Mar 12, 2025
CHST189A PO - Abya Yala in the DiasporaWhen Offered: Spring 2022 Instructor(s): D. Barillas Chon Credit: 1
The treatment of Indigenous peoples from Abya Yala in the diaspora, specifically in the U.S., requires examinations of how their lived experiences are affected by the complex social dynamics of colonialisms, indigeneity, race, language, and migration. This course will investigate the following: how indigeneity is constructed in Latin American by different publics; relationships between coloniality, global mobility, and Indigenous displacements; the invisibilization of Indigenous people in their migration; and Indigenous resurgence and survivance. By the end of this course, we will have developed analytics to understand how indigeneity is constructed across multiple contexts with overlapping histories of colonialism and racialized systems. Letter grade only.
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