2020-2021 Student Handbook 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2020-2021 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC) Information and Resources

Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC)

The Associated Students of Pomona College enables effective student participation in the shared governance of the College, to serve as the representative voice of the students, and to provide a governance structure for the students of Pomona College. The ASPC has four main functions as the official student government of Pomona College: advocacy, providing useful services, supporting student clubs and organizations, and programming. ASPC is responsible for coordinating student activities and allocating funds collected by the assessment of Associated Students fees. Through the Senate, ASPC represents students to administrators and faculty by serving on committees and making recommendations on major issues or policies. Additionally ASPC serves as a forum for students to voice concerns and facilitates student participation in the surrounding community. Weekly Senate meetings are open to all members of the student body to address issues of concern. Learn more about ASPC at https://pomonastudents.org/ 


The Senate shall be composed of 15 members, and shall be referred to as “Senators” from here on. Nine Senators shall be elected at-large: the President, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Commissioners of Equity and Inclusion, Facilities and Environment, Wellness, Athletics, and Campus Events. The other six Senators shall be elected by a more limited constituency: a Senior Class President, a Junior Class President, a Sophomore Class President, a First Year Class President, a South Campus Representative, and a North Campus Representative. The President, three Vice Presidents, Junior and Senior Class Presidents, and Commissioners are elected in the spring for the following year and the others are elected in the fall. All serve a one-year term.

ASPC Senate Positions



  1. The President shall lead the ASPC in serving students and achieving its mission as outlined in Article 2 Section 1 of the ASPC Constitution;

  2. The President shall serve as the chief executive officer, and provide strategic direction to ensure the health and well being of the ASPC and the student body which it represents; 

  3. The President shall serve as the chief representative of the student body to the Pomona College administration, Alumni Association Board, the 5C President’s Council, the Claremont Consortium, and all external actors; 

  4. The President shall chair the Senate;

  5. The President shall serve as the co-vice chair and voting member of the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, and lead the student delegation to the Board of Trustees; 

  6. The President shall serve on the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee; 

  7. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all ASPC committees and sub-groups;

  8. The President shall provide support to the Executive Council.


Vice President, Finance 


  1. The Vice President of Finance shall serve as the chief financial officer, and oversee administrative and operational functions of the ASPC;

  2. The Vice President shall serve as a voting member of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees; 

  3. The Vice President shall meet regularly with the college Vice President and Treasurer; 

  4. The Vice President shall coordinate with the Assistant Director of the Smith Campus Center to hold annual meetings for club leaders at the beginning of the fall semester and during the spring semester;

  5. The Vice President shall chair the Budget Committee, coordinate annual budget hearings, and review the status of the Association’s investments and reserves;

  6. The Vice President shall chair the Coop Committee, and ensure the financial and operational health of all of the Association’s sponsored operations;

  7. The Vice President shall serve on the Executive Council, and provide support for the “Finance and Operations” working group. 


Vice President, Student Affairs


  1. The Vice President of Student Affairs shall lead the ASPC’s efforts related student affairs;

  2. The Vice President shall meet regularly with the Dean of Students, and support community engagement in institutional policy change; 

  3. The Vice President shall regularly liaise with the Title IX office to lead ASPC advocacy efforts in the intervention and prevention of sexual assault on campus;

  4. The Vice President shall lead the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee; 

  5. The Vice President shall partner with the Vice President of Academic Affairs to recommend to the Senate student members of working groups, task forces, ad-hoc or newly created committees at the discretion of the President;

  6. The Vice President shall serve on the Executive Council, and provide support to the  “Student Affairs” working group.


Vice President, Academic Affairs


  1. The Vice President of Academic Affairs shall lead the ASPC’s efforts related to academic affairs, and represent students to the faculty of the college;

  2. The Vice President shall serve as a voting member of the Educational Quality Committee of the Board of Trustees; 

  3. The Vice President shall chair the student Academic Affairs Committee; 

  4. The Vice President shall serve as a member or appoint student members to the Curriculum Committee, Critical Thinking and Writing Committee, Faculty Position Advisory Committee, and Study Abroad Committee; 

  5. The Vice President shall meet regularly with the Dean of the College and the Chair of the Faculty; 

  6. The Vice President shall partner with the Vice President of Student Affairs to recommend to the Senate student members of working groups, task forces, ad-hoc or newly created committees at the discretion of the President;

  7. The Vice President shall serve on the Executive Council, and provide support to the  “Academic Affairs” working group.


North Campus Representative 


  1. The North Campus Representative shall be elected by students living on North Campus and represent their interests to the Senate in matters related to student affairs; 

  2. The Representative shall reside on North Campus;

  3. The Representative shall decide in partnership with the South Campus Representative to chair either the Residence Hall or the Food Committee; 

  4. The Representative shall serve on the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee; 

  5. The Representative shall work in the “Student Affairs” working group, and work closely with the Vice President of Student Affairs.


South Campus Representative 


  1. The South Campus Representative shall be elected by students living on South Campus, and represent their interests to the Senate in matters related to student affairs;

  2. The Representative shall reside on South Campus;

  3. The Representative shall decide in partnership with the North Campus Representative to chair either the Residence Hall or the Food Committee;

  4. The Representative shall serve on the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee; 

  5. The Representative shall work in the “Student Affairs” working group, and work closely with the Vice President of Student Affairs.


Commissioner, Athletics 


  1. The Commissioner shall have the primary responsibility of representing students in varsity athletics, club sports, and recreational sports;

  2. The Commissioner shall serve as a liaison to the Pomona-Pitzer athletic department;

  3. The Commissioner shall chair the Athletics Committee, and coordinate programming involving athletics; 

  4. The Commissioner shall serve as a member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee; if they are not a current athlete, the Commissioner shall attend all Student-Athlete Advisory Committee meetings; 

  5. The Commissioner shall coordinate with the Commissioner of Wellness to promote physical health and wellness;

  6. The Commissioner shall work in the “Academic Affairs” working group, and work closely with the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


Commissioner, Campus Events 


  1. The Commissioner of Campus Events shall have the primary responsibility of leading social programming and creating an inclusive, vibrant, and healthy social climate on campus;

  2. The Commissioner shall chair the Pomona Events Committee;

  3. The Commissioner shall submit quarterly reports on PEC expenditures and activities to the Senate;

  4. The Commissioner shall serve as a member of the Five College Student Activities Committee;

  5. The Commissioner shall work in the “Finance and Operations” working group, and work closely with the Vice President of Finance.


Commissioner, Equity and Inclusion


  1. The Commissioner of Equity and Inclusion shall have the primary responsibility of representing marginalized & underrepresented communities, activist & support organizations, and cohort & mentor groups of the college community;

  2. The Commissioner shall chair the student Committee on Equity and Inclusion; 

  3. The Commissioner shall meet regularly with the Dean of Student Mentoring and Leadership, head mentors, and the college diversity officers;

  4. The Commissioner shall serve on the student delegation to the Student Affairs Committee; 

  5. The Commissioner shall serve on or recommend to the Senate a student to serve on the Analyzing Difference Committee;

  6. The Commissioner shall recommend to the Senate student members of the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee;

  7. The Commissioner shall work in both the “Academic Affairs” and “Student Affairs” working groups. 


Commissioner, Facilities and Environment

  1. The Commissioner of Facilities and Environment shall have the primary responsibility of advocating for improvements to campus infrastructure, services, and environment to ensure that they are accessible and relevant for students; 

  2. The Commissioner shall serve as the representative voice on the preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment;

  3. The Commissioner shall serve as a voting member of the Facilities and Environment Committee of the Board of Trustees; 

  4. The Commissioner shall chair the Environmental Quality Committee, and meet regularly with the Assistant Director of the Sustainability Integration Office and the Assistant Vice President of Facilities; 

  5. The Commissioner shall serve as an ex-officio member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability;

  6. The Commissioner shall coordinate with the Commissioner of Wellness to advocate for physical accessibility on campus;

  7. The Commissioner shall coordinate with the North and South Campus Representatives to advocate for sustainable practices in the Residence Hall and Food committees;  

  8. The Commissioner shall work in the “Finance and Operations” working group, and work closely with the Vice President of Finance.


Commissioner, Wellness


  1. The Commissioner of Wellness shall have the primary responsibility of representing students in issues related to physical, mental, and holistic well-being; 

  2. The Commissioner shall serve as the representative student voice on mental health and campus accessibility; 

  3. The Commissioner shall chair the Wellness Committee and lead the at-large student advocates for the areas of Title IX, Disability Services, and Mental Health;

  4. The Commissioner shall regularly liaise with the Student Disability Resource Center, the Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Student Health Services; 

  5. The Commissioner shall serve as a member of the Academic Procedures Committee;

  6. The Commissioner shall administer the Accessibility fund for student organizations; 

  7. The Commissioner shall work in both the “Academic Affairs” and “Student Affairs” working groups.


Senior Class President 


  1. The Senior Class President, must be a member of the senior class, and shall have the primary responsibility of representing the senior class;

  2. The President shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Honorary Degrees Committee of the Board of Trustees; 

  3. The President shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Wig Award Committee of the Board of Trustees, and co-lead participation in the Wig award process; 

  4. The President shall recommend to the Senate a voting member of the Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees;

  5. The President shall assist in the planning of Class Day and Commencement, and work closely with Advancement to coordinate participation in the senior class gift; 

  6. The President shall chair the Senior Class Committee, and meet regularly with the Senior Class Dean;

  7. The President shall serve as a member of the Budget committee; 

  8. The President shall work closely with the ASPC President.


Junior Class President


  1. The Junior Class President, must be a member of the junior class, shall have the primary responsibility of representing the junior class;

  2. The President shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Honorary Degrees Committee of the Board of Trustees; 

  3. The President shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Wig Award Committee of the Board of Trustees, and co-lead participation in the Wig award process; 

  4. The President shall chair the Junior Class Committee, and meet regularly with the Junior Class Dean;

  5. The President shall serve as a member of the Budget committee; 

  6. The President shall work closely with the ASPC President.


Sophomore Class President 


  1. The Sophomore Class President, must be a member of the sophomore class, shall have the primary responsibility of representing the sophomore class;

  2. The President shall chair the Sophomore Class Committee ,and meet regularly with the Sophomore Class Dean;

  3. The President shall chair the Student-Faculty Interaction committee; 

  4. The President shall serve as a member of the Budget committee; 

  5. The President shall work closely with the ASPC President.


First Year Class President 


  1. The First Year Class President , must be a member of the first year class, shall have the primary responsibility of representing the first-year class;

  2. The President shall chair the First Year Class Committee, and meet regularly with the First Year Class Dean;

  3. The President shall serve as a member of the Orientation and the Book Selection Committee; 

  4. The President shall serve as a member of the Budget committee; 

  5. The President shall work closely with the ASPC President.


ASPC Committees

The Senate, after receiving the recommendations of relevant Senate members, shall appoint at-large members to student, faculty, and trustee committees. The Senate shall appoint all at-large student members to faculty and trustee committees in the spring. For spring appointments, the relevant incoming Senate member shall, after consulting with the outgoing Senate member, make recommendations to the Senate. Whenever possible, the incoming Senate member will be included in committee meetings (as a non-voting member) for the duration of the semester. Student at-large positions may not be filled by Senate members.


Section 1. Student Committees 

Executive Council

The council is empowered to act for the ASPC Senate between the dates of Commencement and the first full convening of the ASPC Senate in the fall of the following academic year. The Executive Council is composed of the President, Vice President for Finance, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President of Academic Affairs; the Chief of Staff shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. 

Elections Committee

The Elections Commissioner, with the committee, shall coordinate and supervise voting for all elected representatives of the ASPC, in accordance to the rules and procedures as specified in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code. This committee shall be chaired by a Senate-appointed Elections Commissioner and shall include the President and the Campus Center Director. The Committee may also include other Senate members who are not running in the current election cycle. No member of the Elections Committee shall be eligible to run for any Senate position in the current election cycle.

Budget Committee

The committee shall distribute allocations from the “unallocated” account. Allocations shall be reported to the Senate on a regular basis. The Committee shall present to the Senate any allocations above $1,000.00 or requests for which it seeks additional consultation. At the end of the semester, outstanding allocations shall return to the “unallocated” account. Reimbursement for claims will be paid within three weeks of the completion of the event. During the end of the second semester of every year, the committee shall recommend to the Senate a general budget of the income and expenditures for the ASPC for the following year. The Senate shall ratify a general budget prior to the end of the academic year. This committee shall also oversee the investment of the ASPC Reserves. At the beginning of the academic year, the committee shall communicate with the investment firm to review current investments and investing guidelines and shall issue a resulting recommendation to the Senate. This committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Finance and shall consist of the Senior Class President, Junior Class President, Sophomore Class President, First Year Class President, and Commissioner of Campus Events. The Senate advisor(s) shall be non-voting member(s) of the Budget Committee. When elections precede budget hearings, the President-elect and the Vice President of Finance-elect shall serve as voting members of the committee, with one-half vote each.


Pomona Events Committee (PEC)

The committee shall plan social and educational programs and provide assistance and funding to students and student organizations who want to plan events. At the end of every quarter, the Commissioner of Campus Events shall report to the Senate on PEC’s expenditures and activities. PEC is accountable to the Vice President of Finance and to the Senate for the reasonable and responsible allocation of its funds. This committee shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Campus Events and shall consist of no fewer than eight at-large students to be appointed by the Commissioner of Campus Events. 

Coop Committee

The primary responsibility of the committee is to set policy for the Coop Fountain and Coop Store. The committee shall also facilitate communication between and among the businesses and the Senate. This committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Finance and shall consist of two Senators, one of whom is often the Commissioner of Facilities and Environment due to the Committee’s relevant subject material; one student at-large, and the heads or general managers of the Fountain and Store. The Campus Center Director shall be a non-voting member of the Coop Committee. The committee shall meet monthly throughout the school year, with additional meetings arranged and convened by the chair as necessary.

Food Committee

The primary responsibility of the committee shall be to address concerns from the students in regard to dining services. As needed, the committee shall work towards providing support for service staff in the residence hall. This committee shall be co-chaired by the North and South Campus Representatives and shall consist of at least eight students. As much as possible, there shall be equal numbers of students from North and South Campuses. Prior to the fall elections of the North and South Campus Representatives. The committee shall meet monthly throughout the school year to discuss concerns, as well as meet regularly with the Dean of Students and the General Manager of Dining Services to communicate those concerns.

Residence Halls Committee

The committee shall address concerns from the students in regard to the residence halls. The committee shall advise on housing policy and is the representative voice of the student body on all housing policy decisions. As needed, the committee shall work towards providing support for service staff in the residence hall. This committee shall be co-chaired by the North and South Campus Representatives and shall consist of at least four students at-large, including members of the Residence Hall Staff. Prior to the fall elections of the North and South Campus Representatives. The committee shall be advised by at least one non-voting professional staff member from the Office of Housing and Residence Life. 


Academic Affairs Committee

This committee shall meet regularly to pursue policy reforms, educate students about current events in academic affairs, and advise the student representatives to the faculty committees. This committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and shall consist of the student representatives to the Curriculum Committee, Faculty Advisory Position Committee, Academic Procedures Committee, Analyzing Differences Committee, and Critical Thinking and Writing Committee, and at least two students at-large.

Athletics Committee

The committee shall plan sports-related events for the college, including on-campus activities and trips to off-campus athletic events. The committee shall work through the year to promote both varsity and intramural sports on campus. This committee shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Athletics and will consist of at least five students, at least one of which shall be a representative from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. 

Environmental Quality Committee (EQC)

The committee shall manage environmental projects that the committee or the Senate deem important, and shall inform the Senate how their projects, funding, and legislation might affect the environment. The Committee shall facilitate collaboration across The Claremont Colleges on environmental matters, including by inviting environmental representatives from the other Claremont Colleges to serve as members of the committee. This committee shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Facilities and Environment. It shall consist otherwise of interested students at-large with at least four Senate-appointed members. 

Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC)

The committee shall be responsible for addressing the concerns of underrepresented and marginalized communities, student activism, support organizations, and mentor programs on campus, as well as larger issues of campus climate as they arise. This committee shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Equity and Inclusion and shall consist of at least seven students, no fewer than four of whom shall be current members of identity-based student support organizations.

Wellness Committee 

The committee shall address concerns from students in regards to campus and individual holistic health, focusing on issues like mental health, accessibility, and physical and spiritual wellness. The committee shall advise on policy and collaborate with community stakeholders to create an overall campus culture of wellness through education and engagement initiatives. The committee shall be chaired by the Commissioner of Wellness, and will consist of at least three at-large student advocates in the following areas: Title IX, Disability Services, and Mental Health. The additional student members will be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Commissioner of  Wellness and the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and not be limited to the aforementioned students. Furthermore, the committee shall be advised by the Accessibility Coordinator, and the Senior Associate Dean of Students for Student Personal Success, or at least one non-voting professional member at the Deans’ recommendation.

Student-Faculty Interaction Committee (SFIC)

The committee shall plan, promote and fund activities that encourage interaction and dialogue between students and faculty. The committee shall be chaired by the Sophomore Class President, who shall invite at least one faculty member to serve as general advisor(s). The Junior Class President shall be a member of the Student-Faculty Interaction Committee. 


First Year Class Committee

The committee shall plan social and educational events for the first year class. This committee shall be chaired by the First Year Class President and shall consist of at-large members of the first year class.

Sophomore Class Committee

The committee shall plan social and educational events for the sophomore class. This committee shall be chaired by the Sophomore Class President and shall consist of at-large members of the sophomore class.

Junior Class Committee

The committee shall plan social and educational events for the junior class. This committee shall be chaired by the Junior Class President and shall consist of at-large members of the junior class. A class banner sub-committee shall be chaired by the Junior Class President or a designee thereof. The committee shall design and construct the Class Banner, to be completed by the end of the spring semester.

Senior Class Committee

The committee shall plan social events for the senior class and coordinate participation in the senior class gift. This committee shall be chaired by the Senior Class President and shall consist of at-large members of the senior class. 

Five College Student Activities Committee

The committee plans five-college social and educational programs. Committee members share information about upcoming events at their respective colleges in order to prevent scheduling conflicts. Social event representatives from each of the colleges sit on this committee. The Pomona representative shall be the Commissioner of Campus Events. 


Faculty, trustee, and alumni-chaired committees (Sections 2,3,& 4) as well as more details can be found at: https://pomonastudents.org/pages/bylaws

ASPC Procedures

Section 1. Meetings

  1. Meetings of the ASPC governing bodies and committees shall be open to public attendance except when, upon a two-thirds vote, the Senate decides to close them to discuss personnel or litigation issues. Any action taken in a closed session shall be reported at the next public opportunity.

  2. The Senate shall meet no less than twice a month, excluding holidays.

  3. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for the Senate.

  4. Each officer of the Senate has one vote.

  5. Meetings of the Senate shall be called by the President, by a majority vote of the Senate, or by a petition signed by at least ten percent of the ASPC.

  6. Senate meetings shall follow Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Section 2. Elections

  1. All balloting of the Associated Students shall be by secret ballot.

  2. Terms of office for members of the Senate shall be indicated in the Bylaws. No student shall be eligible for election if that student is unwilling or unable to complete the term of office.

  3. If the office of the President is vacated, the Senate shall make an appointment.

  4. If the office of any other member of the Senate is vacated, the remaining members of the body shall, by a majority vote, decide whether to hold an election or to appoint someone to fill the position. If they decide to make an appointment, that appointment shall be for the unexpired term. If they decide to have an election, they may appoint a person to fill the position temporarily until such time as an election has been held.

  5. The Senate shall maintain an Election Code containing election rules and procedures which are not specified in the Constitution or the Bylaws.

  6. The Senate shall oversee the elections for any student representative whose election shall require the vote of the student body.

Section 3. Recall of Officers

Any officer of the Senate may be removed from office by a one-half vote of the constituency which that officer represents. Recall proceedings may be initiated by a petition signed by at least fifteen percent of the students in the officer’s constituency, or by a majority of the Senate.

Section 4. Initiatives

Any matter over which a governing body or committee of the ASPC has jurisdiction may be brought to a vote of the ASPC either by a petition signed by at least ten percent of the ASPC or by a majority vote of the Senate. A decision on such a matter shall be determined by the majority of those voting on a ballot of at least four hundred members of the ASPC.

Section 5. Amendments and Bylaws

  1. This Constitution may be amended by a three-fifths vote of the ASPC.

  2. Bylaws shall be appended to this Constitution. These Bylaws may be amended either by a vote of three-fourths of the members of the Senate, or by a majority vote of the ASPC.