2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Pomona College Student Handbook

The Claremont Colleges Services - Campus Safety Policies and Procedures

Campus Safety

Campus Safety may be reached by dialing 909-607-2000 from any campus phone or by calling 909-621-8170. It is located at 150 East Eighth Street. Campus Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day year round to help provide safety and security for our students, faculty and staff.

Campus Safety is staffed by full-time and part-time employees, who are specifically trained and responsible for a full range of public safety services including: crime reports, apprehension and arrest of suspects, enforcement of all federal, state and local laws, as well as College policies and regulations, responding to suspicious activity calls, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, parking and traffic enforcement, safety hazards, escort services and a host of related safety services.

Crime Prevention is a major focus of Campus Safety as well as providing the community with strategies to promote the reduction and elimination of crimes. Campus Safety recommends that each individual takes responsibility for their own safety and security. In this regard, the following suggestions are highly recommended:

  • Report all crimes and suspicious activity immediately (ext. 909-607-2000). Prompt reporting may assist in apprehension and prevention of future crimes.
  • Keep your dorm/residential or office door(s) locked and don’t prop open any exterior doors.
  • Always keep your room door locked when: sleeping, taking a nap, showering, going down the hall, expecting someone to visit, or whatever the situation,
  • LOCK YOUR DOOR. Carry your key/card key around your neck or somewhere on your person.
  • Report people you don’t know who “accidentally” enter your room under any pretense.
  • Lock up your valuables at all times, but especially when social activity is expected in your room or suite.
  • Don’t walk alone at night. Use Campus Safety’s Escort Service by calling ext 909-607-2000.
  • Participate in crime prevention programs.

Emergency Notifications and Alerts

In fall 2007, Pomona and The Claremont Colleges Services put into service an emergency notification system that will let you know if there is a situation on campus that constitutes a major emergency, such as a chemical spill, earthquake, or an act of violence. The current system is called Everbridge, and gives Campus Safety the ability to not only notify you about an emergency, but also give you information and instructions.

Students’ personal emergency contact information (personal cell phone) has also been automatically entered into the system. Students can also input and update their personal data on the Everbridge form available on the student portal.

Campus Safety also attempts to inform the campus community of crimes or suspected crimes which threaten the physical safety of Pomona College students. Campus Safety communicates relevant information to students, faculty, and staff through emergency notifications, alert bulletins, community messages, and timely warnings.

  1. Emergency Notifications are issued upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation (including a Clery reportable crime) involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of Pomona students, faculty, or staff.  Legal constraints about confidentiality and privacy requests made by the victims and their families are honored.
  2. Alert Bulletins are issued upon the confirmation of an incident that Campus Safety or Pomona determine, in its judgment, does not present an immediate or continuing threat to the TCC community, but requires alerting the TCC community due to its possible effect on the community’s movement or activities.
  3. Timely Warnings will be issued in the event TCCS or Pomona receives notice of an alleged Clery Act reportable crime where Campus Safety or the Colleges determine, in its judgment, that the allegations present a serious or continuing threat to the TCC community.
  4. Community Messages are general, informational messages issued by Campus Safety as a public service. These messages provide general safety guidelines or community information for the overall college community.

Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Registration

Pomona College extends the privilege of operating motor vehicles on its campus to some registered students, employees, and visitors. First-year students are not allowed to bring cars to campus. All vehicles parked on Pomona’s property must display a valid parking permit or a temporary parking permit. Temporary parking permits are available at the Department of Campus Safety. Student Parking permits are valid only on the campus for which they have been issued. 

All students must register their cars and motorcycles with Campus Safety every academic year. Temporary parking permits are required for visitors and are available at Campus Safety. Every student living on or off-campus who owns, maintains, or operates a motor vehicle must register the vehicle with the Campus Safety Department. Students are allowed three days from the date their vehicle is brought to the college campus to register motor vehicles and obtain a parking permit. Students must create a vehicle registration account prior to visiting Campus Safety to obtain their parking permit (Claremont Colleges Online Vehicle Registration). 

Students must provide a current Pomona ID Card, driver’s license, and the vehicle’s DMV registration to register their vehicles with Campus Safety. Only one vehicle per student may be registered. The cost of registering a vehicle is $60 per semester. Those who fail to register automobiles, motorcycles, motor bikes, or motor scooters will be fined $50 per ticket and after the third ticket the motor vehicle will be towed or fitted with an immobilization device aka, “a boot,” if parked on campus. 

At all times, students operating motor vehicles at the College must maintain a valid drivers’ license. Temporary permits must be obtained from Campus Safety for vehicles which will be used on campus for no more than two weeks. There is no fee for temporary permits. Parking and Traffic Regulations for the Claremont Colleges are available on-line at Campus Safety’s website. Students who bring motor vehicles to campus are responsible for knowing and complying with all traffic and parking regulations.  

Employees parking vehicles on campus, must register their vehicles with Campus Safety and obtain a parking permit. Employees should create a vehicle registration account (Claremont Colleges Online Vehicle Registration) prior to visiting Campus Safety to obtain a parking permit. A current Pomona ID Card, Driver’s License, and the DMV vehicle registration must be shown at the time of registration. A parking permit valid for five years will be issued. Once the validation sticker is expired, a renewal sticker may be obtained at Campus Safety. The renewal sticker will be valid for an additional five years. 

Parking permits are valid for the registered vehicle only and cannot be transferred. Please notify Campus Safety within three days if there is a change in the registered vehicle.  

Pomona College assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of vehicles parked or driven on campus. Furthermore, students who use privately owned motor vehicles in connection with official or unofficial activities or student employment are not insured by the College’s primary automobile liability insurance. Automobile insurance carried by the owner is the primary source of coverage for losses or injuries sustained during such use of privately owned vehicles. It is the responsibility of the owner of a motor vehicle to obtain appropriate property and personal liability insurance in connection with the operation of the motor vehicle. 

All students bringing bicycles to the campus must license their bikes with the State of California as required by State law. Student bicycle licenses may be obtained at the Office of Campus Life. 

Motor Vehicle Registration Charges and Fines

The cost to register an automobile, motor bike, motorcycle, or motor scooter is $60 per semester or $120 per year. The fine for failure to register a motor vehicle is $50 per ticket. After the third ticket, the motor vehicle will be towed or fitted with an immobilization device, aka “a boot.” Vehicle owners are responsible for towing, storage, or device removal fees. The fine for storing a motor bike is $25 plus labor charges for removal. 

All operators of a motorized vehicle must, at minimum, adhere to the following guidelines regarding the operation and parking of their vehicle(s) at the College: 

  1. A vehicle shall be parked within a designated parking stall as painted on the street and in parking lots. 

  2. No person shall drive any motorized vehicle, stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the lawn, quad, or areas of any campus not regularly designated as a street or parking lot, except emergency vehicles on official business, and, as may be necessary to carry out maintenance work on such lawn, quad, and/or other non-designated areas for driving or parking. 

  3. The speed limit on campus streets is 25 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in parking lots is 10 miles per hour. Regardless of posted speed limits, a vehicle operator shall not drive at speeds that are excessive or imprudent for existing road, weather, or traffic conditions. 

  4. Pedestrians have the right of way. 

  5. All state and local traffic laws are enforced at all times on the campus. 

  6. All traffic accidents should be reported as quickly as possible to the Department of Campus Safety. 

  7. All vehicle operators must maintain a valid driver’s license and insurance coverage. (Adapted from “Parking and Traffic Regulations,” available through the Department of Campus Safety.) 

Safe Escorts

If you are traveling on campus after dark, you should always do so in groups of two or more people. If you need to walk alone and want an escort, you can call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000 and they will provide an officer to escort you to your dorm or other building on campus.