2019-2020 Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2019-2020 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Campus Resources and Services

Pomona College provides a number of resources and services, some of which it shares with the other Claremont Colleges. The following resources are designed to facilitate and support various aspects of student life at the College.

On-Call Professional Staff

One of the resources that Pomona College makes available to students is the support and guidance of a Pomona College professional staff member who is on call and can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This on-call staff member can be reached by calling Campus Safety at (909) 607-2000 by telephone. The on-call staff member is often one of the first responders to calls from Campus Safety about any student situation, troubling behavior, or crisis. The on-call staff determines the appropriate steps given the situation and keeps a detailed record on the interaction and intervention. The On-Call Team is coordinated by the Senior Associate Dean in the Dean of Students Office (909-621-8017) and serves as the primary resource for managing referrals and student issues and follows up with the call. 

The on-call staff member intervenes at times to de-escalate a situation between a student and other members of the campus and/or community. In these cases, on-call staff determine and coordinate Pomona College’s response to insure that all parties involved receive due consideration and fair treatment. The on-call staff may involve other Pomona College offices to determine the institutional response and will monitor an incident to make sure that adequate support continues to be made available even after the critical situation passes.

The following Student Affairs staff members serve as on-call deans:

  1. Frank Bedoya - Senior Associate Dean of Campus Life and Director of Housing and Operations
  2. Hugo Yepez - Campus Life Coordinator
  3. Joel Petty - Campus Life Coordinator
  4. Chris Weyant - Program Coordinator, Outdoor Education Center
  5. Steven Jubert - Associate Dean of Campus Life and Director of Residential Life
  6. John Lopes - Assistant Director of the Smith Campus Center
  7. Carmen Brown - Campus Life Coordinator
  8. Jess Nickerson - Campus Life Coordinator
  9. Pharalyn Crozier - Assistant Director, Queer Resource Center

First-Year Support Programs

For more information, please visit: Sponsor and Peer Mentoring Programs

Academic Resources

Brackett Observatory

Pomona College has both the on-campus Brackett Observatory and a remotely operated 1-meter telescope at the Table Mountain site, near Wrightwood, CA, in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains. The on-campus observatory includes two 14” computer-controlled telescopes instrumented with CCD cameras, a spectrograph, and video cameras, and a variety of smaller telescopes for student use, as well as a 30-foot horizontal solar telescope. All of the facilities are available to students enrolled in astronomy courses at Pomona College. For details about the observatory or the astronomy program, contact either Dr. Bryan Penprase or Dr. Phil Choi.

Departmental Liaisons

In an effort to keep communication open between the professors of a department and both majoring and non-majoring students, each department has a number of students selected to serve as department liaisons. The department liaisons bridge gaps in communication between faculty and students, coordinate supplementary social and academic activities, and participate in some aspects of administering and revising departmental policy. Contact the Office of Student Affairs for a list of departmental liaisons.

Foreign Language Resource Center (FLRC)

The Foreign Language Resource Center, located in Mason 101, provides professional development, research, and instructional language technology support to faculty and students. A modern and flexible space, the FLRC strives to offer both faculty support services and a friendly environment that promotes student-faculty engagement in the foreign languages. The computer area can be reserved for classes and presentations and the Center as a whole may be reserved for appropriate language department events and receptions. The FLRC is part of the Oldenborg Center for Modern Languages and International Relations. Visit the FLRC website.

The Herman Garner Biological Preserve (Evey)

The Herman Garner Biological Preserve is located in Evey Canyon in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains. The lower portion of Evey Canyon consists of an oak/alder riparian woodland plant community, which is becoming rare in southern California. The canyon sides are chaparral characterized by mountain lilac, laurel sumac, elderberry, chamise, buckwheat, and several sages. The upper portion of the canyon is more open and drier, and mid-elevation mixed forest species appear, including Canyon Live Oak, Bigcone Douglas-Fir, Big-Leaf Maple, California Bay, and Two-Petaled Ash. The preserve was extensively burned in the 2003 Williams fire and now demonstrates various stages of forest regeneration and rich populations of fire-specializing herbs. Evey Canyon’s varied topography and vegetation combined with a permanent stream result in rich bird and insect diversity. Eighty-four bird species have been documented since 1980, and breeding has been confirmed for thirty-eight bird species.

Members of the public may apply for a permit to use the Garner Reserve for hiking, recreation, and nature study. Please contact Gail Sundberg at 909.607.2950 or gail.sundberg@pomona.edu for information.

Pitt Ranch

The Pitt Ranch, 320 acres of rolling blue oak and valley oak woodlands, chaparral, and rocky ravines, located near Parkfield in southeastern Monterey County, was donated by Ms. Mildred Pitt, a Pomona alumna of 1925, with the stipulation that it be utilized as a preserve for the study and enjoyment of the natural history of the region. It may be used by individuals or small groups for informal conferences or recreation. The flora of the area is varied and beautiful, and nearly 100 kinds of vertebrate animals have been observed on the ranch. A rustic two-bedroom house on the ranch has bath and kitchen facilities and electricity, but no central heating. A spring supplies running water in the house, but it sometimes dries up in late summer. Supplies and gasoline must be purchased in San Miguel or Paso Robles, some 30 miles to the southwest. The ranch is five hours driving time from Claremont.

The Pitt Ranch may be reserved by Pomona college classes, student and faculty organizations, and individuals or small groups from Pomona College or the Claremont Colleges Community. For more information, contact Professor Frances Hanzawa at (909)-621-8601 or frances.hanzawa@pomona.edu, or Associate Dean of the College, Jonathan Wright at (909) 621-8328 or jonathan.wright@pomona.edu.  Please note that student groups must be accompanied by a faculty or staff member.

Pomona College Department Libraries

Name Location Extension
Anthropology and Sociology Library Hahn 213 73027
Asian Languages & Literatures Library Mason 206 18616
Classics and Religious Studies Library Pearsons 010 72921
Economics and Politics Library Carnegie 101A 18118 or 72448
English Library Crookshank 107 72212
German & Russian Library Mason 102 73075
History Library Mason 121 73075
Media Studies Library Crookshank 3 72212
Music Library Thatcher 209 73809
Philosophy Library Pearsons 208B 72921

Off-Campus Libraries

Name Phone Number
Cal Poly Pomona Library 869-3074
Cal State Fullerton Library 714-278-2633
Claremont Public Library 621-4902
Wilson Library - Univ. of La Verne 593-3511
Occidental College Library 213-259-2640
UCLA Library 310-825-1201
UC Riverside Library 787-3220
USC Library (213) 740-2311

Quantitative Skills Center

The QSC is here to help you get a handle on those quantitative methods, concepts, and questions that many Pomona College courses cover. What do we mean by quantitative skills? We mean those skills related to empirical inquiry via mathematical, statistical, or computational data gathering and analysis. In other words, the ability to take data (numerical, categorical, or ordinal), or scientific concepts, and make sense of them. These skills are not limited to just math and physics. Many courses in biology, chemistry, computer science, psychology, neuroscience, economics, politics, and sociology use quantitative methods (often having to do with statistical data analysis).

The QSC is located in Smith Campus Center suite 228. The QSC holds study sessions, workshops, and even fun study breaks at the center.

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides Pomona students with a community of experienced readers and writers, offering free, one-on-one consultations at any stage of the writing process—from generating a thesis and structuring an argument to fine-tuning a draft. Consultations are free and confidential; all Pomona students are welcome.

The Writing Fellows who staff the Writing Center are Pomona students – sophomores, juniors, and seniors – majoring in subjects as varied as Biology, English, and Politics. They are trained to work with writers at all levels, and on assignments in any discipline. In addition, every year, a select number of Writing Fellows are paired with departmental courses. Fellows are required to take ENGL 87, “Writing: Theories, Processes, Pedagogies,” in their first semester of Writing Fellow work, and all Writing Fellows participate in an ongoing series of workshop-based training sessions, in which they reflect on the experience of working with student writers, as well as read and discuss some of the scholarly literature on Writing Center tutoring.

Writing Fellows are typically nominated by faculty. Students interested in becoming Writing Fellows or ID1 Interns should contact Pamela Bromley, the Assistant Director of College Writing (pamela.bromley@pomona.edu). Applications are accepted in the spring for the following academic year.

Academic Support and Learning Center

The Academic Support and Learning Center is available to help all Pomona students be more effective and efficient learners. Don’t rely on high school study skills to get you through your first year. Use the ASLC and its resources to get you on the right path towards academic success at Pomona. We are open Monday - Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Smith Campus Center 216.

The Academic Support and Learning Center student team (“Sage Fellows”) provides one-on-one Academic Coaching. Academic Coaches can assist you with: Time Management, Wellness Strategies (Sleep, etc.), Reading Strategies, Note-Taking, Memory Improvement, Motivation, Stress Management, Procrastination Prevention, Study Strategies, and Accessing Campus Resources.

Other Resources

Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid helps students and their families pay for college by providing grants, loans, and employment to eligible students. Students must apply for financial aid each year in early April in order to be considered for financial aid assistance. They are notified of their aid eligibility in June.

Further information and applications for all programs are available in the Financial Aid Office. Students should not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid Staff for assistance. The Office is located in Sumner Hall and is open from 8 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.- 5 p.m. The phone number is (909) 621-8205.


The Office of the Registrar maintains the academic records and enforces the academic policies and procedures of the College. It publishes the schedule of courses, processes enrollment, maintains the academic transcripts of students, records eligible and approved transfer, Study Abroad , and other external coursework, produces transcripts and verifies enrollment, and certifies completion of graduation requirements. Visit the registrar office’s website, email the office at registrar@pomona.edu, or visit the office in Alexander Hall, Room 110. The registrar and staff are always ready to help students however possible.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students office is located in suite 102 of Alexander Hall. The Dean of Students office is also the central office for the Student Affairs division on campus. You can reach the office by calling extension 909-621-8017 or by emailing studentaffairs@pomona.edu .

Visit the Dean of Students Office website or the central website for Division of Student Affairs.

Domestic Exchange Program

Juniors, a few second-semester sophomores, and first-semester seniors may study for a semester at Colby, Swarthmore, Smith, or Spelman colleges in the east. This option is designed to provide additional opportunities for students to enhance their academic experience in the U.S. Course credits transfer directly from the exchange college, and tuition, room and board, and financial aid all stay at the student’s home college. Additional exchange opportunities are available at other colleges in specific academic programs. For further information about exchange options, see the Pomona College Catalog or the Office of Student Affairs, Alexander Hall, 102.

Emergency Loans

Emergency loans are available to Pomona students needing small amounts of money for short-term use. In certain circumstances, emergency grants for non-academic needs are also available. Students needing emergency loans or seeking an emergency grant should go to the Office of Student Affairs, Alexander Hall 102 or email Dean Hinkson at avis.hinkson@pomona.edu.

Campus and Community Resources for Substance-Related Concerns

Pomona College invites all students, faculty, and staff to participate actively in efforts to maintain a safe campus community that promotes the well-being and academic success of all students. The College strongly encourages members of the community to utilize the wide range of campus resources and services available for addressing substance-related concerns. Students seeking assistance through Health Services, Counseling Services, Health Education, and other alcohol or drug education will receive confidential services in accordance with state laws. Pomona College support services include:

  • Drug and Alcohol Counselor – Pomona College employs a drug and alcohol counselor with whom students may speak with in strict confidence. Jasa Cocke is located in Wig Hall, 1A and her extension is 909-607-8763.
  • Campus Safety – An officer is available for assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ext. 909-607-2000.
  • Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services – An on-call therapist is available 24 hours a day during the academic year by calling Campus Safety at ext. 909-607-2000. Monsour’s number is 909-621-8202.
  • Health Education Outreach – 909-607-3602.
  • On Call Deans – A dean is available for assistance 24 hours a day when students are on campus. Call ext. 909-607-2000 and have Campus Safety page the dean.

In addition, there are many off-campus resources available including Alcoholics Anonymous (909-623-9070), Alcohol and Drug Referral Hotline (800-252-6465). Referral services include inpatient detoxification services, located in Monrovia, Narcotics Anonymous (909-629-4084). Please contact Jasa Cocke, Pomona College Drug and Alcohol Counselor, for additional information at ext. 909-607-8763.

For additional campus and community resources for alcohol-related concerns, also see section V. Resources for Students  under the Alcohol Policy.

Five-College Resources

Campus Safety

Campus Safety may be reached by dialing 909-607-2000 from any campus phone or by calling 909-621-8170. It is located at 150 East Eighth Street. Campus Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day year round to help provide safety and security for our students, faculty and staff.

Campus Safety is staffed by full-time and part-time employees, who are specifically trained and responsible for a full range of public safety services including: crime reports, apprehension and arrest of suspects, enforcement of all federal, state and local laws, as well as College policies and regulations, responding to suspicious activity calls, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, parking and traffic enforcement, safety hazards, escort services and a host of related safety services.

Crime Prevention is a major focus of Campus Safety as well as providing the community with strategies to promote the reduction and elimination of crimes. Campus Safety recommends that each individual takes responsibility for their own safety and security. In this regard, the following suggestions are highly recommended:

  • Report all crimes and suspicious activity immediately (ext. 909-607-2000). Prompt reporting may assist in apprehension and prevention of future crimes.
  • Keep your dorm/residential or office door(s) locked and don’t prop open any exterior doors.
  • Always keep your room door locked when: sleeping, taking a nap, showering, going down the hall, expecting someone to visit, or whatever the situation,
  • LOCK YOUR DOOR. Carry your key/card key around your neck or somewhere on your person.
  • Report people you don’t know who “accidentally” enter your room under any pretense.
  • Lock up your valuables at all times, but especially when social activity is expected in your room or suite.
  • Don’t walk alone at night. Use Campus Safety’s Escort Service by calling ext 909-607-2000.
  • Participate in crime prevention programs.

Campus Notices and Security Alerts

In fall 2007, Pomona and The Claremont Colleges Services put into service an emergency notification system that will let you know if there is a situation on campus that constitutes a major emergency, such as a chemical spill, earthquake, or an act of violence. This system is called Everbridge, and gives Pomona the ability to not only notify you about an emergency, but also give you information and instructions.

Students’ personal emergency contact information (personal cell phone) has also been automatically entered into the system. Students can also input and update their personal data on the Everbridge form available on the student portal.

Student Affairs also attempts to inform the campus community of crimes or suspected crimes which threaten the physical safety of Pomona College students. Student Affairs communicates relevant information to students, faculty, and staff through security alerts and campus notices.

  1. Security alerts are usually used for the most serious incidents or when a danger or threat seems imminent and warrants special precautions. Campus notices are used for less serious incidents when there is no imminent danger or threat and the primary need is for rumor control or for information about the progress of an investigation.
  2. Descriptions of suspects are normally given at the end of the Alert or Report when they are detailed enough to offer the possibility of positive identification.
  3. Legal constraints about confidentiality and privacy requests made by the victims and their families are honored.

Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Registration

All students and employees must register their cars and motorcycles with Campus Safety every academic year. Temporary parking permits are required for visitors and are available at Campus Safety. Vehicle Registration is now available on-line; visit the TCCS Campus Safety website and click on our “On-line Vehicle Registration” site. Every student living on or off-campus who owns, maintains, or operates a motor vehicle must register the vehicle with the Campus Safety Department. Students are allowed three days from the date their vehicle is brought to the college campus to register motor vehicles.

Students must furnish evidence of liability insurance and vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles in order to register their vehicles with Campus Safety. Only one vehicle per student may be registered. The cost of registering a vehicle is $60 per semester. Those who fail to register automobiles, motorcycles, motor bikes, or motor scooters will be fined $50 per ticket and after the third ticket the motor vehicle will be towed if parked on campus.

At all times, students operating motor vehicles at the College must maintain a valid drivers’ license. Temporary permits must be obtained from Campus Safety for vehicles which will be used on campus for no more than two weeks. There is no fee for temporary permits. Parking and Traffic Regulations for the Claremont Colleges are available on-line at Campus Safety’s website.

Students who bring motor vehicles to campus are responsible for knowing and complying with all traffic and parking regulations. Students will be given, upon registration of their vehicles, a pamphlet summarizing these regulations.

Pomona College assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of vehicles parked or driven on campus. Furthermore, students who use privately owned motor vehicles in connection with official or unofficial activities or student employment are not insured by the College’s primary automobile liability insurance. Automobile insurance carried by the owner is the primary source of coverage for losses or injuries sustained during such use of privately owned vehicles. It is the responsibility of the owner of a motor vehicle to obtain appropriate property and personal liability insurance in connection with the operation of the motor vehicle.

All students bringing bicycles to the campus must license their bikes with the State of California as required by State law. Student bicycle licenses may be obtained at the Office of Campus Life.

Safe Escorts

If you are traveling on campus after dark, you should always do so in groups of two or more people. If you need to walk alone and want an escort, you can call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000 and they will provide an officer to escort you to your dorm or other building on campus.


The Interfaith Chaplaincy of The Claremont Colleges represents, coordinates, and directs the programs of McAlister Center for Religious Activities.

The Office of the Chaplains offers a full schedule of regular worship services, along with a wide range of events and programs for the Jewish, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Zen Buddhist, Muslim, and other communities. There is a meditation chapel and an interfaith library, as well as the Community Service Office which links students with local community agencies.

McAlister Center is also available for use by other religious student groups on the campus. The Chaplains, a Protestant Minister, Jewish Rabbi and Catholic Priest, assist students who want to make contact with members of their community of belief and also offer counseling for members of the campus community.

The Chaplains can be reached at 909-621-8685. McAlister Center is located at 10th and Columbia.

Worship services at McAlister Center TBA.

Huntley Bookstore

Established as the bookstore for The Claremont Colleges in 1969, Huntley Bookstore is the source for all course required textbooks and support materials used at the Colleges. Huntley also carries many academic trade and reference titles, best sellers at 30% off, academic study aids, school and office supplies, clothing and gift items as well as snacks and soft drinks. Huntley Bookstore provides both Apple and PC computer hardware and software at academic discount prices. They have a full line of computer supplies and peripherals and offer repair services for Apple products.

Huntley is open year-round and has a variety of services. You can order textbooks online and have them shipped to you or pick them up in store by going to the Huntley Bookstore website.

Huntley Bookstore is located in the heart of The Claremont Colleges at 175 East Eighth Street on the corner of Dartmouth Avenue.

Regular Store Hours:

Day Hours
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Summer Hours:

Day Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

International Place

International Place (I-Place) is an active international, multicultural center for all of The Claremont Colleges. Located on the Claremont McKenna College campus, I-Place is dedicated to increasing understanding and friendship across cultures. The center offers a variety of services for international students, scholars, and faculty and offers educational programs and cultural events for the entire community. There are over 700 citizens of nearly 70 other countries at all seven Claremont Colleges – so the world comes together at International Place!

I-Place sponsors lunch discussion programs on global issues, annual events honoring United Nations Day and International Women’s Day, a Spring International Festival, a Fall Banquet, and social and educational events throughout the year.

For more information visit the I-Place website, or contact I-Place at 909-621-8344 or ipoffice@cmc.edu.


Listed here are the regular hours for libraries at The Claremont Colleges. Some have study areas that are open beyond the regular hours, or special hours during breaks and finals weeks which will be announced.

Honnold/Mudd Library

Located at Eighth Street and Dartmouth Avenue, this library houses research collections in the humanities and social sciences, as well as Asian language materials, government publications, and many special collections.

Ext. 18150 (information), ext. 18372 (circulation), ext. 73968 (reserve), and ext. 73959 (reference).


Day Hours
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. to 1.a.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.

Denison Library

Located on the Scripps campus, this library specializes in the humanities and fine arts, with special collections by and about women, the history of books and printing, and the book arts. Ext. 73941.


Day Hours
Monday -Thursday 8 a.m. to midnight
Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 12 p.m. to midnight


Rancho Santa Ana Library

1500 N. College. This library, located at the Botanic Gardens, is a botany and research library which specializes in botany and horticulture. The library requests that students call before using the facilities. 625-8767, ext. 236. Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Student Health Services

The Student Health Service (SHS) is dedicated to the health and wellness of students at The Claremont Colleges. The staff consists of physicians, nurse practitioners and a registered nurse who provide high quality medical care in a caring and professional manner. SHS recognizes that this is the onset of students managing their health care and encourages them to take an active role in their own health and well-being. Medical records are confidential and information regarding a student will not be released without the student’s signed consent.


757 College Way in the Tranquada Student Services Building
Claremont, CA 91711 (in front of Honnold Library)
Student Health Services website


(909) 621-8222
(On campus–ext. 18222)
Fax: (909) 621-8472


Day Hours
Monday through Friday while school is in session 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m until 7:00pm


Appointments are highly recommended for all visits.

  1. Appointments begin at 8:30 a.m. and can be made starting at 8:00 a.m. by telephone.
  2. Same-day appointments are usually available if you call early.
  3. Students do not have to pay for charges at the time of service.
  4. A $15 charge will be assessed for any missed appointments not canceled two hours in advance.

Walk-In Hours

  1. Walk-in visits are available Monday through Friday at 8:30 a.m.– 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
  2. Walk-in students are seen in the order of arrival and are worked into the schedule between appointments. Be prepared to wait.
  3. There is a $15 charge for walk-in visits.

Emergency Care

After Hours:

If an urgent medical problem occurs after the Student Health Service is closed, students should request assistance from their RA or page the on-call Dean by calling Campus Safety at 909-607-2000. An on-call medical provider is also available for telephone consultation by calling Campus Safety at 909-607-2000. Emergency health services and other special services are available to students at nearby hospitals: Pomona Valley Medical Center (909-865-9600), Montclair Hospital Medical Center (909 625-5411) and San Antonio Community Hospital (909-985-2811), all within 5 miles of the campus. An urgent care facility, Pomona Valley Health Center at Claremont, is located at 1601 Monte Vista Ave, Claremont (909-865-9977). It is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and most holidays. Transportation to the nearest hospital Emergency Unit can be arranged by the Dean of Students Office. After normal work hours, page the on-call Dean at 909-607-2000.


Emergency care is available for serious illness or trauma during regular hours at the clinic as determined by the triage nurse e.g., bleeding, possible fracture, allergic reactions. There is no appointment charge for an emergency visit.

SHS Services Available

  • Outpatient services for both acute and chronic problems.
  • Women’s Health services (including Pap smears).
  • STI/HIV testing and counseling.
  • Contraceptive services including Morning After Pill.
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling.
  • Physical examinations for sports, travel abroad, Peace Corp, job applications, etc.
  • Preventive medicine service.
  • Allergy injections, immunizations for travel.
  • Referrals to specialists and services not available at SHS.
  • Dispensary for limited prescription and over the counter medications.
  • Laboratory testing.
  • Limited X-ray services.
  • Orthopedic supplies (splints, ace bandages, dressings).
  • Limited minor surgical procedures.


Students do not need to pay for charges at the time of service. Students have up to 30 days to pay at which time the charges will be transferred to a student account with a $7 is processing fee for each bill.

  • No Charge for regular appointments.
  • Walk-in appointments - $15.
  • Missed appointments - $15.
  • Emergency visit - No Charge.
  • There are nominal charges for certain supplies, lab tests and x-rays.

Choosing a Provider

The Student Health Service suggests that selecting a Primary Care Provider offers the most personalized and consistent health care. A Primary Care Provider is a nurse practitioner or medical doctor who is responsible for the majority of students’ health care needs. Referrals to specialists within SHS and the surrounding community assure access to the full range of health care you need. SHS can also coordinate care with a home Primary Care Provider if desired.

Eligibility and Records

All students must have a health history and entrance physical examination on file to use the service. These forms are required of all new, transfer, and exchange students for initial admission to Pomona College and are important as they provide essential information about ongoing health care and past treatment. Students who have not received this form in the mail can download from the Student Health Services website.

Health Education Outreach

At Health Education Outreach (HEO) the mission is to provide educational programming, services, and resources that will enable students of the Claremont Colleges to play active roles in achieving, protecting, and sustaining health and wellness.

HEO is dedicated to finding the most appropriate health and wellness information and resources including: alcohol and tobacco education; recreational and prescription drug information; nutrition information and diet analysis; sexual health information, free anonymous HIV testing on campus; wellness counseling; disordered eating education; referrals to local and national information and help lines; free condoms, ear plugs and lubrication; and a collection of health and wellness resources, including periodicals, books, pamphlets, CD-ROMS, and videos

HEO is located in the Tranquada Student Services Center. To schedule an appointment, call 909-607-3602, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or through the HEO website.

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services Center

The Monsour Counseling Center is located in the Tranquada Student Services Center. It has a staff of doctoral psychologists as well as graduate psychology interns who provide therapeutic services to help students develop emotionally and cope with the stresses of college life. Psychiatric consultants are also available. Confidential Short-term individual, couples, and group therapy is provided. Counseling records are confidential and information will not be released without the student’s signed consent except as required by law. Workshops and structured groups are offered on topics such as but not limited to: eating disorders, relationship issues, enhancing self-esteem, sexual abuse, relaxation, and graduate/re-entry support. Referrals are made to mental health resources in the community when necessary.

Students with personal concerns or those simply wishing to talk with someone are welcome. For an appointment, call 909-621-8202.


Tranquada Student Services Building
727 College Way
Claremont, CA 91711


The center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday during the academic year. Appointments after regular hours may be available upon request.

Appointments and Costs

Appointments may be scheduled over the phone or in person. Same-day appointments are available in urgent situations, but otherwise appointments are usually made a few days to one week in advance. There are no costs or fees for Monsour counseling services.


All sessions and discussions with a therapist are confidential.

Emergency Services

During office hours, (8:30-5:00 p.m.) students experiencing psychological distress can come to MCAPS and be seen by a counselor for an assessment and/or counseling.

When Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAAPS) is closed, students experiencing a crisis can contact the counselor on-call by contacting Campus Safety 909-607-2000.

Reasons to Visit Monsour

  • Feelings of depression.
  • Excessive anxiety or stress.
  • Problems in interpersonal relationships.
  • Concerns about sexuality or sexual identity.
  • Lack of motivation to do work.
  • Procrastination.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Problems with drugs or alcohol.
  • Concerns with cultural or racial issues.
  • Problems with learning disabilities.


  • Short-term individual therapy.
  • Couples therapy.
  • Stress management.
  • Theme-focused therapy groups for dealing with issues ranging from relationship concerns to eating disorders to sexual trauma.
  • Short-term structured groups on topics such as stress management and relaxation.
  • Consultation services are available to help people who are concerned about the emotional well-being of any friend, relative, or acquaintance.


Counseling Center staff conduct workshops and presentations on a variety of topics including stress management, self-esteem, problems with self-control, interpersonal relationships, gender, and diversity issues. Students, staff and faculty may request workshops. If you are interested in participating in or organizing a workshop on your own,, information and guidance can be provided by the counseling center.
Examples of workshops that have been provided in the past include:

  • Making Peace with Food and Your Body.
  • Study/Exam Skills.
  • Relaxation Training.
  • Date Rape Issues.
  • Stress Management / Time Management.

Health Insurance

Effective fall 2008, Pomona College requires all incoming students to carry health insurance. Students can either enroll in the Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan (SASIP) of the Claremont Colleges or waive out if they carry comparable alternative insurance (waiver forms will bom/ce required each year you are an enrolled student). The SASIP plan covers medical expenses off campus, such as hospitalization, surgery, and accidental injury. Information about the policy can be obtained through the Office of Student Affairs. Continuing students do not need to show proof of insurance, but every student should be covered by medical insurance — whether a family policy, other coverage, or this policy. For continuing students, health insurance coverage is required prior to participating in varsity or club sports, or participating in OTL trips. If a student needs insurance but cannot afford it, the Financial Aid Office may be able to help. Contact the Financial Aid office at 909-621-8205.

Resource Centers

Asian American Resource Center (AARC)

The Asian American Resource Center’s (AARC’s) mission is to build a stronger sense of Asian Pacific Islander community, raise awareness of issues affecting Asian/Asian American and Pacific Islanders, develop student leadership, and act as a resource for the campus community. Established in 1991, the AARC works in collaboration with other academic and student affairs departments to sponsor a wide range of educational and community building programs. Our programs are based on guiding principles of engagement, service, and production of resources.

  • Engagement: The AARC seeks to engage diverse communities, actively outreaching to various students and communities through programs such as films, writing workshops, lectures, and discussion groups.
  • Service: The AARC is committed to serving the Inland Valley and Los Angeles Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We believe that participation in the local community will help to enhance the educational experience that students receive while at the same time promoting responsibility and accountability to community building. Service projects include a youth media arts program in Chinatown and a tutoring program with a local Tongan church.
  • Production of Resources: We seek to support the production of resources in the form of new research, articles, and videos that help to inform the community of various topics and issues relevant to the Asian American and Pacific Islander experiences. The AARC also houses the multimedia Yuri Kochiyama Asian American Studies Library, which contains printed material, documentaries, and audio selections.

For more information concerning programs and resources, call 909-621-8639. Please also call to join the AARC’s mailing list.

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center (CLSA)

The Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center (CLSA) is an educational support service that addresses student advancement through academic, social and cultural programs. CLSA builds community through activities and events that bring students together on a five-college basis. The New Student Retreat, Latino Heritage Celebration, Día de la Familia, monthly lunches, study breaks, movie series, guest lectures, Chicano/Latino Senior Banquet and César Chávez Commemoration events help students to network and form bonds of friendship and support. Moreover, every new student is mentored through the CLSA Sponsor Program.

Programs are provided that enrich student cultural identity, promote social awareness and develop leadership roles in the college community. CLSA offers services and activities that celebrate the history, heritage and culture of Chicanos and Latinos.

CLSA is located at 757 College Way, on the second floor ofthe Tranquada Student Services Center. To learn more about CLSA please call 909-621-8044 and go to the CLSA website.

Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA)

The Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA), through its academic services and cultural programs, helps create a campus environment for students of African descent that will help them attain their undergraduate and graduate degrees. OBSA also helps students develop appropriate educational plans, mature career paths, emotional autonomy, coping skills, feelings of self-worth and independence, a positive ethnic identity, mature relationships with peers and a responsible lifestyle. OBSA’s programs and services include Academic Strategies Workshops, the New Student Retreat, Black History Month programs, leadership training, social lunches, speakers’ series, and poetry readings. All programs and services are open to all students of the Claremont Colleges. OBSA is located at 139 E. 7th street and can be reached by phone at 909-607-3669. Fax: 909-621-8969.

Queer Resource Center

The Queer Resource Center is dedicated to providing education, advocacy, and support for the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and ally (LGBTQQIA) community at the Claremont Colleges. We have a large collection of LGBTQQIA- related books and movies, which can be checked out for research material or just for fun. The QRC’s student staff plan fantasic social, educational, and political programs throughout the year in addition to co-sponsoring many others with various organizations. The QRC lounge can be used for meetings, doing homework, building community, or simply hanging out with friends in a safe space.

In addition to the student staff, the coordinator is available during drop-in hours for: Informal counseling related to LGBTQQIA issues including, but not limited to, coming out friends and family and dealing with homophobia, both internal and external; acting as a liaison with the administration to help give students a louder voice; advocating for LGBTQQIA students; connecting students to campus and local organizations; connecting students and alumni. The QRC is located at Walton Commons, Pomona College. You may contact the QRC at 909-607-1817, or you can call the director, Manny Diaz at 909-607-1269. For more information about the Queer Resource Center and events please check out our QRC website or drop by our Facebook page.

Women’s Union (WU)

The Women’s Union is a resource center for those interested in exploring gender-related issues. The WU provides a space for social gatherings, for on-campus groups to meet, and for students to study and peruse the extensive Gender and Women’s Studies library. The programming includes a diverse array of projects , including Thursday Noon Discussions, study breaks, and cultural field trips into the Los Angeles area. Every semester, the Women’s Union organizes a variety of events to foster discussion. The Women’s Union employs a staff of 15-20 Pomona students. It is located in upper Walker Lounge, the residence hall west of Frary, and its doors are open to everyone. To contact the WU call 909-607-3999.


Day Hours
Sunday to Thursday 4pm- 11pm
Friday and Saturday 12pm-7pm

Smith Campus Center Resources

Smith Campus Center Office (SCC) / Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC)

The Smith Campus Center / ASPC Office is here to support students in their experience at Pomona by providing a wide variety of services. The SCC/ASPC office aims to be the center for student life and activities on campus. Student organizations plan events and access funds through the SCC/ASPC office. In addition, students get the contact information for any registered student group, whether it be Pomona-only or a 5C organization. The staff in the SCC/ASPC office can also assist students who wish to create a new organization or club on campus. The office also offers discount tickets for local theaters and many local amusement parks. Other services include: fax service, lost & found items, audio/visual support, Costco membership cards, and a poster lab to promote events and programs.

Campus Center Audio Visual Event Services (CCAVES)

The Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC) owns audio visual equipment, including a TV, DVD, video projector, screen, slide projector, overhead projector, public address systems and two sound systems designed for use with small bands. This equipment is more than adequate for most student events and is available to student groups and organizations for use at campus events. Arrangements for use of any of this equipment should be made at least one week in advance at the SCC/ASPC office. There is a fee for use of the equipment and a technician is provided to set up and operate the systems.

Copy Machines

The Coop Store houses a photocopier available to students at a low cost. Honnold Library has a number of photocopy machines which make copies for ten cents a page.

Lost And Found

A five College Lost and Found is located in the Campus Safety Office at 150 East Eighth Street, 909-607-2000.

The Campus Center also maintains a Lost and Found service. Please return found items to the Campus Center (SCC 244) or check for lost items there as well.

Poster Making

The ASPC provides all the necessary supplies to make large banners for advertising, student activities, sharing news, or wishing your roommate a Happy Birthday. Visit the ASPC office (suite 244 of the Smith Campus Center) to check out the keys to the poster lab.

Reservable Meeting and Event Rooms

There are a number of reservable meeting and event rooms on campus available to students and student groups who wish to host programs and events. The Smith Campus Center has reservable meeting rooms of varying sizes that are available for student organizations, meetings, or presentations. The Rose Hills Theatre, a 200-seat venue, is fully equipped with a 35mm projection system, video and slide projections and built-in sound. The Edmunds Ballroom in the Smith Campus Center can be used for large events such as dances, dinners, or presentations. The ballroom can seat up to 300 people at round tables for dinners and up to 500 for presentations. The Campus Center Social Room and the Doms Lounge, located in the lower level, can host events of up to 165 people. Audio/Visual support for all of these rooms is also available through CCAVES.

Under Norton-Clark residence halls is the Heritage Lounge (formerly Social Room 5), which is available for meetings. Adjacent to the Lounge are several lockers for clubs and organizations that can be assigned by the Smith Campus Center staff.

From time to time, student functions may be held in outdoor courtyards located within the residence halls. These functions must be registered through the SCC/ASPC Office and approved in advance by the Office of Campus Life.

Contact the SCC/ASPC Office in suite 244 of the Smith Campus Center to find out which of these spaces meets your needs and make reservations.

Halona Lodge

Halona (a Native American word meaning “happy place”) is a cabin located in the San Jacinto Mountains in Idyllwild, California. The cabin can accommodate groups of up to 40 persons on retreat for educational or recreational purposes. The cabin has hot and cold running water, large main room with a fireplace, a loft for sleeping, a kitchen with a gas range and refrigerator, and three bathrooms. Reservations are made during one semester for the following semester, via the SCC/ASPC Office (ext. 72268). Organizations using Halona must have a faculty or staff member with them during their stay. The faculty or staff member accompanying the group must pick up the cabin keys from the SCC/ASPC office prior to departure. Halona is a substance-free space and alcohol is prohibited for use at the cabin. Organizations which violate either the alcohol policy or the advisor policy will lose the privilege to use the lodge for between two and four years following the year of the violation.

Sontag Greek Theatre

“The Wash” is a large open area on the east side of the campus. In the heart of the Wash is the Greek Theatre. In its earliest years the Greek Theatre was the site of formal College gatherings including Commencement, but more recently, it became the site of student social events.

During the 1996-97 year, the Greek Theatre was reconstructed and renovated. Thanks to the generous contributions of many alums and friends of the College, the Fred Sontag Greek Theatre was dedicated in 1997, honoring Fred Sontag, a long serving member of the philosophy department, and his wife Carol. Planned events in the Sontag theatre or Wash must be scheduled in advance with the SCC/ASPC office. Use of the sound and light equipment is arranged through the Campus Center Visual Event Services (CCAVES), also in the SCC/ASPC office.

Local Transportation

Car Rentals/Zipcar

Pomona has contracted with Zipcar to provide rental cars for students on campus. While the College does allow some students to bring cars to campus, we strongly encourage students to identify alternative means of local transportation. Zipcar is a service that rents cars to students 18 and over with good driving records. The rental costs are $7.00 hourly or $48 for the day after a $35 membership fee is paid. Zipcar allows students to have short-term use of a car for shopping, medical appointments or other personal errands. For more information about membership eligibility, or to sign up, please go to the Zipcar website.


Dial-a-ride offers reliable taxi services within the Claremont area. It can also be used for trips to the Pomona Valley Medical Center, Montclair Plaza, and the Montclair Transcenter. Pickups can typically be made within 45 minutes of calling. Dial-A-Ride can be reached at 909-623-0183.

Foothill Transit

Foothill transit is the bus service for the San Gabriel Valley area. It connects Claremont with Pasadena, Montclair, West Covina, Pomona, and other nearby cities. It also provides the Silver Streak Line, which has an express route from Montclair to LA Union Station. Month-long passes at discounted rates are available for local rides only. For more information on Foothill Transit, go to the Foothill Transit website.

The Class Pass offers free bus transportation around Claremont and to other nearby places, like Pasadena and Los Angeles. Pick up your free Class Pass at the Connection (Claremont Colleges Library). Just remember to bring your ID with you. For hours, visit https://www.cuc.claremont.edu/connection/

Los Angeles County Metro Bus

The LA County Metro bus system runs parallel to the Metro Rail line system. Although it does not extend to Claremont, it has many lines in the LA area and can be accessed through LA Union Station. The passes are also good for the Metro Rail Lines. Buses run across the LA region from Santa Monica to Hollywood to Long Beach. Freeway express bus lines are available as well as local street lines. For a trip planner, maps, and scheduling information, go to the LA Metro website.

Los Angeles County Metro Rail Lines

The Metro Rail composes the subway system for the Los Angeles area, with a central hub at the LA Union Station. Students can access a variety of locations using its five lines: Red-Line (Hollywood), Gold-Line (Pasadena), Purple-Line (downtown LA), Blue-Line (Long Beach), and Green-Line (Redondo Beach and Norwalk). For more schedule and fee information, go to the LA Metro website.

Sagehen Shuttle

The Sagehen Shuttle is a transportation service provided by the SCC/ASPC Office. The Shuttle is a 7 person van driven by employees of the SCC/ASPC. It is available to students, organizations and classes for various field trips and community service projects. There is a small fee for the services and it is important to make reservations in advance. The Sagehen Shuttle Reservation Forms are available in the ASPC Office.

The Sagecoach

The Sagecoach is a 25-passenger bus which provides transportation to events or activities at a reduced cost. Request forms are available in the ASPC Office or online at the Smith Campus Center website. The Sagecoach hires professional Class-B drivers to operate the coach.


The Metrolink train provides students access to the Los Angeles metropolitan area via Union Station. From Union Station, students can transfer to the Metro Gold-Line (Chinatown, Pasadena) or the Metro Red-Line (Hollywood, West LA). View a detailed schedule of Metrolink times and station locations.

For more information about public transportation options around Claremont-LA area, visit the Pomona College Public Transportation Guide on the Smith Campus Center website. The Guide includes details on public transit routes as well as directions to airports, restaurants, beaches, venues, museums, and other exciting locations using only public transportation.

Career Development

The Career Development Office (CDO), located in Alexander Hall, just west of the Smith Campus Center, provides a variety of resources for finding internships, summer employment, full-time/post-graduate and gap year opportunities, fellowship, graduate, and professional school information. Career Advisors assist students with seeking ways to connect their unique experiences with the value of their liberal arts education to facilitate informed choices regarding their professional aspirations. This process involves multiple steps: assessment, exploration, skill development, and post graduate search implementation. In addition to the advising that students receive to help them through the process, the CDO facilitates workshops on a variety of career topics frequently including alumni guest speakers who speak from the shared perspective of a Pomona education with lessons learned from beyond the campus gates.

Appreciating that internships are an integral part of gaining work related experience, the CDO assists students in their search for internships, whether it is during the academic year or the summer. During the academic year, the Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP) provides part-time internships in a variety of professional settings (see detailed description of PCIP in the next section). Furthermore, students are encouraged to intern during the summer months and these internships can be at sites all around the world. The CDO provides numerous resources to help students obtain internships, including an extensive database, on-line subscriptions to various industry specific sources and membership in the Liberal Arts Career Network, a consortium of 35 nationally ranked, highly selective liberal arts institutions. Thanks to our generous donors, funds are available to support students doing low-paying or unpaid summer internships. For the Summer of 2014, 85 students were awarded funding upon participation in a competitive application process. Information and applications are available in the spring semester.

The CDO assesses internship options and can approve a transcript notation indicating that the internship may be valued as one-half course credit by schools which award graduation credit for internships, which Pomona College does not. In order for the transcript notation to be approved, students will be required to complete a reflection summary paper and return a final evaluation from their internship sponsor. Certain organizations will only hire interns with this means of remuneration. Curricular Practical Training is available for international students through the CDO.

The Pomona College Recruiting Program is national in scope. As a part of The Claremont Colleges joint on-campus recruiting program, students are exposed to various employers and graduate programs. The joint program allows Pomona students access to employers, representatives, or workshops offered at any of The Claremont Colleges. Our web-based recruiting and career information system, ClaremontConnect, is the gateway to internships, full and part time positions, on-campus jobs, graduate schools, career-related information and more. Full-time, part-time, summer jobs, and internships are also available through password-protected databases that students can access either through ClaremontConnect or by contacting the office.

To broaden the opportunities for our students, the CDO collaborates with peer colleges across the nation. The CDO is a member of the Selective Liberal Arts Consortium (SLAC), and the Career and Internship Consortium (CIC). These consortia coupled with our partnership in The Claremont Colleges joint on-campus recruiting program provide our students with access to over 14,000 jobs and internships postings, over 350 on-campus events (interviews, information sessions, career fairs), and over 30 graduate school information sessions.

The office communicates with students through a number of channels. The CDO weekly e-newsletter, Sneak Peek of the Week, lists forthcoming events, alumni and major spotlights, as well as internship, fellowship, and job opportunities. The CDO Listservs send targeted email messages to students pertaining to jobs, internships and workshops. The office posts announcements regularly on CHIRPS! the daily campus wide digested email. Finally, the office maintains the CDO website. The CDO Web offers a wide variety of online career resources and tips as well as other valuable career site links including the ClaremontConnect calendar, which features career event listings for all Claremont campuses. Students with a LinkedIn account can join the Pomona Career Connections and Pomona Alumni groups to connect directly with Pomona alumni in discussions about career advice and current job openings.

Pomona College Internship Program

Each semester during the academic year, the Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP) provides part-time, 10-week internships in a variety of professional settings. Students are eligible for credit as part of the internship, as well as an hourly wage. Geographic locations for the internship sites range from the campus, to the local community, to the greater Los Angeles area. This program helps students engage in the community and gain practical, pre-professional experience while exploring a career interest. It also encourages students to integrate their liberal learning with the working world outside of academia. For the 2014-2015 academic year, more than 180 opportunities at over 170 internship sites were available through the program, representing a variety of industries. Sites include television stations, motion picture production studios, newspapers, alternative dispute resolution centers and traditional law offices, local businesses, scientific research sites, medical service centers, museums, public and private elementary and secondary schools, social services and public policy organizations, and state and local government offices. Student responsibilities have included chemical or biological research, editing or graphic arts layout and design, landlord-tenant mediations, and helping to design and teach lessons to elementary school students. Students who wish to design their own internships are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the internship coordinator.

Law School

Prelaw Advisor: Susanne Mahoney Filback

Law schools do not require any particular undergraduate concentration; they are interested in breadth of background, quality of work and the ability to write and speak with clarity and precision. Generally, most students find some work in politics, economics and history helpful. Students and alumni interested in law school should contact the Career Development Office or email the prelaw advisor directly at susanne.filback@pomona.edu to schedule an appointment.

Medicine and Allied Fields

Pre-Health Advisor: Richard Lewis

Health profession schools do not require students to major in any particular area, but only that certain requirements be met. Students should major in the area of study that most appeals to them and reflects their interests. All potential applicants should have substantial volunteer, internship or paid experience in a health or human services setting by the time of application. For more information, please visit the Pre-Health Advising website.

The Coop Store

Located on the courtyard of the Smith Campus Center is the Coop Store. Student staffed, the Coop Store provides a vast array of Pomona logo items and Sagehen sportswear, as well as a wide variety of food and snack items, school supplies, and personal health items. Other services of the Coop Store include Claremont Cash Deposits, low-cost photocopying, and recreation equipment check out, including pool cues, Nintendo 64, Playstation 2, and Wii. The Coop Store accepts Cash, Credit Cards, Checks and Claremont Cash for all items in stock. Students may use their Board Plus accounts to purchase food items only.


Day Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 am to Midnight
Saturday Noon to Midnight
Sunday Noon to 9:00 pm

The Coop Store and The Coop Fountain employ an average of 75 students each semester. Both establishments are great places to earn money and to learn excellent professional skills. If you are interested in working for the Store, contact Brenda Schmit, Manager of Retail Services, at 909-621-8984.

The Kinsmith (Coop) Fountain

The Coop Fountain is also located in the courtyard of Smith Campus Center. While the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, and snack items, the Coop has always been known for serving the biggest, thickest, hand-packed milkshakes in town. With seating inside and outside, the Fountain is a relaxing place for students to meet a professor for lunch, grab a quick bite between classes, or to satisfy those late-night food cravings. The Coop Fountain accepts cash, checks, Coop Dollars, Claremont Cash and Board Plus. Arrangements can also be made by departments, clubs and organizations for small-scale catering services. If you are interested in working for the Fountain, contact Chris Lucero at 909-607-9443.


Day Hours
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am to midnight
Friday 9:00 am to 1:00am
Saturday Noon to 1:00 am
Sunday Noon to Midnight

The Draper Center for Community Partnerships

The mission of the Draper Center for Community Partnerships is to foster mutually beneficial exchanges among community members, students, faculty, and staff in order to support educational outreach initiatives, community-based research and learning, and other community engagement activities.

On campus, the experiences, ideas, and new perspectives that emerge from college-community connections expand the classroom; enhance critical thinking; encourage students to view themselves as change agents; develop student leadership; support the recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, and staff; establish mentoring networks among diverse individuals; and help students refine the values and skills that support lifelong practices of social responsibility.

Off campus, these activities support the College’s responsibility and commitment to contribute to the surrounding communities in which we live and from which we receive intellectual, academic, and staffing resources. The Draper Center reinforces existing ties and forges new ones between the College and other community organizations ensuring dynamic, mutually educational and constructive partnerships. Draper Center activities include Alternabreak, America Reads, Pomona Partners, the Pomona College Academy for Youth Success (PAYS), ongoing opportunities to engage with community based organizations and the provision of transportation to such opportunities including visits to community gardens, hospital volunteering, tutoring at nearby high schools, work days at local shelters and food banks, etc. The Draper Center was established in 2009 with a generous gift from the Draper Family Foundation and Ranney E. (‘60) and Priscilla Draper. For more information call 909-607-8575.

Other Resources

Athletic Facilities

The athletic facilities at Pomona College are extensive. There are four recreational fields, two pools (including the 50-meter Haldeman Pool), the Strehle running track, the Pauley Tennis Complex containing 10 tennis courts, 2 soccer fields, and recently renovated Merritt football and Alumni baseball fields and facilities.

The Liliore Green Rains Center for Sports and Recreation serves as the hub of athletic activity on the campus. It houses several activity areas such as the Sessions Courts, consisting of four racquetball courts and two squash courts, and the Voelkel Gymnasium containing three basketball courts and a volleyball court, a weight/fitness room and a cardiovascular exercise room.

Memorial Gymnasium includes two basketball, two volleyball, and six badminton courts. The MacLeod Room services aerobic dance, fencing, and assorted martial arts activities. The Rains Center is open, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Pendleton Physical Education Center on south campus offers a dance studio, open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Four Rogers tennis courts are also on South campus. Some facilities may be reserved for special events through the Athletic Department at 909-621-8016.

Duplicating Services

Duplicating Services at Pomona College provides economical and convenient high-quality copying service to the offices, departments, faculty, and students of the college community.

Primary Services

  • B/W and Color printing
  • Tab Dividers (5 and 9 banks available)
  • Plastic Covers (clear, black and navy available)
  • Assorted colors and sizes of paper available
  • Color Printing (Special cardstock, paper and transparencies)
  • Spiral binding, Velo binding, Laminating, Carbonless Copies (NCR) and Padding.
  • Print posters for departments or students whether for shows, presentations or displays. We carry both 24″ and 42″ poster paper rolls. Our maximum poster printing size is 42″ x 60″ with very rare exceptions.
  • Print posters for those from other Claremont Colleges.
  • There is a charge of 20% above the normal cost + sales tax for personal and outside jobs.
  • Scans to CDs or USB drive. (2-3 day turnaround)
  • Printing of business cards (small amount, no more than 100 cards) for faculty and staff.   Students must get approval from the Communications office if using the College mark.
  • Print electronic submissions, labels and documents
  • Buttons 1.25” or 2.5”.  Please contact for pricing and additional information.
  • Important Notes
  • Duplicating Services can only accept cash or personal checks for personal jobs or those without a business account number.
  • Tax is applied to orders from anyone who does not have a Pomona College business account number.
  • Print orders can  be received by attachment through email, CD, USB drive, etc. Please submit print orders as PDFs, which will keep all symbols and fonts embedded.
  • Trimming of posters is left to the customer.


Open Mon - Fri 8am – 12pm and 1pm – 5pm (4:30 during summer hours)
Walk-in service based on time, workload availability, and email service for poster printing jobs.

Print Jobs

Please send all print jobs to duplicating@pomona.edu
Phone: 909-601-2820. Email: duplicating@pomona.edu. Hours 8-12 & 1-5 Monday thru Friday.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Although most Pomona students have their own computers, they also have access to general purpose computing labs distributed across campus with varying hours of operation, some open 24 hours. A variety of graphics, scanning and other media applications are available in the Multimedia Lab in the Information Technology Building. Technology-enabled classrooms and departmental labs are also located throughout the campus.

Campus-wide email services are supported for all students. Email is accessible through the campus network from any Internet web browser. Data and file sharing and print services are available directly from the campus, or users may use web based tools to manage their files. Student email accounts are lifetime accounts which students may continue to use after they graduate from Pomona College.

Several general-purpose and class-related software titles are available on the campus network. Microsoft Office products have been licensed campus-wide. This site license covers students and their personal machines, so students may purchase upgrades to their Microsoft Office products or Windows operating systems for a nominal cost. For more information or current license terms, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

All campus buildings are connected via a fiber-optic cable backbone that has a high-speed connection to the Internet. Wireless networking is available in many areas of the campus including all residence hall rooms. Most of the fiber connected buildings support gigabit Ethernet switched to each desktop or dorm room. All residence hall rooms are networked, but students must provide their own computer and purchase a network card and cable to use the wired network from their rooms.

ITS ResNet and Room Service teams help students connect their computers to the network and troubleshoot supported software applications. The teams are made up of students who receive training, equipment and support from professional ITS staff members. The teams are available during late afternoon and early evening hours and on weekends. ITS staff members also assist during move-in and provide technology training sessions throughout the year.

Student employment opportunities abound in ITS. Most students start as consultants in ITS where they receive training in troubleshooting basic PC or Mac problems that users might have in the labs. From there, students may take on more specialized assignments working with other staff or faculty on projects ranging from web page design, to database maintenance, to ResNet or Room Service assignments, or to network and hardware support. The ITS building is located at 156 E. 7th Street.

For more information contact the ITS Help Desk at 909-621-8061.

Study Abroad

The Office of Study Abroad (OAS) administers Pomona College’s study abroad programs. Interested students should visit the OSA to review program information files. The Pomona College Study Abroad Guide is an on-line publication available on the Pomona website.

All students who wish to receive Pomona College credit for study abroad must submit an application to the Study Abroad Committee for approval of their program by the established deadlines. Selection criteria and eligibility requirements are given in the Study Abroad Guide. Students currently on academic or disciplinary probation may not apply to or participate in study abroad programs. A maximum of four Pomona credits may be earned for each semester abroad. The Office of Study Abroad provides the necessary forms, assistance in completing them, and advising, both before and after the application process is complete.

Students who have been accepted for a semester’s study abroad pay regular charges for a semester at Pomona College. The fee usually includes the costs of all instruction, room, and board, as well as a travel stipend toward round-trip transportation between Los Angeles and the program site. Students on financial aid may make arrangements to continue their regular assistance abroad. All study abroad participants should remember that living in a foreign country involves many extra expenses not covered by the program fees, and that they should budget more than they do in Claremont for expenses, including course books, local transportation, vacation time, entertainment, clothing, and personal items. Students receiving financial aid should discuss these additional costs with the Financial Aid Office.

Currently the College sponsors Pomona Programs in Amman (Jordan), Athens (Greece), Auckland (New Zealand), Beijing (China), Berlin (Germany), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Budapest (Hungary), Cambridge (England), Cape Town (South Africa), Dakar (Senegal), Dschang (Cameroon), Cork (Ireland), Edinburgh (Scotland), Florence (Italy), Fortaleza (Brazil), Freiburg (Germany), Hangzhou (China), Hong Kong (China) Jerusalem (Israel), Kathmandu (Nepal), Kyoto (Japan), London (England), Madrid (Spain), Melbourne (Australia), Merida (Mexico), Mombasa (Kenya), Monteverde (Costa Rica), Montpellier (France), Moscow (Russia), Oxford (England), Paris (France), Prague (Czech Republic), Quito (Ecuador), Rabat (Morocco), Rome (Italy), St. Petersburg (Russia), Salamanca (Spain), Santiago (Chile), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Taipei (Taiwan), Tokyo (Japan), and Townsville (Australia).

These programs vary in content and format, and availability is subject to change. Although many of these programs require a predetermined level of proficiency in the language of the foreign country, several other programs, including those in Amman, Athens, Budapest, Jerusalem, Kathmandu, Mombasa, Prague, and Rabat do not require any prior knowledge of the language of the host country.

The Office of Study Abroad has materials on summer programs and international graduate opportunities, as well as information on passports, visas, travel, International Student Identity cards, and other services. It is located in Sumner Hall and may be reached at 909-621-8154.

Walker Wall

The College leadership recognizes Walker Wall as a unique and valuable public free speech space in the community.  Administrators allow members of the community to paint on the Wall and thereby determine which postings remain and which are covered, replaced, or obliterated. In response to a small number of exceptional cases, the College has gradually developed a set of norms for the wall that resemble the standard constitutional norms toward free speech.

Specifically, the College may decide, in consultation with a student representative, to paint over postings that are:

  • Obscene by community standards
  • Specific threats or attacks on an individual
  • Specific incitements to violence