2011-2012 Student Handbook 
    Jan 30, 2025  
2011-2012 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Committees, Organizations & Events


Pomona College Board of Trustees

How Does the Board Operate?

Much of the work of the Board of Trustees is carried out through its committees. Committees review matters in their jurisdiction and make recommendations about those matters to the full board.

What are the General Functions of the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for the leadership, guidance and direction of the College. Perhaps the major role of the Board of Trustees is to hire the President of the College. Once a president is hired, the Board vests in her or him the responsibility to manage and operate the College. The Board also sets the central policies and procedures of the College. Once policies are established, however, the implementation of the policies and the administration of the College are placed in the hands of the President. The President delegates to the faculty and to the deans particular functions that the faculty and deans carry out under the President’s direction and in conformity with the policies and procedures established by the Board. In addition, the Board has a number of important functions that it carries out during its four annual meetings, which typically occur in October, December, February and May. Committees of the Board also schedule meetings during these one or two-day meeting periods. The Board has authority:

  1. To appoint and dismiss the President of the College, any member of the faculty, and any or all other officers of the Corporation and of the College, and to define their compensation and terms of office and/or employment, all in accordance with and subject to the further provisions of these Bylaws.
  2. To approve the annual budget of the College; authorize and direct all expenditures involved in the operation of the College; authorize any debt financing and approve the securitization of loans; authorize the purchase, sale and management of land, buildings and major equipment; authorize the construction of new buildings and major renovations of existing buildings; and establish policies affecting all institutional assets, including investments and the physical plant.
  3. To determine the general curriculum to be pursued in the College, and to establish the necessary rules and regulations for the government and direction of the officers, faculty, employees and students of the College.
  4. To approve College policies on faculty appointment, promotion, tenure and dismissal, as well as personnel policies for all categories of employees.
  5. To approve all earned and honorary degrees as the faculty shall recommend.

How Many Trustees Does Pomona Have?

There are a maximum of 42 Trustees, one of whom is the President of the College and of whom at least 10 must be alumni. At present 36 Trustees are Pomona alumni.

For the 2011-2012 academic year Pomona has 40 Trustees. The individuals whose names are followed by their class year are alumni.

The president of the Pomona College Alumni Association and the National Chair for Annual Giving are ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. They have the same rights as other Trustees to attend and to speak at meetings, but they do not have voting rights.

Who are the Trustees?

Paul S. Efron ’76, P’11, Chair

Libby G. Armintrout ‘86

Andrew F. Barth

W. Benton Boone ‘62

Alison Rempel Brown ’80, P ’11 ‘13

Louise Henry Bryson

Jeanne M. Buckley ’65, P ’92

Josephine R. Bump ‘76

Bernard Chan ‘88

Christopher P. Dialynas ’76, P ‘10

A. Redmond Doms ‘62

Jennifer A. Doudna ‘85

Paul Eckstein ’62, P ‘92

Joel Feuer ‘76

Mark H. Fukunaga ‘78

Alexander Gonzalez ‘72

Scott Green ‘88

Terrance G. Hodel ’64, P ‘99

Jean Kaplan ‘83

William G. Keller ‘70

Margaret Lodise ‘85

Stephen B. Loeb ’79, P ’09 ‘13

D. Scott Olivet ‘84

David W. Oxtoby

Marylyn P. Pauley ’64, P ‘87

John A. Payton ‘73

Jason Rosenthal ‘92

Francine Scinto P ’09 and ‘11

R. Carlton Seaver

Michael S. Segal ‘79

Stewart R. Smith ’68, P ’00 and ‘09

Gordon Steel ‘67

Derek A. Westen ‘67

Bryan White ‘84

Jennifer Wilcox ‘08

Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran ‘69

Craig Wrench ’83, P ‘13

Mark B. Wyland ‘68

M. Lynn Yonekura ‘70

Reza Zafari ‘82

There is also a young alumnus or alumna Trustee who at the time of his or her election has graduated no more than seven years prior. The young alum is elected for a four-year term and may not be re-elected in this capacity. From 2011 through 2015, the person serving in this position is Jennifer Wilcox ’08.

Trustees are employed in a wide variety of occupations. Among their ranks are college presidents, a distinguished journalist, investment bankers, academics, lawyers, doctors and business people. All have shown exceptional devotion to the College. Trustees are elected for terms of four years, although many are re-elected and remain on the Board for many years.

Trustee Committees

20010-2011 Faculty Representatives on Board of Trustees Committees

Academic Affairs : Kim Bruce

Facilities and Environment: George Gorse

Advancement: Susan McWilliams

Honorary Degrees: Kim Bruce, Eric Lindholm (fall), Larissa Rudova (spring)

Student Affairs: Mary Paster (fall), Michael O’Malley (spring)

Academic Affairs Committee

The Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees oversees the general instructional program of the College. It oversees admission and financial aid policies, makes recommendations to the full Board on the appointment and promotion of members of the faculty based on the nomination of the President, and keeps itself informed about the educational work and academic organization of the College. The student representative to the Academic Affairs Committee is the ASPC Academic Affairs Commissioner. A faculty representative is also appointed to the Academic Affairs Committee.


The Advancement Committee is charged with providing for the financial needs of the College. It recommends to the Board ways and means of increasing the revenue of the College and of adding to its permanent endowment and plant funds. The Committee keeps itself and the Board informed regarding the policies and programs that affect the public relations and alumni affairs activities of the College. The student representative to the Advancement Committee is the ASPC Vice President. A faculty member also sits on the Committee.

Facilities and Environment Committee

The Facilities and Environment Committee considers all proposals for the development of the campus, supervises the preparation of plans for any proposed building or permanent improvement, exercises general physical and financial supervision over the construction and major renovation of buildings and improvements and inspects the College premises. The student representative to the Facilities and Environment Committee is the ASPC Environmental Affairs Commissioner. A faculty member also sits on the Committee.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee has the authority to sell or dispose of all real estate or other property held by the College in trust or for specific use, aside from the property maintained as campus buildings or equipment. The Committee considers proposals of the President of the College concerning the annual budget. The Committee makes periodic reviews of the financial position of the College. There is no student representative on the Finance Committee.

Student Affairs Committee

The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) serves as a vehicle for communication by students to the Board of Trustees on issues for which Board involvement is appropriate. It provides the Board of Trustees with a means for reviewing the quality of student life on campus. The student representative to the Committee on Student Affairs is the ASPC President. A faculty member also sits on the Student Affairs Committee. The Student Affairs Committee also sponsors an annual student-trustee retreat on campus each fall.

Other standing committees that are of more specialized interest also exist. They include the Audit Committee, Executive Committee, Honorary Degrees Committee, Investments Committee, Trusteeship Committee, and Wig Fund for Teaching Committee.

Faculty Committee Members

Academic Procedures Committee: 

Heather Williams (chair), Suzanne Chavez-Silverman (fall), Eric Hurley, Nivia Montenegro (spring)

Academic Discipline Board:

Heather Williams (chair), Suzanne Chavez-Silverman (fall), Eric Hurley, Nivia Montenegro (spring), Oona Eisenstadt (2013), Eric Grosfils (2012), Bryan Penprase (2013), Ami Radunskaya (2013), Sarah Raff (2012)

Academic Standards Committee:

Heather Williams (chair), Suzanne Chavez-Silverman (fall), Eric Hurley, Nivia Montenegro (spring)

Admissions/Financial Aid Committee:

Arden Reed (chair), Lisa Auerbach, Gwendolyn Lytle, Frank Pericolosi, Linda Reinen

Alumni Association Board

Tomas Summers-Sandoval

Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Advisory Committee:

Eileen Cheng (chair), Alfred Cramer, Sharon Hou

Athletic Committee:

Samuel Yamashita (chair and NCAA rep.), Lorn Foster

Budget Advisory Committee:

Richard Hazlett (2013), Jim Likens (2012), Darryl Smith (2013), Andre Cavalcanti (EC representative)

Cabinet Agenda Committee:

Donna Di Grazia (2014), Thomas Flahtery (2012), Jill Grigsby (2013), Daniel O’Leary (2012), Adolfo Rumbos (2012)

Charitable Giving Campaign Representative:

Shahriar Shahriari

Communications Committee:

Jonathan Hall (ex-officio)

Curriculum Committee:

Everett Bull, Erica Flapan, April Mayes, Gilda Ochoa (fall), Lynn Rapaport (spring), Colleen Rosenfeld, Erin Runions

Draper Advisory Board:

Char Miller (2012), Gilda Ochoa (2012), Ami Radunskaya (2012), Tomas Summers-Sandoval (coord.), Rick Worthington (2012)

Emeriti Committee:

Jeannette Hypes (chair), Anne Bages, Robert Herman, Karl Kohn, Lee McDonald, Jack Quinlan, Richard Sheirich

Environmental Safety:

Richard Mawhorter (chair), EJ Crane, Kirk Reynolds

Executive Committee:

Kim Bruce (D2 chair),  Andre Cavalcanti (2013), Eric Lindholm (fall chair, D1 chair, 2013), Susan McWilliams (2013), Michael O’Malley (2012), Mary Paster (to replace O’Malley fall 2011 only), Larissa Rudova (to replace Lindholm spring 2012 only), Michael Steinberger (D3 chair)

Faculty Grievance Committee:

Eric Grosfils (chair, 2012),  Oona Eisenstadt (2013), Bryan Penprase (2013), Ami Radunskaya (2013), Sarah Raff (2012)

Faculty Personnel Committee:

Eleanor Brown (2012), Clarissa Cheney (2013), Mary Coffey (2013), Elizabeth Crighton (2013), Sharon Goto (2012 spring), Fred Grieman (2012), Zayn Kassam (2013), William Swartz (2012), James Taylor (2012), Nicole Weekes (fall 2011 only)

Faculty Position Advisory Committee:

Ray Buriel (fall 2011), Roger Caron (2012), Vin De Silva (2013), Michael Kuehlwein (2012), Alfred Kwok (2012 spring), Lynne Miyake (2013), Mercedes Teixido (2012)

Harassment and Discrimination Grievance Committee:

Joann Ferguson (chair 2012), Betty Bernhard (2013), Ann Davis (2013), Gene Fowler (2013), Sid Lemelle (2013), William Peterson (2013)

Health Sciences Committee:

Richard Lewis (chair), David Becker (spring), Anne Dwyer, Peter Flueckiger, Roberto Garza-Lopez, Kirk Jones, Matthew Sazinsky (spring), Margaret Waller

Institutional Review Board: Human Research Protection Committee:

Colin Beck, Jessica Borelli (chair, spring), Deborah Burke (chair, fall), David Divita


Julie Tannenbaum (chair, 2012), Pierangelo De Pace (2012), Jonathan Hall (2013)

PAYS Advisory Board:

Ghassan Sarkis, Art Horowitz (2012)

President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity:

Jennifer Scanlon (chair 2012), Adolfo Rumbos (2012), Helena Wall (2013)

President’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability:

Charles Taylor (chair), Christopher Chinn, Dwight Whitaker

Public Events Committee:

Jonathan Matsui (chair), Jack Abecassis, Mark Allen (fall), Graydon Beeks (ex-officio, fall), Laurie Cameron (spring)

Research Committee:

Tahir Andrabi (chair), Philip Choi, Aaron Kunin

Social Responsibility Committee:

Mary Paster (convener), Laura Hoopes (spring), Jade Star Lackey (spring), Christopher Rockwell (spring)

Student Affairs Committee:

Rita Bashaw, Fernando Lozano (spring), Michael O’Malley (spring), Mercedes Teixido

Study Abroad Committee:

Konstantine Klioutchkine (chair), Rita Bashaw, Michael Dierks, Karl Johnson, Miguel Tinker Salas

Teaching and Learning Committee :

Jose Cartagena-Calderon (2012), Kathleen Connell (2012), Gabriel Chandler (2013), Rachel Levin (2013), Anthony Shay (chair, 2012), Ken Wolf (2013)

Women’s Commission:

Deborah Burke (chair, fall), Phyllis Jackson, Nina Karnovsky, Pardis Mahdavi, Jennifer Perry (fall), Sara Sood (spring)



Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC)

The Associated Students of Pomona College coordinate student activities and allocate funds collected by the assessment of Associated Students fees. Through the Senate, ASPC represents students to administrators and faculty by serving on committees and making recommendations on major issues or policies. Additionally ASPC serves as a forum for students to voice concerns and facilitates student participation in the surrounding community. Weekly Senate meetings are open to all members of the student body to address issues of concern.


The Senate consists of fifteen students including the President; Vice President for Finance, Vice President for Campus Activities, Commissioners for Academic Affairs, Communications, Environmental Affairs, Community Relations, Off-Campus Relations, and Clubs and Sports, four class representatives; and a North and South Campus representative. The President, two Vice Presidents, Junior and Senior Class Presidents, and Commissioners are elected in the spring for the following year and the others are elected in the fall. All serve a one-year term.

ASPC Officers

President: Sarah Appelbaum
Vice President for Finance: Faye Wang
Vice President for Campus Activities: Joseph Reynolds
Commissioner of Academic Affairs: Quinn Lester
Commissioner of Communication: Jesse Pollak
Commissioner of Environmental Affairs: Lena Connor
Commissioner of Club and Sports: Emma Wolfarth
Commissioner of Community Relations: Darrell Jones III
Commissioner of Off-Campus Relations: Ryan Dodson
Senior Class President: Emily Ujifusa
Junior Class President: Tommy Conkling
At-Large Representative / Student Affairs Committee of the Trustees: Emi Young
At-Large Representative / Academic Affairs Committee of the Trustees: Diane Northern
At-Large Representative / Finance Committee of the Trustees: Ian Gallogly

Ellie Ash-Bala’, Assistant Director, Smith Campus Center and Student Programs
Christopher Waugh, Associate Dean of Students / Director, Smith Campus Center and Student Activities

Student Government Positions

ASPC President
Chairs the Senate and the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee (SAC). S/he is an ex-officio member of all Senate committees as well as the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. The President meets regularly with the student body presidents of the other Claremont Colleges.

Vice President for Finance
The Vice President for Finance shall act as a financial advisor to the Senate and shall oversee all student government operations including the Fountain, Store, and financial aspects of KSPC, The Student Life, and Metate. S/he shall be a member of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), the Pomona Entertainment Committee (PEC) Budget Committee and shall chair the Senate in the absence of the President. S/he shall chair the Coop Committee and the Reserves Investment Oversight Committee. The Vice President shall also serve on the Budget Planning Advisory Committee, the Trustee Committee for Institutional Advancement, and the Student Clubs and Organizations Committee. S/he shall chair the ASPC Budget Committee and shall coordinate annual budget hearings with the student governments of the other Claremont Colleges. The Vice President for Finance shall hold an annual meeting for club leaders at the beginning of the fall semester and assist clubs with financial procedures throughout the academic year. S/he shall be a member of the Judicial Board Selection Committee.

Vice President for Campus Activities
The Vice President for Campus Activities shall be responsible for the social events of the ASPC. S/he shall chair the Pomona Events Committee (PEC). S/he shall be a member of the Judicial Board Selection Committee and shall be a member of the ASPC Budget Committee.

Academic Affairs Commissioner
Represents ASPC in questions regarding the educational policy of the College. S/he chairs the Student-Faculty Interaction Committee and is a member of the Academic Procedures Committee and the Curriculum Committee and attends faculty meetings. The Academic Affairs commissioner serves on the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees.

Communications Commissioner
Oversees The Student Life (TSL), Metate, KSPC, and other media-related organizations. S/he chairs Student Media Committee and the ASPC’s Speaker Committees. S/he is responsible for the ASPC website, the webmaster, and the Director of Public Relations.

Campus Community Relations Commissioner
The Commissioner of Campus Community Relations shall have the primary responsibility of voicing and addressing the concerns of underrepresented communities, activist and support organizations, and mentor groups of the college community. S/he shall chair the Diversity Coalition, and shall serve on the Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty and the President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity. S/he shall be responsible for organizing the annual Community Action Summit at the start of every academic year to facilitate inter-organizational conversation and coalition building amongst student activist/support organizations and mentor groups and maintain a system of communication between the leaders and members of these organizations.

Off-Campus Relations Commissioner
Shall be primarily responsible for facilitating the relationship between Pomona College and the surrounding community. S/he shall serve as the liaison between the ASPC and students living off campus. S/he shall chair the College Town Committee. S/he will serve as the liaison between the ASPC and the Draper Center for Community Partnerships.

Club and Sports Commissioner
The Commissioner of Clubs and Sports shall represent the ASPC in questions regarding clubs and organizations on campus as well as intramural, club, and intercollegiate sports. S/he shall work with the Assistant Director of the Campus Center as a liaison to clubs and organizations and to ensure that they are fulfilling the mission of their charters. S/he shall chair the Student Clubs and Organizations Committee, through which s/he shall oversee the publication of an online student organizations directory, as well as the promotion and maintenance of an online student forum for organizational interaction. S/he shall chair the Campus Sports Committee and help plan and oversee events involving athletics (e.g. homecoming). S/he shall serve as a member of the ASPC Budget Committee.

Environmental Affairs Commissioner
The Commissioner of Environmental Affairs shall represent and advise the ASPC in matters regarding the preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment. S/he shall chair the Environmental Quality Committee and shall appoint students to other committees concerning sustainability and the quality of the environment. S/he shall meet regularly with the College Sustainability Coordinator. S/he shall be an ex-officio member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability. S/he shall be a member of the Trustee Building and Grounds Committee.

Class Presidents
Create and chair committees to plan class events throughout the year. They formulate and carry out projects each semester in addition to their class projects.

North and South Campus Representatives
The North and South Campus representatives serve as members of the Student Affairs Committee and the Budget Committee. The North and South Campus Senators formulate and carry out projects each semester, and convene the Food Committee and the Residence Halls Committee.

Student Government Committees 

Budget Committee
This committee is chaired by the Vice President for Finance and consists of the President, the North Campus Representative, the South Campus Representative, and the Vice President for Campus Activities. The Assistant Director of the Smith Campus Center serves as Financial Advisor to the Senate and is a non-voting member of the Budget Committee. When elections precede annual budget hearings, the President-elect and the Vice President elect are also nonvoting members of this committee. The Committee distributes allocations from the ASPC fees to clubs and organizations. During the academic year, requests for more than $1,000, or requests where there is a tie vote in this committee are brought before the Senate with a specific recommendation or set of recommendations. During the second semester of every year, this committee recommends to the Senate a general budget for ASPC for the following year. The Senate ratifies the annual budget no later than May first.

Pomona Events Committee (PEC)
PEC is the programming board of Pomona College. Chaired by the Vice President for Campus Activities, PEC is responsible for providing social, cultural and co-curricular activities for the Pomona College community. Subcommittees of PEC are based on the types of events presented. Subcommittees for the 2012-13 year are: Budget Committee, Annual Events (responsible for Welcome Back, Harwood Halloween, Winter Formal, Smiley 80’s, and Spring Formal), Special Events (restaurant/village outings, Craft Days, etc.), Symposium, Films, Live Arts, Table Manners, Off-Campus Events, and Members-at-Large/Class Representatives). Students interested in organizing events and contributing to the social life of the campus should contact the VP for Campus Activities through the ASPC Office.

Committee on Campus Climate and Diversity
This committee shall be chaired by the Community Relations Commissioner and shall consist of seven students, five of whom shall be members from different marginalized student organizations, to be appointed in the fall. The Committee shall be responsible for addressing the concerns of underrepresented students on campus, as well as larger issues of campus climate as they arise. This Committee shall advise the Senate on how their projects, funding and legislation might affect more marginalized student experiences.

Coop Committee
The Coop Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Finance and consists of two additional members of the Senate and the head manager of the Fountain and the Store. The Campus Center Director and the Manager of Retail Services are non-voting members of this committee. The Committee facilitates communication between and among the businesses and the Senate and sets policy for the businesses. This committee meets monthly throughout the school year, with additional meetings arranged and convened by the Chair as necessary.

Environmental Quality Committee (EQC)
This committee is chaired by the Environmental Affairs Commissioner or by a Senate-approved designate thereof. It consists of at least four at-large students to be appointed by the Senate in the spring and additional students who may be appointed by the Senate in the fall at the discretion of the chair.

This committee manages a recycling program and other environmental projects which it or the Senate deems important. Additionally, this committee informs the Senate how their projects, funding, and legislation might affect the environment.

Food Committee
It is convened by the North and South Campus Senators. It consists of representatives from each residence hall, the Director of Dining Services and the Deans or Associate Dean of Students. The Food Committee meets bi-weekly to discuss the dining halls and make recommendations for changes to the College’s dining program.

Residence Hall Committee
The Residence Hall Committee is convened by the North and South Campus Senators. Its membership includes a representative from each of the residence halls, the Housing Director and the Dean or an Associate Dean of Campus Life. The Residence Hall Committee meets regularly to discuss room draw procedures and to recommend improvements. In addition, this committee decides on the numbers and location of friendship suites and substance free housing.

Student-Faculty-Staff Interaction Committee
This committee is chaired by a member of the Senate who may choose to invite a faculty member to serve as its general advisor. The Senate appoints the at-large members of this committee in the spring, and may appoint additional members in the fall at the discretion of the Academic Affairs Commissioner. This committee plans, promotes, and funds activities which encourage interaction between students and faculty and staff.

Student Media Committee
This committee shall oversee staff appointments, approve policy and budgets, and serve as a steering body for all ASPC-funded media. Specifically, this committee shall recommend appointment for Senate approval for the following positions: The Student Life Editor-in-Chief (semester); KSPC Program Manager and Music Manager (annual); the Digital Media and Programming Group Lead Developer (annual); POSA Director (annual); Metate Editor-in-Chief (annual).

Publicity Guidelines

The Pomona College “Chirps!” is the student e-mail system created to prevent overburdening the Pomona computer system and/or student mailboxes with numerous individual e-mails. The “Chirps!” system is web-based and compiles student messages daily and distributes them to students as a single e-mail message. Messages are compiled and distributed at 10:00 AM. “Chirps!” is not intended as a forum for general campus discussion and every effort is made to ensure that it is not used in that fashion. The purpose of “Chirps!” is to efficiently distribute event information and other specific announcements. Anonymous messages will not be posted.

To use the system, go to: www.chirps.pomona.edu and enter your message. The message may be placed in one of four categories: upcoming events, announcements, lost and found or buy/sell. Information submitted at the above website is approved for posting by Susan Deitz in the Campus Center. All entries must comply with the College’s Publicity Guidelines. Questions regarding the use of “Chirps!” can be addressed to Susan Deitz in the Campus Center.

Five-College Poster and Banner Approval Policy

The complete policy may be viewed at the ASPC website: http://www.aspc.pomona.edu/senate/documents/policies/
The five colleges have agreed to the following regulations and guidelines governing publicity distributed at the Claremont Colleges.
For the purpose of these regulations, publicity is defined as printed materials including but not limited to: fliers, posters, table tents and banners.

  1. Any and all publicity to be posted on any or all of the campuses of the Claremont Colleges must be approved by one of the following offices:
    • CMC- Dean of Students Office, Heggblade Center, x18114
    • HMC- Dean of Students Office, Platt Campus Center, x18757
    • Pitzer- Gold Student Center, x73900
    • Pomona- ASPC Business Office, Smith Campus Center, x72268
    • Scripps- Student Activities and Residence Life Office, Malott Commons, ext. 74307
  2. All publicity must clearly and recognizably show the name of the sponsoring organization or individual(s).
  3. All publicity must have a name and telephone number or email which students may contact for more information about the program.
  4. In accordance with the Alcohol Policy: Non-electronic advertising may contain no explicit or implicit, written or pictorial references to alcohol beverages or alcohol service.
  5. For Pomona College, approval to advertise off campus must be received in advance from the Associate Dean of Students at the Smith Campus Center. Please allow one week prior to advertising, to receive this approval.
  6. Any questionable materials are subject to review by the Committee of Five College Student Activities Professionals.


  1. For the sake of maintaining a sense of community and support for all members, organizations must refrain from using racial, gender or ethnic slurs, stereotypic depiction, or similar references in all advertising material.
  2. In the interest of the environment and the campus appearance, organizations are requested to post the fewest number of pieces for effective advertising.
  3. The posting of fliers, posters, and similar material is limited to bulletin boards and approved posting spaces on campus. Nothing may be affixed to trees, glass surfaces, painted surfaces, sidewalks, or campus buildings. Fliers may not be put on cars in parking lots or on public streets. Private doors and windows are permissible with approval of the resident.
  4. In accordance with the Residence Hall regulations; door-to-door solicitation or distribution of materials in the Residence Halls is prohibited.
  5. College staff remove all advertising material which does not comply with these regulations.

Registered Student Organizations

Abolitionist Movement (5C)
Active Minds at the Claremont Colleges (5C)
After School Specials
American Civil Liberties Union of the Claremont Colleges (5C)
American Red Cross Club (5C)
American Sign Language Club
Amnesty International (5C)
Annointed Gospel Choir (5C)
Arabic For Life
Armed RevolutioKnits
Asian American Mentor Program
Associated Students of Pomona College
Association of Latino Profesionals in Finance and Accounting
Badminton Club
Ballroom Dance Team
Belly Dancing (5C)
Black Men’s Forum
Body Building and Nutrition Club
Bottom Line Theatre / The Druids
Buddhists of the 7Cs
Building Leaders On Campus (BLOC)
Capoeira Club
Caribbean Student Organization
Challah For Hunger
Cheer Club (5C)
Cheese Club
Chess Club (5C)
Chiapas Support Committee
Chinese Student Association
Christian and Black
Claremont Colleges Accounting Association
Claremont Colleges Against Cancer
Claremont Colleges Ballroom Dance Company
Claremont Colleges Bible Fellowship
Claremont Colleges Bollywood Dance Team
Claremont Colleges Cabrones
Claremont Colleges Circle K
Claremont Colleges College Republicans
Claremont Colleges Connection Club
Claremont Colleges Equestrian Team
Claremont Colleges Film Society
Claremont Colleges Future Business Leaders of America (Phi Beta Lambda)
Claremont Colleges Greenshirts Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Claremont Colleges Humans vs. Zombies
Claremont Colleges Journal of International Affairs
Claremont Colleges Men’s Rugby Club
Claremont Colleges Microfinance Society
Claremont Colleges Port Side
Claremont Colleges Psyko Taiko
Claremont Colleges Screenwriting Club
Claremont Colleges Shades A capella
Claremont Colleges Sports Connection
Claremont Colleges Students for Barack Obama
Claremont Colleges Students for Israel
Claremont Colleges Swing Dance
Claremont Colleges Triathalon Club
Claremont Colleges Vegetarian Club
Claremont Colleges Women’s Rugby Football Club
Claremont Consulting Group
Claremont Libertarians
Claremont Port Side
Claremont Republicans
Claremont Shades
Claremont Sports Connection
Claremont Vegetarian Club
Climbing Club
Craft Club (5C)
Creating Academic Relations Through Education
Criminal Justice Network (5C)
Cultivating Dreams
Dance Company (5C)
Democrats of the Claremont Colleges
Desert Chicken Skills Club
Disability, Illness, and Difference Alliance
Drawing Room
Education Task Force
Emergency Medicine Claremont
Empowered Latin@s in Action
Energy Service Corps of the Claremont Colleges
Entrepreneurial Society
Environmental Council (5C)
Environmental Quality Committee
Fencing Club (5C)
Fellini Fan Club
Feminist Remix
Field Hocky Club (5C)
Freshman Cup
Gates Millennium Scholars at the Claremont Colleges
Get Your Nerd On
Gleaning Club
Green Bikes
Hillel of the Claremont Colleges
Hindu Society
Hui Laule’a: Claremont Colleges Hawaii Club
Hula Club
Hurling Club of the Claremont Colleges
IDEAS (Improving Dreams, Equality, Access, and Success)
International Club
International Student Mentor Program
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Jewish Mentor Program
Journal of International Affairs
JSD Pre-Health Club
Kappa Delta Fraternity (men’s fraternity)
Korean American Student Association
Korean Food Club
Kosher Chords A capella
KSPC: 5C Radio Station
Late Night: Stand Up Comedy (5C)
Let’s DO Something (5C)
Libertarians of the Claremont Colleges

Mariachi Serrano de Claremont
MEDLIFE: Medicine Education for Low Income Families Everywhere
Men’s Blue and White
Men’s Club Volleyball
Men’s Lacrosse
Men’s Rugby
Men’s Ultimate Frisbee
Metate (Pomona College Yearbook)
Midnight Echo
Model UN
Mood Swing
Mortar Board
Multi Ethnic and Racial Group Exchange
Musicians Coalition
Muslim Student Association
National Society for Collegiate Scholars
Neuroscience Society
Ninth Street Hooligans
Nourishment International - Claremont Colleges Chapter
Nu Alpha Phi (co-ed fraternity)
On Tap
On The Loose
On The Spectrum
Organic Farm
Out Loud (5C)
PALS: Partners for Advanced Learning in Science
Pan African Student Association (PASA)
Passwords: Literary Magazine
Peace and Justice Coalition (5C)
Photography Club
Physics Club
Pomona Ceramics Collective
Pomona College Investment Club
Pomona College Mock Trial
Pomona for Environmental Action and Responsibility
Pomona Events Committee
Pomona Organic Farm
Pomona Student Union (PSU)
Pomona Ventures
Pomona Vino
Pre-Health Liaisons
Pre-Law Society
Ralph Cornell Society of Native Planters
Queer People of Color
Queer, Questioning, and Allied Mentor Program
Quest Scholars
Quidditch Team
Rare Diamonds
Rotaract Club of Claremont
Self Help Legal Aid
Sigma Tau (men’s fraternity)
Sketch Comedy (5C)
Ski Club (SKEEZE)
Soul-idarity Club (5C)
Spanish Club
Strive For College
Students for the Bernard Field Station
Students for Justice in Palestine
Students of Color Alliance (SOCA)
Studio 47
Surf Club
Psycho Taiko
Tea Leaves & Friends
That Saturday Group
The Student Life
Trans, Genderqueer, and Gender Questioning Alliance (7C)
Wakeboard Club (5C)
Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
Without A Box
Women In Science
Women’s Blue and White
Women’s Rugby
Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Women’s Union
Women’s Volleyball Club (5C)
Workers Support Committe
X Club

Campus-Wide Events and Activities


Computer Science Department Activities

The Computer Science Department sponsors a colloquium every other Thursday at 4:15 p.m. Speakers include students talking about their summer experiences, prominent outside lecturers, faculty talking about graduate school and their own research, seniors talking about their senior projects, and alums talking about jobs in CS.

The CS department also sponsors a monthly lunch for students, faculty, and staff, as well as monthly lunches for women in computer science and an annual trip to the college cabin at Halona. Sign up on the department mailing list to receive department e-mails.

Economics Club

The Economics Club is open to all students interested in economics and is intended to encourage greater interaction among the faculty, staff and students of the Economics Department. The Club also sponsors events such as social get-togethers and outside speakers.

English Department Tea

Students and professors mingle as they enjoy light refreshments at English Department Teas, a tradition at Pomona College. The Teas are hosted by the English Department liaisons and are held once a month on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon in the Ena Thompson Reading Room in Crookshank Hall. All are welcome.

Geology Activities

For those with a formal or informal interest in geology, the Geology Department welcomes involvement in regularly scheduled activities which are open to all. One way to get involved is to come to the colloquia given by outside speakers three times a semester or so. These talks are normally on Tuesday or Thursday at 11AM and are followed by lunch in Frary South.

Alternatively, informal social gatherings (“Liquidus”) are hosted by the department liaisons each week. Dates and times for Liquidus vary by semester. Contact the liaisons via the department web page to find out when Liquidus is being held. Hope to see you there!

History Department Tea/Barbecue

Arranged by the liaisons, History Department Teas and Barbecues are held periodically during the academic year. They provide students and professors an informal opportunity to meet and discuss different problems and subjects. Call the History Department, ext. 73075, for times.

Linguistics and Cognitive Science

The Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science holds a fall social, an end of the semester bash, and monthly research colloquia (with refreshments) for all students interested in the field.

Literary Series

The Pomona College Department of English Literary Series hosts readings by major American poets and fiction writers two or three times a semester. All readings are open to the public and are followed by a reception with refreshments.

Mathematics Club

The Pomona College Mathematics Club provides opportunities for students interested in mathematics to get together outside of the classroom.

Depending on interests in the club, it organizes afternoon pizza parties with problem sessions, fosters participation in two national collegiate mathematics contests, the Putnam Examination and the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and sponsors presentations by alumni on life in math after graduation. It also supports the Math Dojo, the high school Mathematics Talent Search, and other activities of current interest. Professors Ami Radunskaya and Adolfo Rumbos advise the club.

Physics Lunch

The Physics and Astronomy Lunch is a lively weekly lunch in which students and faculty discuss current issues in physics and astronomy and socialize. An additional banquet is catered by the department after spring break. Potential majors and current majors are invited to this festive event, which usually includes a short talk by a visiting scientist, and departmental awards are handed out. In addition to the banquet, an informal BBQ and other social events are offered throughout the year to welcome students to the Department and help them meet current majors, and get to know the faculty and staff of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Pizza and Politics

The aim of the Pizza and Politics series is to offer students and other members of the community a casual forum to hear faculty and invited guests talk about issues of current interest (while listeners get to enjoy pizza for lunch!). There will be plenty of time reserved for questions, comments, and debate. So please come! Eat some pizza! Pizza and drinks are all first come, first serve (or bring your own brown bag lunch). Carnegie 107 is the place to be.


Athletic Teams and Club Sports

Pomona College supports an extensive program of intercollegiate, intramural, and club sports for men and women. Men’s intercollegiate sports include football, basketball, soccer, water polo, cross country, track and field, baseball, swimming, golf, and tennis. Women’s intercollegiate teams compete in volleyball, basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, tennis, swimming, softball, water polo, track and field, and soccer. Club sports include badminton, bicycling, fencing, lacrosse, rugby, sailing, skiing, and men’s volleyball.

The intramural athletic program provides competition in basketball, softball, badminton, soccer, beach volleyball, volleyball, inner-tube water polo, table tennis, tennis, squash, racquetball, flag football, pool/billiards, foosball and ultimate frisbee.

For details about teams, intramurals, or club sports and use of facilities contact Mike Gravagne in the Rains Center at extension 18420. He will assist club sports teams in scheduling fields and facilities for practice and competition. To be eligible to use a Claremont College field or facility or to receive funding assistance from the associated student governments, all club sports must register with Mike Gravagne at the Club Sports Office. The office is located in Rains Center, extension 18420.


The Music Departments of Pomona College, Scripps College, and the Claremont Graduate School present concerts throughout the year by individual students, student ensembles, members of the faculty, and guest artists.

These concerts include the Bessie Bartlett Frankel Festival of Chamber Music sponsored by Scripps, the Robert Mitchell Memorial Chamber Music Concerts sponsored by Pomona, and noon concerts sponsored jointly by the three departments. Most of these concerts are presented free of charge.

Afro-Cuban Drumming Ensemble

Students will learn basic techniques of hand percussion for conga and bata drums and the genres associated with these drums, including rumba and styles originating from Afro-Cuban religious traditions. Regular attendance and participation in the end-of-the-semester concert is required. Half-course academic credit is available to students registered for MUS 42B. The instructor is Mr. Joe Addington.

Balinese Gamelan Ensemble

The Balinese Gamelan Ensemble meets once a week and plays concerts at the end of each semester. The ensemble features a set of Balinese gong kebyar instruments and regularly combines its efforts with the Balinese Dance program. Half-course academic credit is available to students registered for MUS 41. The instructor is Dr. Nyoman Wenten.


The Pomona College Choir is a large vocal ensemble of students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community. The choir sings two concerts annually. Membership is open by auditions held during the first week of classes in the Fall semester and in December for the Spring semester. Half-course academic credit for participation is available to students registered for MUS 31. The conductor is Professor Donna M. Di Grazia.

Concert Band

The Pomona College Band is composed of students, faculty, and staff from all the Claremont Colleges and generally presents one concert each semester. Music is chosen from the standard repertoire for a concert band but also includes works specially composed or arranged for the ensemble. Half-course academic credit is available to students registered for MUS 35. The conductor is Professor Graydon Beeks.

Glee Club

The Pomona College Glee Club is a chamber choir of approximately 25 students. The ensemble performs several concerts throughout the year and tours for 7-10 days to various areas of the country. Membership is open through audition. Concurrent membership in the Pomona College Choir is required. Half-course academic credit for participation is available spring semester to registered registered for MUS 32. The conductor is Professor Donna M. Di Grazia.

Jazz Ensemble

The Jazz Ensemble meets twice each week and plays concerts throughout the school year. Music is chosen from a variety of styles and there is opportunity for original work. Half-course academic credit is available to students registered for MUS 37. The conductor is Professor Bobby Bradford. Auditions are held at the beginning of fall semester.


The Pomona College Orchestra is composed of students, faculty, staff, and community members. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester; rehearsals and performances are held in Bridges Hall of Music. The Orchestra usually presents eight concerts annually, four different programs each receiving two performances. The repertoire ranges from Baroque to contemporary, with emphasis on 19th- and 20th-century masterworks. Recent programs have included such works as Brahms’s Symphony #2, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony #6, and Mahler’s Symphony #1. The Orchestra also sponsors a yearly concerto competition, and the winners perform solos with the orchestra. Half-course academic credit is available to students registered for MUS 33. The conductor is Professor Eric Lindholm.

Other Musical Ensembles

Other musical ensembles available for membership to Pomona College students are the Claremont Concert Orchestra, the Concert Choir, and the Chamber Choir, all sponsored by the Scripps College Music Department; and the Chamber Music Program, coached by Pomona and Scripps faculty.

Rotating Ensembles in Residence

The rotating ensembles-in-residence program provides the opportunity for students to experience different performance traditions each year. The 2009-2010 program features the Afro-Cuban Drumming Ensemble.

Theatre and Dance

Department of Theatre and Dance

As the only art forms in which human beings are both the medium and the message, theatre and dance are the quintessential liberal arts. Thus, the liberal arts environment is an ideal one in which to begin a lifetime of learning in theatre and dance. The Pomona College Department of Theatre and Dance is committed to the highest levels of professional training within the context of this liberal arts tradition.

Our commitment begins in the classroom where an emphasis on the quality of learning informs all that we do. A friendly and caring faculty and small class size encourage students to work creatively in exploring the history, theory, literature, and techniques of theatre and dance. Our commitment is furthered by our dynamic and ethnically diverse production season. We view productions as important teaching tools, both for our students and for the rest of the College community, and therefore choose productions from a wide range of periods and styles. Our commitment is also strengthened by the exceptional support of Pomona College and the other Claremont Colleges, which have given us a strong professional staff, adequate funding, and a gorgeous facility in which to do our work. Ultimately, our commitment is enhanced by the energy and commitment of our students, who bring intelligence, creativity, and verve to our challenging and exciting endeavors. We invite you to join us…


Major conferences, endowed lectureships, and public lectures by visiting speakers occur frequently on campus and are open to the entire community.

For information about more campus wide events, consult The Claremont Colleges Calendar or “Chirps!”

Fall Faculty Lecture Series

The Fall Faculty Lecture Series, sponsored by the Dean of the College’s office, offers a diverse range of lectures from the College’s distinguished faculty. All lectures begin at 12:10 p.m. in the Frank Dining Hall Blue Room and include lunch free of charge to faculty, staff, alumni, and friends unless otherwise noted. Please plan to arrive at noon to sign in and get your lunch before the lecture begins.

Women’s Union Thursday Noon Discussion Series

Every Thursday at noon, presentations followed by informal discussion are made on a variety of gender and women’s issues at The Women’s Union. Everyone is welcome. A light lunch is served.


Pomona College Museum of Art

The Pomona College Museum of Art is the site of an active and ambitious program of temporary exhibitions throughout the academic year. All exhibitions open with public receptions and include lectures and related programs for the College community. Recent exhibitions have included “Kara Walker: Annotating History” (2008); “James Turrell at Pomona College” (2008); “Hunches, Geometrics, Organics: Paintings by Frederick Hammersley” (2007); “Ed Ruscha/Raymond Pettibon: The Holy Bible and THE END” (2006); “The 21st Century Odyssey Part II: The Performances of Barbara T. Smith” (’53) (2005). Peter Shelton’s (’73) monumental gandhiG (2002) stands immediately adjacent to the Museum.

The Museum also hosts the ambitious Project Series, now in its eleventh year. The Project Series presents focused exhibitions on the work of contemporary Southern California artists that is experimental and introduces new forms, techniques, and concepts to the community. The Project Series enhances the Museum’s role as a laboratory for exploring innovative, cross disciplinary collaborations and ideas; serves as a catalyst for new knowledge; and contributes significantly to the College’s educational mission. The Museum also employs students as gallery attendants and museum assistants.

The collections of the Pomona College Museum of Art are housed at the Montgomery Art Center. Among the museum’s important holdings are The Kress Collection of 15th– and 16th –century Italian panel paintings; more than 5,000 examples of Pre-Columbian to 20th –century American Indian art and artifacts, including basketry, ceramics, and beadwork; and a large collection of American and European prints, drawings, and photographs, including fine examples of German Expressionists; an important collection of contemporary graphic art donated by June Wayne, the founder of the pioneering Tamarind Lithography Workshop, and Edward Hamilton of Hamilton Press; and perhaps most significantly, the complete first edition sets of the four series of etchings by Francisco Goya. Among the College’s most important artistic treasures are two murals in Frary Hall— José Clemente Orozco’s Prometheus, 1930 (interior, north wall), and Genesis by Rico Lebrun, 1960 (south entrance) and the recently dedicated Skyspace, Dividing the Light, by James Turrell. Information about the collections, exhibitions, and public art works is available at the Museum of Art and on its Website (www.pomona.edu/museum).


PEC Films

The Pomona Events Committee (PEC) sponsors a weekly film series showcasing first-run blockbusters as well as independents. Films are screened in Rose Hills Theatre Fridays at 7pm and 10pm and Saturdays at 8pm. Admission for students is free.

International Film Series

Oldenborg sponsors film screenings in its International Theater. Both student groups and faculty may request screenings. Campus film festivals are particularly welcome. The theater seats approximately 45 and is located downstairs in the Oldenborg building. For more information, contact the Oldenborg Center at ext. 18018.