2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Financial Information

Financial Requirements

Students’ financial accounts are required to be current and up to date at all times. All outstanding past due balances must be paid by the first week of classes each semester. If a student is receiving a Perkins or College loan, all promissory loan notes must be signed by the required date shown on the Academic Calendar each semester.

Charges for 2015-16

The standard comprehensive charge made to each student for tuition, fees, and room and board will total $62,770 for 2015-16. Additional fees for special purposes are listed below. A substantial portion of the total educational cost is borne by the College through the use of contributed funds and income from endowment funds.

The College reserves the right to change any of the following fees at any time should conditions make it necessary. Charges for 2016-17 will be available online at http://www.pomona.edu/administration/business-office/student-accounts/tuition-costs.aspx.

General Fees

Tuition per semester:

Associated Students per semester:

Fee deposit (includes room deposit; one time only, at time of admission):




Residence Fees

Room per semester: $4,400.00
Board per semester:  
Sixteen meals/$240:
(16 meals per week; $240 plus per semester)
Sixteen meals/$160:
(16 meals per week; $160 plus per semester)
Fourteen meals/$240:
(14 meals per week; $240 plus per semester)
Fourteen meals/$160:
(14 meals per week; $160 plus per semester)
Twelve meals/$240:
(12 meals per week; $240 plus per semester)
Twelve meals/$160:
(12 meals per week; $160 plus per semester)
*Five meals/$80:
(5 meals per week; $80 plus per semester)

Meal plan must be approved by Dean of Campus Life–all other plans are open to all students.

All new students are placed on the 16/$160 meal plan that can be changed during the first 10 days of the semester. 

Departmental Fees

Fees for selected intercollegiate courses: see course descriptions . Applied music fees: see department chair.

Fees for Summer Reading Courses

The fee for a summer reading course is $500.

Fees for Part-time Students

Special tuition for students carrying fewer than three courses in a semester:

  • per course:


  • per half-course:


  • per quarter-course:


Auditor’s Fees

For persons, other than those taking courses for credit, per course: $100 

Fees for Special Privileges 

Payment plan fee, per semester: $50
Late pre-enrollment/enrollment fee: $35
Late payment fee, per month: $25

Returned check fee:

  • First incident
  • Second incident



Campus fee for automobiles, per semester: $60
Re-enrollment for senior exams: $50
Diploma replacement fee: $25

The College reserves the right to apply any miscellaneous fees or charges the student may incur to the student account. This includes, but is not limited to, lab fees, library fees, unpaid medical fees and charges due to lost or damaged College property.

Fee Refund Policies

Students are considered to be officially enrolled, thereby incurring an obligation for the full semester’s tuition and fees, when they (1) complete enrollment for courses and attend one or more class meetings in the semester for which enrollment has been completed, or (2) enroll for courses or submit a request for course enrollment changes during the designated enrollment periods at the beginning of each semester. A student, who withdraws, takes a leave of absence or changes the number of course enrollments after the first day of classes in any semester can receive credits against that semester’s fees only as described in the sections below. Whether any cash refund will result from the credits received will depend on the payments that have been made and the amount of financial assistance that has been received by the student. Any questions about the amount of credit or the size of the resulting refund should be directed to the student accounts manager in the Business Office. Refunds can be given only as described below.

Refund of Tuition and Associated Students Fees

Withdrawal or Leave of Absence after the semester begins:

  • By the end of the fifth day (first week) of classes: Refund all but $100.
  • By the end of the 10th day (second week) of classes: Refund all but $200.
  • By the end of the official last day for withdrawal from classes: Refund 50 percent of tuition and fees.
  • By 10 class days following the official last day for withdrawal from classes (for a student in his or her first semester at the College): Refund per-diem share of tuition and fees for remainder of semester.

Change in course load:

  • By the end of the 10th day (second week) of classes: Refund difference between original and adjusted tuition.
  • By the end of the official last day for withdrawal from classes: Refund 50 percent of difference between original and adjusted tuition.

Required course fees not included in tuition:

  • By the end of the 10th day (second week) of classes: Refund 100 percent. No course fee refund will be given after this deadline.

Refund of Room and Board Fees

Students are considered to have begun the term of their room and board contract when they check into their designated residence hall room and are issued a key. If a student withdraws or takes a leave of absence, or if a room and board contract is canceled with permission of the Office of Campus Life before the last day for withdrawal from classes (two weeks later than this for a student in his or her first semester at the College), charges will be recalculated on a per-diem basis starting from the date that the residence halls officially open for students. No refund of the room fee will be given after this deadline, but board will be refunded on a per-diem basis. Regardless of whether a refund is given, the College reserves the right to use and reassign the room of a student who withdraws or goes on leave during the semester.

Refund of Fee Deposit

Students are required to make a fee deposit at the time they accept the College’s offer of admission. This deposit holds a place in the College and is used to cover any miscellaneous fees and charges not paid at the time of graduation or withdrawal from the College. At that time, any outstanding charges for damage to College property or miscellaneous unsettled bills are deducted from the deposit. Any balance remaining is refunded directly to the student after graduation or after withdrawal from the College unless part or all of the deposit has been forfeited as described below.

Any student, on or off campus, who files a withdrawal or leave of absence form after July 15 for the fall semester, or after December 15 for the spring semester, will forfeit the entire fee deposit. Furthermore, a student who participates in the residence halls’ room selection lottery system in the spring semester, but then subsequently withdraws or takes a leave of absence from the College before the fall semester, will also forfeit the entire fee deposit.

If a student for whom part or all of the fee deposit has been forfeited or used to cover miscellaneous charges returns to the College at a later date, a full cash deposit must be made in order for that student to reenter the College. 


All College bills are due each semester in advance and must be paid by August 1 for the fall and January 2 for the spring. Students who wish to pay by installments may do so by choosing the monthly option. Any questions regarding billing or requests for an extension of the due date should be directed to the student accounts manager in the Business Office at (909) 621-8214.

The Pomona College Payment Plan

Students who wish to spread the cost of tuition, room and board and student-body fees over the academic year may do so by choosing the monthly payment option when submitting the “Pomona College Tuition Payment Agreement” form—found at http://pomona.edu/administration/business-office/student-accounts/files/payment-plan.pdf—to the student accounts manager on or before June 1. Under the monthly payment plan, there are four billing installments per semester, for a total of eight payments for the academic year. Payments are due on the first day of each billing month. Fall semester payments begin August 1, and end November 1. Spring semester payments begin January 2, and end April 1. Miscellaneous charges such as parking citations and health center fees are due and payable in the month billed. These charges are not spread over your remaining monthly payments.

There is a $50 per semester nonrefundable charge to participate in the monthly plan. The total standard cost for the 2015-16 academic year, including the Associated Students fee, and the payment plan fee, is $62,870.00. Thus, if a student has no financial aid, the amount due each installment period is $7,858.75. Students who wish to take advantage of the payment plan will be able to subtract from the total yearly cost figure the amount of any assured scholarship, loan or outside award.

If the agreed-upon payments are unpaid and no special arrangements have been made, the balance due becomes delinquent after the five business-day grace period. A $25 late fee is then assessed and the student may become ineligible to continue studies or to have access to the residence and dining halls. In the event of repeated failure to make payments on schedule, the privilege of monthly payments will be withdrawn.

Students with unpaid bills will have grades and transcripts withheld and will not be graduated or given honorable dismissal. Seniors must settle all College bills by April 15 in order to receive their diplomas with their class at commencement.

Paying Online Via ACH (E-Check)

Students will receive an email when their bill is ready to view. At that time the student can designate who else is authorized to view their bill and then that person(s) will also receive an email that their invoice is ready to view. Payment can be made via ACH at that time thru CASHNet. The direct link to CASHNet is:


If you have any questions regarding your bill, please contact the Student Accounts Manager in the Business Office at (909) 621-8214 or by email at student.accounts@pomona.edu.

Payments may also be mailed to:


FILE NO. 22389

LOS ANGELES, CA  90074-2390


Room and Board

Room and board payments cover room rent and the cost of meals during and just prior to the opening of classes. Students may change board plans until the 10th day of classes through the Office of Campus Life. The College will cover the room and board costs for new students if they are asked to arrive prior to that date, and for any returning students who are needed to assist with the opening activities.

The room contract does not include the use of rooms during summer or during winter vacations; the College reserves the right to assign other persons to rooms during these periods. Students who wish to stay on campus during these periods must request special arrangements with the Office of Campus Life. If such a request is approved, there will be a nominal charge for the privilege. The College dining halls are normally closed during these periods.