident to make sure that adequate support continues to be made available even after the critical situation passes. 

LiveSafe App

LiveSafe is a free personal safety mobile application for students, staff, faculty, and the community to engage in two-way conversation with Campus Safety. LiveSafe allows users direct access to Campus Safety and 911 emergency services and creates greater situational awareness and safety preparedness by educating the user on daily safety related updates and statistics. Instructions for downloading can be found on this website: http://colleges.claremont.edu/livesafe/download/


Everbridge is an emergency notification service that enables Pomona College to notify you quickly about a major emergency on campus and provide you with information and instructions.

Messages are sent via phone, text and email, students, faculty and staff with a listed campus phone number are in the Everbridge database. To add or update a cell phone number or direct office line to the Everbridge system, log on to the campus Portal at: my.pomona.edu and click on the Everbridge link (far left). All contact information included in Everbridge will be used ONLY for campus emergency notification and will not be made available to any other service. Emergency drills have shown that text messages arrive the fastest.


  1. Take cover under a desk or table, protecting as much of your body as possible, especially your head and neck during the tremors.
  2. Stay away from windows and objects that may fall.
  3. Do not run outside.
  4. If outdoors, stay in an open area.
  5. After shaking stops, evacuate to your designated evacuation area, and report to the Building Chair.
  6. Bring shoes, a blanket, and necessary medication.


  1. Calmly and quietly walk to the nearest exit.
  2. Do not use elevators.
  3. Follow the instructions of RAs or other emergency personnel.


  1. Activate the closest fire alarm.
  2. Call 909-607-2000 and report the location and nature of the fire.
  3. Evacuate to the designated evacuation area and report to the RA or another staff member.

Lock Down

  1. The College, using Everbridge text, and email messages, will notify students in the event of a lock down emergency.
  2. Students are encouraged to shelter in place in all academic, administrative, and residential buildings. In residence halls, individual rooms, when the door is locked and the windows closed, are considered safe.
  3. In the event of a lock down emergency, “shelter in place” until notified by the College that the emergency is over.


  1. Call Campus Safety by dialing 909-607-2000 and report the nature of the illness or injury and the location. Campus Safety may direct your call to an on-call Dean or 911.

After a Major Emergency

Staff of the Office of Facilities and Campus Services will assess buildings for re-entry. Buildings must not be re-entered until permission is given. Campus Safety, Physical Plant, or maintenance personnel will be dispatched to assist in evaluating damaged buildings, and to check and/or turn off water, gas, and electrical mains.

The College provides updates on emergencies through office Pomona College social media accounts as well as an emergency website, which is updated regularly during an Emergency. Both students and parents may access these resources to receive up to date information.

Fire Safety

Proper use of fire equipment and fire emergency equipment is essential for the protection of all members of the community. Students alone or in concert with others may not tamper with, discharge or play with fire extinguishers, fire doors, smoke detectors, exit lights or tamper with or pull a fire alarm under false pretenses.

All students must evacuate the building during any fire alarm whether it is a fire drill, a fire, or a false alarm. Smoking is prohibited in all residence halls. Open flame devices including incense and candles are not allowed in the residence halls.

Placing furniture, bicycles, boxes, or any item in such a way that obstructs emergency evacuations procedures is a violation of the state fire codes. These codes are strictly enforced by our staff.

State and local fire codes, as well as Pomona College policy, require the following. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in penalties.

  1. Corridors and exit doors are to be kept clear of obstruction at all times.
  2. Lighted candles or open flames in the residence halls are not permitted. Including incense or candles with burnt wicks.
  3. Excessive amounts of combustibles, such as paper, paper products, textiles in the room or attached to walls or ceilings or as room dividers, are a fire hazard and are not permitted.
  4. Hallway decorations and signs must be made of nonflammable materials.
  5. Natural trees or branches are not allowed to be used in residential spaces.
  6. Flammable liquids, including ligher fluid and propane, must not be stored or used in any residence hall.
  7. The use of non-approved cooking appliances such as hot plates is prohibited. (See Housing and Residence Life policies for full list.)
  8. Motor scooters, motorcycles and other vehicles, which have gas tanks, cannot be stored anywhere in the residence halls at any time.
  9. Gasoline, kerosene and other combustibles are fire hazards and are prohibited in the residence halls.

Students determined to have violated any of these policies or regulations will be referred to the buildings Residence Life Coordinator.

Law Enforcement on Campus

Local, state, and federal laws apply on campus.

Law enforcement officers have the right and responsibility to act in case of law violations committed on college campuses in the same way and under the same constraints as in other parts of Claremont. Campuses are not sanctuaries or refuges from any legal procedure of law enforcement officers.

Campus Safety will, in many cases of minor violations, deal with the situation and, if advisable, notify appropriate College authorities. In more serious cases, Campus Safety must and will notify law enforcement officers, usually the City of Claremont Police, and will cooperate with them in the investigation of the possible offense.

The College asks that if law enforcement officers find it necessary to come onto the campuses to interrogate or to arrest a student or to search a room or building, they be accompanied by a member of Campus Safety. Campus Safety should notify members of the Dean of Students staff so that a member of the Dean’s staff or Housing and Residence Life staff can then also be present.