2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jun 26, 2024  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2023-24 catalog.

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LGCS189A PO - Animal Communication

When Offered: One-time only; fall 2015.
Instructor(s): B. Samuels
Credit: 1

How do animals communicate with other members of their species? Why don’t dogs, or even chimpanzees, learn to talk? Investigating these questions will take us on a tour of the myriad complex and amazing communication systems and cognitive abilities found in the animal kingdom, from the bee waggle dance to humpback whale song. It will also shed light on what makes human language unique and how it may have evolved. Prerequisites: LGCS 010 PO .

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