2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2023-24 catalog.

Public Policy Analysis Major

Requirements for the Major in Public Policy Analysis

  1. Four-course public policy sequence: ECON 051 PO , ECON 052 PO ; POLI 003 PO  or PPA 001 PO ; POLI 135 PO .
  1. Statistical/Quantitative Methods course: ECON 057 PO  or POLI 090 PO  unless otherwise noted below or approved by the student’s academic advisor:
    Chemistry/PPA students take MATH 030 PO , MATH 031 PO 
Economics/PPA students take ECON 057 PO 
Geology/PPA students take MATH 030 PO 
Physics/PPA students take MATH 031 PO , MATH 032 PO 
Psychology/PPA students take PSYC 158 PO 
Sociology/PPA students take SOC 104 PO 
STS/PPA students take ECON 057 PO POLI 090 PO PSYC 158 PO  or a course approved by the PPA Program Coordinator.
  1. Policy Elective: POLI 138 PO  (Organizational Theory) or one of the following: ANTH 107 PO ECON 122 PO , ECON 123 PO , ECON 125 PO , ECON 127 PO , ECON 128 PO , PHYS 017 PO , POLI 036 PO POLI 147 PO , POLI 149 PO , GOVT 105 CM . Students are invited to suggest other policy-oriented courses at The Claremont Colleges to fulfill this requirement, which must be approved by the PPA Program Coordinator. To be approved, the course should focus primarily on public policy. This can include courses focused on a substantive policy area, such as housing or health, the development of tools for analyzing public policy or some combination of these. Students may consult with the program’s associate director. A policy elective is not required for EA/PPA or STS/PPA.
  1. Courses in an existing major:

ANTH 051 PO , ANTH 102 PO  and ANTH 105 PO ; two of the following: ANTH 003 PZ , ANTH 052 PO ANTH 053 PO ANTH 086 PZ , ANTH 107 PO ANTH 109 PO , ANTH 130 PO ; and one elective. Courses are chosen in consultation with student’s academic advisor for relevance to the internship and direction of study.

  Biology: CHEM 001A PO  and CHEM 001B PO  or CHEM 051 PO ; BIOL 040 PO , BIOL 041E PO  or BIOL 041C PO ; any three upper-division biology courses subject to approval by the biology advisor.
  Chemistry: CHEM 001A PO  and CHEM 001B PO  or CHEM 051 PO , CHEM 110A PO , CHEM 110B PO , CHEM 156 PO PHYS 070 PO , PHYS 071 PO , PHYS 072 PO , or PHYS 041 PO , PHYS 042 PO .
  Economics: ECON 101 PO , ECON 102 PO , ECON 107 PO , three electives.
  Environmental Analysis:

1) Four course general public policy sequence: one of POLI 003 PO  or PPA 001 PO ECON 051 PO , ECON 052 PO POLI 135 PO 

2) EA 010 PO , EA 030 PO 

3) Statistical/Quantitative methods course: ECON 057 PO  or POLI 090 PO 

4) One ecology course for which EA 030 PO  is a prerequisite

5) Four environmental policy courses: two courses from GOVT 120 CM , POST 140 HM , POLI 060 PO , POLI 061 PO , POLI 039 PO , PPE 160 PO , EA 146 PZ , SOC 055 PO ; two courses from ECON 125 PO , ECON 127 PO , ECON 128 PO 

6) One course from the following: EA 085 PO ; PHIL 038 PO ; RLST 166A PO 

7) Senior Thesis/Capstone: PPA 190 PO  (seminar), PPA 191 PO  (thesis), PPA 195 PO  (internship)


1) One introductory geology course, typically selected from the Geology 20 series, but may include others with approval from the Geology Department.

2) Three courses from: GEOL 123 PO , GEOL 125 PO , GEOL 127 PO , GEOL 155 PO 

3) One course from: GEOL 181 PO GEOL 183 PO , GEOL 185 PO 

4) One Geology elective numbered 100 or above


PHYS 070 PO , PHYS 071 PO , PHYS 072 PO , or PHYS 041 PO PHYS 042 PO PHYS 190 PO PHYS 101 PO ; plus one additional course credit from physics or astronomy courses numbered above 100. Students may petition to count a complementary lab science course if appropriate in place of the additional physics course.

  Politics: Six POLI courses distributed across three of the four subfields. No more than two introductory courses numbered 001 to 010. One elective must be numbered 100 or above.
  Psychology: PSYC 051 PO , PSYC 143 PO  or PSYC 160 PO  or PSYC 162 PO ; PSYC 157 PO ; PSYC 190 PO ; two electives chosen in consultation with Psychology and PPA advisors for relevance to the internship.
  Sociology: SOC 051 PO , SOC 102 PO , SOC 154 PO , SOC 157 PO  and three electives.
  Science, technology and society: See the STS section in this catalog.

 This information is subject to change by departmental or major committees.


  1. Three-course internship-thesis sequence: PPA 190 PO , PPA 191 PO , PPA 195 PO .