2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Chemistry Major

Requirements for the Major in Chemistry

Courses for the Chemistry Major must be taken for letter grade.

Chemistry: CHEM 001A PO , CHEM 001B PO  or CHEM 051 PO ; CHEM 110A PO , CHEM 110B PO ; two of CHEM 115 PO ,CHEM 147 PO , or CHEM 161 PO  or inorganic chemistry (either CHEM 128 KS  and CHEM 130L KS  or CHEM 104 HM  and CHEM 110 HM ); MATH 030 PO , MATH 031 PO ; MATH 032 PO  or MATH 067 PO ; PHYS 041 PO , PHYS 042 PO , or PHYS 070 PO , PHYS 071 PO , PHYS 072 PO ; CHEM 158A PO ; CHEM 158B PO ; CHEM 191 PO ; two elective course credits chosen from chemistry courses numbered above 100 (up to 1/2 credit of CHEM 199RAPO  or CHEM 199IRPO  can be used toward the two elective credits).

Chemical Engineering track: We offer a chemical engineering track in our major. The two electives students take are: MATH 060 PO  and ENGR 082 HM . Participation in the HM Engineering Clinic for two semesters takes the place of the 191 thesis. Both oral and written presentations of the student’s contribution to the clinic project are also required.

Chemistry courses from the other Claremont Colleges may be selected for chemistry electives. Students may substitute one appropriate biology, geology, mathematics or physics course for one of the two chemistry elective course credits. Students wishing to make elective substitutions should consult with their academic advisors or the chair of the department. Students must take CHEM 115 PO ,CHEM 147 PO , CHEM 161 PO  and inorganic chemistry to be ACS certified. Attendance at the departmental seminars and senior thesis presentations is expected of junior and senior majors.

The senior capstone exercise is the Senior Thesis (CHEM 191 PO ) with two options: a research thesis based on original research in collaboration with a faculty member or a thesis in grant proposal format based on literature research. Collaborative research fellowships are available to students at all levels in chemistry for a 10-week period in the summer. Research opportunities are also available during the academic year.

The Chemistry Department participates in the interdepartmental programs of Molecular Biology and the intercollegiate program of Environmental Analysis; in addition, it also participates in a Chemistry/Public Policy Analysis Major via the chemistry track in this major.

Pre-Professional Program in Chemistry. Students planning to pursue advanced studies in graduate school should, in consultation with their advisors, choose additional courses that will strengthen their preparation in the area of interest. This curriculum has been approved by the American Chemical Society Committee for Professional Training of Chemists. Students who wish to receive certification from the American Chemical Society should include CHEM 115 PO , CHEM 147 PO  and CHEM 161 PO  in their course of study.