2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jun 16, 2024  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2023-24 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

Click here  to view a Key to Course Listings and Discipline codes.



  • ECON169 PO - Advanced Econometrics

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): P. De Pace
    Credit: 1

    An overview of state-of-the-art econometric modeling methodologies. Estimation and inference techniques for cross-section, time-series and panel data. Empirical applications in the fields of macroeconomics, microeconomics and financial economics using modern statistical software. Prerequisites: ECON 107 PO  or ECON 167 PO  and MATH 060 PO , or permission of the instructor. Letter grade only.
  • ECON190 PO - Senior Seminar in Economics

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): T. Andrabi; G.Smith; M.Steinberger
    Credit: 1

    Analysis of selected problems in economics. Required for graduation. Full course credit. Prerequisites: ECON 101 PO , ECON 102 PO  and either ECON 107 PO  or ECON 167 PO  must be completed in advance of participating in the Senior Seminar.
  • ECON195 PO - Senior Activity in Economics

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0

    Comprised of two parts: (1) the Major Field Achievement Test in Economics; and (2) regular participation in the departmental colloquium. Required for graduation. No credit. (December graduates enroll fall semester.)
  • ECON199DRPO - Economics: Directed Readings

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • ECON199IRPO - Economics: Independent Research

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Independent Research or Creative Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • ECON199RAPO - Economics:Research Assistantship

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Research Assistantship. Lab notebook, research summary or other product appropriate to the discipline is required. Half-course credit only.


  • EDUC424 CG - Gender and Education

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Claremont Graduate University Catalog for a description of this course.


  • ENGR004 HM - Introduction to Engineering Design and Manufacturing

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR013 HM - Intro to Energy Systems Engineering

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR059 HM - Intro to Engineering Systems

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR080 HM - Experimental Engineering

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR082 HM - Chemical and Thermal Processes

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR083 HM - Continuum Mechanics

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR084 HM - Elec and Magnetic Circuits/Devices

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR085 HM - Digital Elec and Comp Engineering

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR101 HM - Advanced System Engineering

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR102 HM - Advanced System Engineering

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR106 HM - Materials Engineering

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR111 HM - Engineering Clinic I

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR201 HM - Economics of Technical Enterprise

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGR202 HM - Engineering Management

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.


  • ENGL009 AF - Community Poetry: Black Feminist rEVOLution

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL012 AF - Introduction to African-American Literature

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL012B AF - Introduction to African-American Literature

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL050 PO - Modern British and Irish Fiction

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    This course surveys some of the most significant trends, via some of the most important novels, in the 20th-century British tradition. Works studied include novels by Beckett, Conrad, Ford, Forster, Green, Ishiguro, Joyce, Kelman, Orwell, Rhys, Rushdie, Smith and Woolf. (H5, PR, DG)
  • ENGL054 PO - Asian/American Literature Since 2000

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): J.Jeon
    Credit: 1

    This course examines Asian/American literature published after 2000, three decades after the initial Asian American Movement. Students will read texts in multiple genres (fiction, poetry, graphic novels, drama) with an eye toward interrogating the emergent issues that come with the changing sociopolitical terrain of the new millennium. Letter grade only. (H5, PR, RC, DG)
  • ENGL055A PO - Topics in Contemporary Fiction: Impossible Novels

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.
    Instructor(s): J. Lethem
    Credit: 1.0

    The novel is an impossible pursuit, but some are more impossible than others. If, as in the poet Randall Jarrell’s definition, “a novel is a prose narrative of a certain length with something wrong with it” (as it happens, Jarrell wrote those words in an introduction to one of the texts in this class), then the novels on this list – which by their formal strategies or imaginative or verbal excesses defy or complicate the reader’s ability to merely savor vicarious experience – might be called “prose narratives of an unreasonable length with more than a few things wrong with them. Making uncommon demands, they raise the risk/reward quotient for their readers (and, obviously, their authors as well). The worst cases here – Hopscotch, Dhalgren, The Unconsoled – tip into the category of “novel as labyrinth/world/brain”, exchanging nearly all the usual consolations of fiction for the possibility of plunging the reader into an unforgettable experience, even as they beg to go unread or at least unfinished. Letter grade only. (H5, PR)
    This courses has been revised for spring 2016.  
  • ENGL055C PO - Topics In Contemporary Fiction: Westerns and Gold

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2013.
    Instructor(s): J. Lethem
    Credit: 1

    Readings of up to ten 20th-Century novels and three or four films depicting the reality and fantasies of the U.S. Western settlement and gold rush, with selected background readings in historical, critical and theoretical texts on subjects ranging from masculinity to capitalism and “the frontier”. Letter grade only. (H5, PR, DG)
  • ENGL056 PO - Contemporary Native American Literature

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    In the Native American context, English is the language of holocaust; to write in English necessitates “Reinventing the Enemy’s Language” for purposes of indigenous survival and self-representation. This course engages fiction, essays, poetry, film and critical theory while considering the implications of genocide, political invisibility and experiencing diaspora in one’s homeland. (TH, H5, PR, RC, DG)
  • ENGL058 PO - Native American Women Writers

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): V.Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This course focuses on issues of memory and identity in writing by indigenous women writers in the Americas. Readings will focus on memoir, poetry, fiction, essays and criticism, including works by Leslie Silko, Paula Gunn Allen, Joy Harjo, Louise Erdrich, Wendy Rose, Gloria Bird and others. Letter grade only. (TH, H5, RC, GS)
  • ENGL064A PO - Creative Writing: Fiction

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): J. Lethem
    Credit: 1

    Practice in a literary form, with some attention to technical theory and to the creative process. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; student must submit a writing sample to receive permission. (E)
  • ENGL064B PO - Creative Writing: Poetry

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): C. Rankine
    Credit: 1

    Practice in a literary form, with some attention to technical theory and to the creative process. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; student must submit a writing sample to receive permission. (E)
  • ENGL064E PO - Literary Translation

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): A. Kunion
    Credit: 1

    Workshop in the practice and critique of literary translation. We will start with a few exercises in style and discuss several theories of translation. Each student will write English versions of two foreign texts, a shorter one and a longer one, chosen by the student. To register for this course, students must have reading knowledge of a foreign language (any foreign language). Letter grade only.
  • ENGL066 PO - Early Modern Poetry and Poetics

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): C. Rosenfeld
    Credit: 1

    This course examines the poetry and poetic practices of the English Renaissance, emphasizing the politics of form and questions of labor, education, gender and theology. Readings include classical and humanist poetic theory (Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Erasmus, etc.) and a wide range of poets, including Wyatt, Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare and Jonson. Letter grade only. (H2, PO)
  • ENGL067 PO - Literary Interpretation

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Training in certain historical, theoretical and methodological dimensions of literary study in relation to a topic chosen by the professor. Special attention to close textual analysis and to writing effectively about literature. (67)
  • ENGL068 PO - Literatures of the American West: From Twain to Didion

    When Offered: Spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): D. Berton Emerson
    Credit: 1

    This course surveys the literature of the American West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through the lens of two conflicting discourses: “the myth of the frontier” and “a legacy of conquest.” Touching down at key moments in the development of the imagined and actual West, we investigate a variety of supplementary discourses fueling nineteenth-century westward expansion and settlement (e.g. empire for liberty, manifest destiny, gold rush) and their perpetuation and evolution in the twentieth century (e.g. closing of the frontier, Hollywood, Route 66). Texts range from the travel narratives of Lewis and Clark and Mark Twain to the social protests of John Rollin Ridge and Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton to the modernist experiments of Nathanael West, Joan Didion, and Don DeLillo. Through this broad survey of western American literature, students encounter a variety of voices competing over the symbolic and the manifest representation of a highly coveted territorial space. Letter grade only.
  • ENGL074 PO - British Novel, Behn to Austen

    When Offered: Fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): A. Kunin
    Credit: 1

    The British novel from its beginnings in the prose narratives of the late 17th century to its form in the early 19th century. Readings from Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Goldsmith, Sterne, Burney, Cleland, Radcliffe, Austen and others. (H3, PR, GS)
  • ENGL075 PO - British Novel II

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): S. Raff
    Credit: 1

    Survey of the Victorian novel, with particular attention to class, gender and genre. Primary texts by such authors as Gaskell, Thackeray, Dickens, Trollope, the Brontes, Eliot, Collins, Braddon, Hardy, James, Stoker, Stevenson, Gissing and Conrad. (H4, PR, RC)
  • ENGL077 PO - How Shakespeare Works

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): A.Kunin; C.Rosenfeld
    Credit: 1

    We know that Shakespeare’s plays work. They function successfully as poetic and dramatic engines. We know something about how Shakespeare got there. This course, which is intended as an introduction to literary studies, is a project in reverse engineering. Given that Shakespeare’s path to becoming Shakespeare is closed to us, this course asks: what are the other ways of getting there? Possible components include: words, voices, platforms and publics. Requirements include active participation and written work. Letter grade only. (H2, SA, PO)
  • ENGL078 PO - Medieval Drugs

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): J. Kirk
    Credit: 1

    The basis of prehistoric religion (and-it has been suggested-the origin of human consciousness itself) is the encounter with other worlds that can be brought on by certain hallucinogenic plants. In this seminar we will examine how archaic “techniques of ecstasy” survived, more or less underground, into the European Middle Ages, as well as inquire more generally into the nature and status of inebriation, poisoning, and visionary trance states. To be considered: love potions in medieval romances; the relations between mystical experiences and plant-derived ecstasies; the use of hallucinogens (mandrake, belladonna, etc.) by “witches”; the history of medicine and alchemy; dream visions and astral travel; the pursuit of stupor. Authors may include: Chretien de Troyes, Hildegard of Bingen, Geoffrey Chaucer, Julian of Norwich, Marie de France, Joan of Arc, Roger Bacon.
  • ENGL086 PO - Poetry Movements since the 1950s

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): C. Rankine
    Credit: 1

    This course will be a survey of the major poetic movements in the last half-century. Poets will include Ashbery, O’Hara, Ginsberg, Wright, Rich, Lorde, Creeley, Duncan and others. Letter grade only. (H5, PO)
  • ENGL087F PO - Writing: Theories/Processes/Pedagogies

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Theoretical grounding in the writing process, as well as in teaching and tutoring. Students will undertake a major research project, investigating some aspect of the writing process, writing in a particular discipline or tutoring writing. Full course. (E)
  • ENGL087H PO - Writing: Theories/Processes/Pedagogies

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Writing: Theories, Processes, Pedagogies. Theoretical grounding in the writing process, as well as in teaching and tutoring. Students will undertake a major research project, investigating some aspect of the writing process, writing in a particular discipline or tutoring writing. Half-credit. For Writing Fellows only. (E)
    This course has been revised for 2016-17.  
  • ENGL088 PO - Poets in the 21st Century

    When Offered: Fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): C. Rankine
    Credit: 1

    Explores the work of a number of contemporary poets by reading their work and engaging with criticism written by and about them. (H5, PO)
  • ENGL089S PO - American Literature and the 19th-Century Democratic Imaginary

    When Offered: One-time only; fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): B. Emerson
    Credit: 1

    In this seminar, we engage and evaluate the ways authors grappled with the values, oversights and paradoxes of ideals articulated in the Declaration of Independence and their descent from the Jacksonian era through Reconstruction (1830s to 1880s). People of these decades experienced a rapidly shifting socio-political world thanks to numerous material, ideological and historical developments: the transportation and communications revolutions; population growth and territorial expansion; the entrenchment of the market economy and the birth of the mass culture industry; international wars and sectional crisis; the abolition of slavery and the experimental failure of Reconstruction. Through it all, writers produced literary works that reflected, refracted and transformed the ways people and communities understood democracy–both good and bad–in an American context. Working through a variety of texts, we seek a better understanding of the 19th-century US democratic imaginary, the evolution of democratic forms and norms and the paradigms that have descended to our contemporary moment. Blending the texts of canonical authors like Melville and James with those from popular writers like Fern and Alcott, we seek to diversify our understanding of 19th century authors and reading communities as well as the various political discourses they encountered. To provide context, we also look at historical documents from the Revolutionary period as well as the mid-19th century-the observations of foreign visitors, political speeches, campaign biographies, Supreme Court decisions, legislative gag rules and compromises-to work through events and ideas making up this era’s democratic imaginary. Students demonstrate their learning through a variety of assignments, including bi-weekly think-pieces, contextual presentations, annotated bibliographies and final research papers.
  • ENGL093 PO - Rock and Roll Writing

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2017.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    Combining study and practice, we’ll read some of rock’s most popular and vital writers (Bangs, Marcus, Powers, Willis, Klosterman) and produce writing in a number of common genres of rock writing. Five graded assignments of varying lengths. Writing workshop format. Letter grade only. (E)
  • ENGL102B SC - Survey 1865-Present: American Literature

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL103 PO - Literature of the Enlightenment

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): S. Raff
    Credit: 1

    Reason and unreason, ethics and aesthetics, high minds and low bodies in poetry, drama and prose by such writers as Dryden, Locke, Rochester, Congreve, Pope, Swift, Fielding, Johnson, Boswell, Reynolds, Burke and Sheridan, with some attention to French authors such as Voltaire. (TH, H3, PR, DG)
  • ENGL104 PO - English Literature of the Romantics: Revolution, Passion, Ecology

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): A.Reed
    Credit: 1

    The major poets-Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats-with some attention to both fictional and nonfictional prose. (H3, H4, PO)
  • ENGL106 PO - 19th-Century U.S. Women Writers

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): K. Tompkins
    Credit: 1

    Novels, anti- and pro-slavery tracts, domestic manuals and other forms of women’s writing during the 19th century. Special attention to critical and historical sources examining the role of women in the public spheres and spaces of 19th-century United States. Knowledge of literary, cultural or critical gender theory required. (H3, H4, RC, GS)
  • ENGL107 PO - William Blake

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Studies in Blake’s visionary poetry and painting, with special focus on “illuminated books” as both verbal and visual art. (H4, PO, SA)
  • ENGL109 PO - Introduction to Performance Studies

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): K.Tompkins
    Credit: 1

    In this class we study performance as an object and as an interpretive lens through which to study the practice of everyday life, as well as exceptional creative texts such as performance art, plays, protest and political speech. We will work through the interdisciplinary history of the field, including its emergence from the fields of theatre studies, anthropology, sociology, dance, gender studies, critical race and ethnic studies and queer studies. (TH, H5, GS, RC, DG)
  • ENGL110 PO - Inauthenticity: Appropriation, Sampling, Plagiarism, Fakery

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): K.Dettmar; J.Lethem
    Credit: 1

    If “authenticity” is a key term for high and popular art created under the sign of Romanticism, various kinds of “inauthenticities” characterize much of the most interesting and innovative art of the 20th and 21st centuries. This course will explore a series of case studies in appropriative art, from the realms of literature, music, film, television and the visual arts, including Modernists like Eliot, Postmodernists like Kathy Acker and vernacular artists such as Bob Dylan, Jack Kirby and Public Enemy. (TH, H5)
  • ENGL112 PO - Early Modern Romance

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): C. Rosenfeld
    Credit: 1

    Spanning prose, poetry and drama of the early modern period, the genre of “romance” describes perplexing, digressive narratives that revolve around cross-dressing, incest, the return of the dead and the dissolution of the family. We will read from Philip Sidney’s Arcadia, Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Mary Wroth’s Urania and Shakespeare’s Pericles, Cymbeline and Winter’s Tale. Letter grade only. (H2, PO, PR, GS)
  • ENGL117 PO - Poststructuralism

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Readings in Derrida, Lacan, Foucault, Kristeva, Irigaray, Deleuze, Barthes, Lyotard, de Man, et al. Some familiarity with continental philosophy or critical theory recommended. (TH)
  • ENGL118 PO - The Nature of Narrative of Fictions and Films

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): A. Reed
    Credit: 1

    Investigates narrative as a fundamental mode of understanding and organizing human experience. Practice of storytelling in writers like Calvino, Diderot, Kundera, Borges, Proust, Kafka, Dante, Sterne, Woolf and Sartre; and in filmmakers like Lynch, Hitchcock, Roeg, Malick and Allen. Theories of narrative from Aristotle through Freud to Barthes. (TH, H4, H5, PR)
  • ENGL122 AF - Healing Narratives

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This course examines how African Diaspora writers, filmmakers and critical theorists respond to individual and collective trauma, and how their works address questions of healing mind, body and spirit. We will take particular interest in Black feminist theory, the body as a construct of racial ideology and the business of remedy. Prerequisites: An English, Africana Studies, Black Studies or Asian American Studies course. (TH, H5, PR, RC, GS, DG)
  • ENGL123 PO - The Holocaust in Literature and Film

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Close study of novels, poetry and film on the shoah. Secondary readings in historical and philosophical texts. (H5, DG)
  • ENGL124 AF - AfroFuturisms

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    AfroFuturism articulates futuristic and Afro Punk cultural resistance and radical subversions of racism, sexism, liberal humanism and (neo)colonialism. Such texts also recall that Africans were not only subjected to and forced to maintain the technologies of enslavement but were regarded as technology. AF engages music, visual arts, cyberculture, science and philosophy. (TH, H5, PR, RC, GS, DG)
  • ENGL125C AF - Introduction to African-American Literature: Middle Passage to Civil War

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This interdisciplinary course presents an overview of African American literary tradition from African retentions, slave narratives and oral tradition, through memoir, autobiography, anti-lynching and revolutionary protest tracts, essays, poetry, criticism and the beginnings of the Black novel in English. (TH, H3, H4, PR, RC, DG)
  • ENGL125D AF - Literature and Film of African Diaspora

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This course investigates the major critical issues and expressive methods of African Diaspora film. We will address aesthetics and representations of race, class, gender and resonances between written and visual texts in which artists theorize the African Diaspora.
  • ENGL125DLAF - Lit/Film of African Diaspora Lab

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 0

  • ENGL130 AF - Topics 20th Century African Diaspora Literature

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    Rotating topics.
  • ENGL132 PO - Contemporary Speculative Fiction

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): J. Jeon
    Credit: 1

    Contemporary Speculative Fiction. This course examines the genre of speculative fiction with a particular emphasis on alternative histories and stories of imagined futures. Although this genre has generally been associated with Science Fiction, recent writers have appropriated these modes for what is sometimes regarded as “serious” literature, thereby undermining distinctions between low-brow and high-brow cultural production. Letter grade only. (TH, H5, PR)
  • ENGL135 PO - The “American” Century

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): J. Jeon
    Credit: 1

    The “American” Century. This course examines twentieth-=century representations of America by both American and non-American writers, thinkers, and artists in literature, criticism, and other visual modes. A heuristic device, all texts in this class have the world “American” in their titles. The course will investigate the changing meaning of the word as the United States emerges globally as an economic, cultural, and military power. Letter grade only. (H5, PR)
  • ENGL138 PO - Henry James on Art and Society

    When Offered: Offered occasionally; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): A. Kunin
    Credit: 1

    Henry James on Art and Society. How does art make life? How do you use a novel to love the world? We will try to answer these questions by studying James’s novels and tales. We will also consider some writings by Eliot, Adams, Wilde, Wharton, and William James. Letter grade only. (H4, PR, SA)
  • ENGL140 PO - Literature of Incarceration

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This course investigates the world’s largest Prison Industrial Complex as narrated from the inside out. We focus on memoirs, novels, essays and poetry by and about inmates and critical writings on the prison system. Some argue that it’s a system of “corrections” and paying a debt to society; others view it as the New Slavery. (TH, H5, PR, RC, GS, DG)
  • ENGL147 PO - Contemporary Critical Theory

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Introduction to the tasks and problems of contemporary literary theory. Readings drawn primarily from structuralism and poststructuralism. (TH)
  • ENGL148 PO - Literary Theory, Ancient and Modern

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Study of major problems and writers in the history of literary criticism and theory. Works by Plato, Aristotle, Longinus, Burke, Kant, Arnold, Eliot, and others. Critical attention to the institution of English as a field of study and academic department. (TH)
  • ENGL152 PO - Medieval Roots of Modern Theory

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): J.Kirk
    Credit: 1

    Recent scholarship has demonstrated a surprising fact: that much of the most forward-thinking critical theory of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries looks back for its inspiration to the philosophy and literary culture of the Middle Ages. This seminar consists of an inquiry into this phenomenon. We will read crucial works of critical and literary theory alongside their medieval sources: nominalist philosophy, scholastic hermeneutics, mystical theology, speculative grammar, the heresy of the free spirit. No background in either the modern or the medieval texts is presumed; the class will double as a crash course in both. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO .
  • ENGL153 PO - Medieval Nonsense

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): J.Kirk
    Credit: 1

    Long before Jabberwocky and Finnegans Wake, Dante included the incomprehensible line “raphèl maí amèche zabí almi” in the Inferno. At the same time, medieval scholastics were discussing the properties of such made-up words as bufbaf and blictrix. This seminar is an inquiry into the intertwining histories of the theory and practice of nonsense from antiquity to the Middle Ages, with some detours into the modern era. To be considered: ancient philosophy of language, abracadabra-style magical incantations, gossip and blather, birdsong and other animal utterances, speaking in tongues, nonsense verse, pure language. Readings may include Aristotle, Aristophanes, Boethius, Anselm, William IX, Dante, Chaucer, the Cloud of Unknowing, Carroll, Beckett, Deleuze, Agamben, Dolar. (TH, H1, PO)
  • ENGL154 PO - Shakespeare: The Comedies and Histories

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): C. Rosenfeld
    Credit: 1

    An examination of Shakespeare’s earlier plays. Emphasis on the formal, religious and political significance of love, sex and marriage in the comedies. Consideration of various uses and modes of history writing, as well as intersections between religion and politics (political theology) in the histories. (H2, PO, SA)
  • ENGL155 PO - Shakespeare: The Tragedies and Romances

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): C. Rosenfeld
    Credit: 1

    An examination of Shakespeare’s later plays, with emphasis on traditional and newly emerging ideas about political, religious and gender relationships, including the analogy between family and state and alternative notions of contract and consent. The course considers how the literary genres of tragedy and romance can perform political critique and imagine political reform. (H2, PO, SA)
  • ENGL156 PO - Milton and Visual Culture

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): A. Kunin
    Credit: 1

    Milton’s poetry and prose in the context of visual culture: primacy and shame of the visible; blindness; iconoclasm; and “dissociation of sensibility.” Some attention to theories of image-making in other early modern poetry, painting, fashion and design. Letter grade only. (H2, PO, SA)
  • ENGL158 PO - Jane Austen

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): S. Raff
    Credit: 1

    Austen’s novels and related texts, with attention to Austen’s place in literary tradition. (H4, PR, SA, GS)
  • ENGL161 PO - James Joyce

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    Examinations of Joyce’s works: Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Exiles and Ulysses. Close reading of the texts and consideration of aspects of Joyce’s personal background, relation to previous literary history and great influence upon contemporary literature. (H5, PR, SA)
  • ENGL162 PO - Race and Ethnicity in Nineteenth Century American Literature

    When Offered: Spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): D. Berton Emerson
    Credit: 1

    This course brings canonical works together with U.S. minority literatures to examine the representations of race and ethnicity in 19th-century American national culture. Readings take a comparative approach that considers multiple races and ethnicitieis; for instance, Herman Melville’s “Benito Cereno” and its representation of an African American slave insurrection will be studied in conjunction with John Rollin Ridge’s contemporaneous “The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta,” a novel depicting a Mexican hero-turned-bandit in Gold Rush California. All readings will be contextualized with and illuminated by a variety of historical discourses and more recent critical theory. Final assignment include a research project on outside material.
  • ENGL162 SC - Race and Ethnicity in 19th-Century American Literature

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL170 PO - Advanced Studies Seminar English

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Advanced Studies Seminar. Advanced analysis and writing of an extended research paper. Prerequisite: ENGL 067 PO  and, for English majors, approval of the major path proposal. English majors taking a second 170-series seminar for completion of the senior exercise must also enroll in ENGL 190 PO , Senior Exercise/Seminar Option.
  • ENGL170B PO - Dickens and the Role of the Author

    When Offered: Fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): S.Raff
    Credit: 1

    Close study of David Copperfield, Bleak House and Our Mutual Friend, with attention to their adumbrations of author/reader relations and their rich reception in literary criticism and theory, Topics include law and literature, theories of realism, and Charles Dickens’s visibility among his contemporaries as performer, stage-manager and creator of popular culture. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . Letter grade only. (H4, PR, SA, RC, 170)
  • ENGL170D PO - Herman Melville’s Moby Dick

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2013.
    Instructor(s): K.Tompkins
    Credit: 1

    This research-intensive senior seminar will read Herman Melville’s masterpiece Moby Dick across the space of one semester, alongside critical theory, primary materials related to the history of whaling, exploration and America literature and history. We will also reason some of Melville’s shorter fiction. Students will produce a 30-35 page paper as well as organize a small day-long conference on the novel at which each student will present a short paper. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . (H4, SA, 170)
  • ENGL170I PO - Tragedy and Philosophy

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): P. Mann
    Credit: 1

    Advanced analysis and research. Prerequisite: ENGL 067 PO . (TH, 170)
  • ENGL170J PO - Special Topics in American Literature

    When Offered: Fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Thomas
    Credit: 1

    This senior seminar explores the complexities of Toni Morrison’s fiction and criticism in the contexts of Black feminist theory, African Diaspora literacies and American literary and social history. Prerequisite: ENGL 067 PO . (TH, H5, PR, RC, GS, DG, 170)
  • ENGL170K PO - The Canterbury Tales

    When Offered: Fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): J.Kirk
    Credit: 1

    Intensive study of Geoffrey Chaucer’s fourteenth-century Canterbury Tales. Advanced analysis of the poem, research into its modern interpretations, introduction to Middle English. Chaucer’s poem will also serve us as a master text as we inquire more generally into the intellectual culture of the Middle Ages. With special emphasis on the dirty jokes. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . Letter grade only. (TH, H1, PO, SA, 170)
  • ENGL170M PO - Irony in the Public Sphere

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    Since the 1830s, two parallel developments in irony have combined to create the kinds of large-scale public misreading of irony seen in countless contemporary examples. We’ll survey the state of irony theory, as well as the current and past states of ironic practice, striving to complicate the traditional understanding of irony. Prerequisite: ENGL 067 PO . (TH, H4, H5, 170)
  • ENGL170Q PO - Wordsworth and Proust

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2014.
    Instructor(s): A. Reed
    Credit: 1

    Advanced analysis and research. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . (TH, H4, H5, PO, PR, GS, 170)
  • ENGL170R PO - Literary Worlding

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2014.
    Instructor(s): J. Jeon
    Credit: 1

    This course examines contemporary literary representations of the world in planetary terms, which we will read alongside prevalent theoretical models designed to make sense of the increasingly complex global circuits of exchange, shifting affiliations and emergent conflicts that characterize our world today. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . (TH, H5, POR, RC, DG, 170)
  • ENGL170U PO - The Faerie Queene

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): K.Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    This senior seminar will be devoted to writing and thinking about Edmund Spenser’s poem, The Faerie Queene (1596). Possible areas of interest include: allegory, poetic form, rhetoric, early modern theories of language, gender and sexuality, torture and justice, and the history of reading. Seminar Participants will read deeply and broadly in post-war criticism of the poem as well as the history of poetics; requirements include a series of writing exercises culminating in one 25-page seminar paper. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO . (H2, PO, SA, GS, 170)

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