2017-2018 Student Handbook 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Life on Campus & in the Residence Halls

Housing and Residence Life

The Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Office is responsible for the quality of residential life at Pomona. In collaboration with Students, Pomona College, and the Claremont community, we seek to provide a residential experience that is safe, nurturing, intellectually stimulating and inclusive for all students. The Dean of Campus Life and their staff oversee the Residence Halls Staff (RHS), Orientation, the Sponsor program, Faculty in Residence, Housing assignments, and Family Weekend. The Office of Housing and Residence Life is the place to go for help with housing or roommate problems or policy questions. Even if you don’t have any issues or immediate needs, please stop by and get acquainted! The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. It is located on the first floor, south side of Sumner Hall, across from the Office of Admissions.

Student Leadership in the Residence Halls

Residence Life Staff

As a residential college, Pomona takes great care in organizing, maintaining, and supervising residence hall life to ensure optimum enjoyment and safety for the students and community of the College. The Residence Hall Staff consists of the Resident Advisors (RA’s), Head Sponsors, and Sponsors. Together they assist Housing and Residence Life in providing a safe, nurturing and intellectually stimulating residential experience.

Resident Advisors

Resident Advisors (RA’s) at Pomona College are students who are salaried employees on the Student Affairs staff. Their goal is to assist in establishing a positive living environment in the residence halls. RA’s are the first point of contact for the personal, educational, and social needs of students living in the residence halls. They are responsible for building a sense of community, assisting with security, promoting sustainable living practices, addressing emergencies, working with Sponsors, counseling students living in the residence halls, working at one of the residence hall desks, and reporting damages and maintenance problems. RA’s are charged with the enforcement of college policies.

Students are obliged to cooperate with the Residence Halls Staff as they perform their duties. It is a serious offense to harass or intimidate an RA or to fail to comply with the directions issued by RA’s in the performance of their assigned responsibilities.

Resident Advisor Residence Hall
Cristal Quinones Blaisdell
Heriberto Gonzalez Blaisdell
Timothy Woods Blaisdell
Erinna Woo Clark-I
Juliana Andrea Neira Díaz Clark-I
Christian Gonzalez Clark-III
Prisca Diala Clark-III
Leslie Alvarado Clark-V
Tristen LuVert Clark-V
Cristian Padilla Romero Dialynas
Deandre Turton Gibson
Elvis Kahoro Harwood
Iliana Garcia Harwood
Kyle Lee Harwood
Ivette Fernandez Harwood
Alejandro Guerrero Vargas Lawry
Katiannah Moise Lawry
José Huerta-Gutierrez Lyon
Valery Otieno Lyon
Betel Tesfamariam Mudd
Khadijah Thibodeaux Mudd
Alishah Momin Norton
Priyanka Ramanan Oldenborg
Sylvia Gitonga Oldenborg
Wentao Guo Oldenborg
Autumn Martin Smiley
Kelly Ragsdale Sontag
Anita Mathias Walker
Rene Valenzuela Walker
John Ernst Wig
Joslyn Gardner Wig
Yilin Wen Wig

Head Sponsors and Sponsors

One of the most significant experiences for new students at Pomona is living in residence as part of a sponsor group. The Sponsor Program is a residential program through which all new students are housed with approximately 15 other new students led by two sponsors. The sponsors live in the halls with their sponsees throughout the year, with the objective of easing the transition to college by creating a safe and welcoming living environment for all new students and increasing new student interactions with older students.

The Sponsor Program is an important program to help the first year class transition to a new environment. It is administered by Housing and Residence Life. There are five head sponsors who help select the sponsors, assist with placing the incoming class in their sponsor groups and help guide the program during the school year. The sponsor groups are created based on similar interests and lifestyles indicated by the housing forms. All incoming Pomona College new students are automatically put into the Sponsor Program. Sponsors are prepared for this responsibility during a training program just before the school year which addresses issues of mental heath, safety, and adjustment to college. They also participate in a number of in-service training experiences throughout the year.

Head Sponsor Residence Hall
Aparn Chintapalli Blaisdell
Nyia Hamilton Harwood
Tommy Chiou Wig

Residence Life Procedures and Regulations

Dining Services

Students who live on campus are required to be on one of the meal plans offered by the College. The Pomona General Manager of Dining Services works with students to meet dining needs and preferences. Students may share with the General Manager their ideas, questions, and suggestions regarding the dining services at extension 79280.

Upon entrance to the College, every student is issued an official photo-ID card, which is encoded with information about the number of meals and Board Plus credits the student has purchased. Students are required to bring their student identification to all meals. All meals allow students to have as much food as they wish to eat and to return for seconds freely, except for special entrees that are offered occasionally throughout the year. Students who prefer to eat dinner while studying or working on a paper may take food out of the dining hall. An extra bagel, ice cream cone or piece of fruit may also be taken out of the dining hall as a snack. Dishes, glasses, trays, and silverware are not to be taken from the dining area. Cooperation is urged in enforcing this regulation. The loss of dishes and flatware increases the cost of the dining services for students.

Students are required to wear shoes and shirts in the dining halls, and bathing suits are not acceptable. Pets are not allowed in the dining halls at any time. Students are not permitted to loan their ID/meal cards to others.

Meal/ID cards are valuable and should be treated like cash or credit cards. Lost meal/ID cards should be reported promptly to Housing and Residence Life in Sumner Hall.

Food Fights

Any student who is identified by Food Services staff, other College staff members, or students as having instigated or taken part in a food fight may be fined and/or referred to the Judiciary Council. For the purpose of this policy, participation in a “food fight” consists of throwing or otherwise misusing any food products or other items during a meal service period.

Pack-out Food

Students may obtain food for meals eaten away from the dining halls. Students who are doing off-campus internships, spending the weekend at Halona or who are otherwise absent from meals will find this feature of the dining services convenient. Orders for food must be submitted 72 hours in advance by calling extension 79281, along with the names and meal card numbers of those for whom the pack out is intended.

Food that is available for regular dining hall meals (“line food”) or selections from the Dining Services pack-out menu will be provided free for pack-outs. Dining Services can only meet the request for items they have in stock. Only meals that the dining hall serves may be requested as pack-out (i.e., three meals are served daily Monday through Friday and two meals daily are served on the weekend). Students pick up pack-out food at Frank prior to departure from campus.

If a student requests a pack-out but does not have any meals left for that week, their Board Plus account will be charged. If they have insufficient funds in their Board Plus account, then a meal from the following week will be used.

Student Meals with Faculty

A student-faculty meal plan has been established for the purpose of encouraging interaction between students and faculty. Under this plan, students may dine with a faculty member in any of the Pomona dining halls with no charge for the meal of the faculty member. Non-boarding students may also take advantage of this plan and need only pay for their own meals. This program has been established by providing each faculty member with a dining hall meal per week.

Faculty who dine as guests of a student are required to provide proper college identification to the checker at the beginning of the line. Other guests can pay cash at the door for meals.

Faculty and staff who speak foreign languages are invited to attend the Oldenborg Language Lunch Tables free of charge Monday through Friday as often as they wish.

Private Dining Areas

Private dining areas are located in both Frank and Frary Dining Halls. These can be reserved for student use. Students can make reservations by contacting the Office of the Campus Center at extension 18610 or via Engage (formerly Collegiate Link). There is also a private dining room in Oldenborg Dining Center, which can be reserved through the Oldenborg Center, extension 73202.

Special Events

Special dinners, such as buffets or banquets for small or large groups, may be arranged by contacting the Catering Sales Manager at 79281 at least one week in advance.

Mail Room Policy

Mail room parcels are subject to all College regulations. The College reserves the right to refuse the delivery of items that violate College policy.

Soliciting on Campus

The College does not allow soliciting, promoting, or selling any product or service by anyone from outside of the College.

No soliciting is permitted in the residence halls by anyone — student or non-student—when it involves an off-campus business or group.

  1. Those who are not Claremont Colleges students or personnel who desire to solicit on Pomona College property must first obtain permission from the Director of the Smith Campus Center. Groups granted permission will be allowed to set up a table at the Smith Campus Center. This is the only area in which non-College personnel will be permitted to solicit.

    Groups granted permission will be given a card indicating the permission and the dates on which the table will be permitted.

    It should be noted that Sixth Street and College Avenue are public streets and therefore not subject to College solicitation restrictions.

    In general, it is the policy of the College to allow non- profit groups to make such arrangements. Groups or individuals not in this category will be considered on an individual basis.
  2. On-campus student groups desiring to solicit will be permitted to set up tables in certain central areas of the campus or at the Smith Campus Center, after receiving permission of the Director of the Campus Center. In general, only students soliciting for campus organizations and for non-profit groups, or those desiring to sell their own handicrafts or personal property, will be permitted to solicit. Others will be considered on an individual basis.
  3. On-campus student groups desiring to solicit in the residence halls for such things as disaster relief efforts must receive permission from the Office of Housing and Residence Life
  4. Students who are representatives for businesses or other outside organizations must register with the appropriate office.

Emergency and Safety

“Go Bags”

The College has made extensive efforts preparing for emergencies. Plans are in place to provide food, water, shelter and communication with students and families. We strongly encourage students to purchase or assemble a personal disaster preparedness kit. To support this idea the College distributes emergency “Go Bags” to every student.  It has a few items in it but each student should tailor their “Go Bag” based on their specific needs.  This is especially true for people with special needs or who may be taking medication for a medical condition.

Being prepared and staying calm are the keys to surviving any emergency with a minimum of personal damage. Panic can be the greatest hazard to the Emergency Preparedness Plan. This plan depends on the cooperation of the entire College community for its effectiveness.

If a major emergency - such as an earthquake, fire, or hazardous material accident - occurs, the College Executive Staff will activate the Emergency Response Team (ERT), which guides our Incident Command System (ICS). The ICS will direct the College’s response to any emergency situation. Simultaneously, specially trained response groups will activate. Emergency Support Team (EST) #4, Community Care, is charged with providing triage of injuries, limited medical support, and care and shelter for members of the College community.  All efforts are designed to protect students, faculty, and staff.

In the event of an earthquake, your first responsibility is to save yourself. To do that, you will need to determine the closest escape route from your residence hall and/or work location. Escape routes are posted in building hallways. For other kinds of emergencies, follow procedures learned from drills, RAs and posted signs. Instructions for specific emergency situations follow:

Bomb Threats

  1. Ask the caller questions: Where is the bomb? When is the bomb set to go off? What does it look like?
  2. Take notes on everything said and be sure to notice any background noise, voice characteristics, etc.
  3. Report the threat immediately to Campus Safety at 72000.


  1. Take cover under a desk or table, protecting as much of your body as possible, especially your head and neck during the tremors.
  2. Stay away from windows and objects that may fall.
  3. Do not run outside.
  4. If outdoors stay in an open area.
  5. After shaking stops, evacuate to your designated evacuation area, and report to the Building Chair.
  6. Bring shoes, a blanket and necessary medication.


  1. Calmly and quietly walk to the nearest exit.
  2. Do not use elevators.
  3. Follow the instructions of RA’s or other emergency personnel.


  1. Activate the closest fire alarm.
  2. Call 72000 and report the location and nature of the fire.
  3. Evacuate to the designated evacuation area and report to the RA.

Lock Down

  1. The College, using Connect 5 voicemails, text, and email messages, will notify students in the event of a lock down emergency.
  2. Students are encouraged to shelter in place in all academic, administrative, and residential buildings. In residence halls, individual rooms, when the door is locked and the windows closed, are considered safe.
  3. In the event of a lock down emergency, “shelter in place” until notified by the College that the emergency is over.


  1. Call Campus Safety by dialing 72000 and report the nature of the illness or injury and the location. Campus Safety may direct your call to an on-call Dean, RA or the on-call physician.
  2. Notify your RA or the RA on call.

After a Major Emergency

Staff of the Office of Facilities and Campus Services will assess buildings for re-entry. Buildings must not be re-entered until permission is given. Campus Safety, Physical Plant, or maintenance personnel will be dispatched to assist in evaluating damaged buildings, and to check and/or turn off water, gas, and electrical mains.

The College’s Emergency Hotline is 1-877-POMONAC and the college has an emergency website; both are updated regularly during an Emergency. Both students and parents may access these resources to receive up to date information.

Fire Safety

Proper use of fire equipment and fire emergency equipment is essential for the protection of all members of the community. Students alone or in concert with others may not tamper with, discharge or play with fire extinguishers, fire doors, smoke detectors, exit lights or tamper with or pull a fire alarm under false pretenses.

All students must evacuate the building during any fire alarm whether it is a fire drill, a fire, or a false alarm. Smoking is prohibited in all residence halls. Open flame devices including incense and candles are not allowed in the residence halls.

Placing furniture, bicycles, boxes, or any item in such a way that obstructs emergency evacuations procedures is a violation of the state fire codes. These codes are strictly enforced by our staff.

State and local fire codes, as well as Pomona College policy, require the following. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in penalties.

  1. Corridors and exit doors are to be kept clear of obstruction at all times.
  2. Lighted candles or open flames in the residence halls are not permitted.
  3. Excessive amounts of combustibles, such as paper, paper products, textiles in the room or attached to walls or ceilings or as room dividers, are a fire hazard and are not permitted.
  4. Corridor decorations and signs must be made of nonflammable materials treated with an approved fire retardant.
  5. Trees or branches used for seasonal decorations must be treated with an approved fire retardant.
  6. Flammable liquids must not be stored or used in any residence hall.
  7. The use of non-approved cooking appliances such as hot plates is prohibited.
  8. Motor scooters, motorcycles and other vehicles, which have gas tanks, cannot be stored anywhere in the residence halls at any time.
  9. Gasoline, kerosene and other combustibles are fire hazards and are prohibited in the residence halls.

Students determined to have violated any of these policies or regulations may be subject to punishment by fine and/or referred to the Judiciary Council.

Law Enforcement on Campus

Local, state, and federal laws apply on campus.

Law enforcement officers have the right and responsibility to act in case of law violations committed on college campuses in the same way and under the same constraints as in other parts of Claremont. Campuses are not sanctuaries or refuges from any legal procedure of law enforcement officers.

Campus Safety will, in many cases of minor violations, deal with the situation and, if advisable, notify appropriate College authorities. In more serious cases, Campus Safety must and will notify law enforcement officers, usually the City of Claremont Police, and will cooperate with them in the investigation of the possible offense.

The College asks that if law enforcement officers find it necessary to come onto the campuses to interrogate or to arrest a student or to search a room or building, they be accompanied by a member of Campus Safety. Campus Safety should notify members of the Dean of Students staff so that a member of the Dean’s staff or Housing and Residence Life staff can then also be present.


During orientation, every student new to Pomona receives an emergency whistle and is advised to carry it at all times. These whistles are to be used only in a crisis (e.g., assault, medical injury, etc.) situation. Lost whistles may be replaced at the Office of Housing and Residence Life during the regular school year. Upon hearing a whistle, any students in the vicinity should immediately go toward the whistle’s sound, unless it is unsafe to do so, in order to find the source while sounding their own whistles until Campus Safety or other appropriate help has arrived. The fine for misuse of an emergency whistle (i.e., sounding it when no emergency exists) is $200.


Most of the students at Pomona College live on campus. In a residential community it is essential for all students to be aware of the rights and needs of others. Cooperation with the rules and policies of residential life at Pomona is an essential condition of community living.

As members of the Pomona College residence hall community, residents may reasonably expect the following:

  1. The right to reasonable quiet.
  2. The right to reasonable privacy.
  3. The right to a comfortable and well-maintained living environment that is reasonably safe and secure.
  4. The rights to individual choice, provided that other residents’ rights are not infringed upon.
  5. The right to fair and equitable enforcement of residence halls rules and policies.

Similarly, as members of the Pomona College residence hall community, the College expects the following:

  1. You will support the College’s committment to be a “community of scholars and leaders in which integrity, engagement, and inclusiveness are paramount.” *
  2. You will strive to do your best academically.
  3. You will respect our rules and policies.
  4. You will support the College’s efforts to be more sustainable. That is, you will work with us to conserve water, recycle and cut down on our use of electricity.
  5. You will work within our system to make any changes you feel are necessary.

* Statement of Community Values, Student Affairs Committee, 2007

In all of these matters, students are responsible for the behavior of any guests or visitors, including students from the other Claremont Colleges, who are present in a building at their invitation, and penalties may be assessed on the hosts for violations committed by guests or visitors. Furthermore, groups sponsoring events may be held responsible for violations committed by those attending their events; such violations will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary bodies for adjudication, which may result in monetary fines, restriction on future activities, or removal of official registration of the organization.

5–College Exchange

Any student interested in living at Scripps, Pitzer, CMC, or Harvey Mudd may contact Housing and Residence Life, ext. 72239. Participation in this program is a year long commitment allowing students from other colleges to live at Pomona College and Pomona students to live at one of the other colleges.

Air-Conditioning Units

Students may not install air-conditioning units in windows or use stand-alone air-conditioning units. Exceptions to this prohibition will be made only for students who have a medical disability that requires air-conditioning. Students who believe they have  a condition to merit accommodation must provide a physician-signed accommodation form. If the student’s medical condition meets the College’s standard for accommodation, the student can purchase an air-conditioning unit that meets specifications set by the Office of Facilities and Campus Services, which will then be responsible for proper installation of the unit. The need for air conditioning should be reported to Campus Life prior to Room Draw. In the case of new students, they must notify Housing and Residence Life prior to June 1.

All other air-conditioning units are prohibited and will be removed by the College. Such units will be stored for one semester; units that are removed and stored but not retrieved by their owners will be discarded at the end of the semester during which they were removed.

Students who wish to have air-conditioning but do not have a qualifying medical condition should attempt to secure a room in Mudd-Blaisdell, Dialynas, Sontag or Oldenborg during Room Draw and/or the Oldenborg application process.

College Officials’ Access to Residence Halls

Residence hall rooms are Pomona College property. The College reserves the right of access to student rooms. Reasonable effort, where appropriate, will be made to notify the occupant of a residence hall room in advance when a representative of the College seeks access to a student’s room. However, for health, safety, or security reasons or to determine compliance with Pomona College policies, access to student rooms by college staff (including RA’s) may occur without notice. The College reserves the right to remove items (e.g., weapons or drug paraphernalia, including bongs and pipes) that violate residence hall regulations when they are found in student rooms.

Members of the housekeeping staff may enter a student’s room as part of their cleaning responsibilities. Student requests for repairs constitute an invitation for room entry for that purpose. No representative of the College will normally enter a room without knocking.

Cooking and Appliance Use in the Residence Halls

Fire safety standards make it necessary to prohibit the use of cooking appliances that use heating elements. Students may bring their own microwave oven and mini-fridge but full-size refrigerators are prohibited. The electrical circuits in the residence halls are not designed to carry heavy loads.

The College is committed to sustainability and encourages students to use energy efficient appliances and practices. In selecting lamps, energy-efficient lighting is preferred, such as LED and CFL bulbs. The use of surge suppressor/power strips with on/off switches is recommended to reduce phantom power consumption. In support of the College’s ongoing efforts with regard to sustainability and energy conservation, students living in Dialynas and Sontag Halls are NOT permitted to have individual room refrigerators.

Campus residents should anticipate occasional power outages. The College, therefore, strongly recommends that students use UPS devices to protect personal computers from being damaged by such outages. The College will not be responsible for damages to computers or other personal property resulting from outages or blackouts.

Definition of Residential Probation

Students can be placed on residential probation for various policy violations. Such behavior can include, but is not limited to, substance use or excessive noise. While on probation, students are expected to adhere to the guidelines of the College and Housing and Residence Life and to function effectively within the Pomona College community. Failure to exhibit appropriate behavior and/or continued involvement with violations of college or residence hall polices while on probation may subject the student to loss of housing privileges for a period of time determined by the Dean of Campus Life.


A visitor is anyone, other than a parent, who is visiting a Pomona student and who is not themselves a Pomona student. A visitor is allowed to stay on campus for up to five consecutive nights and not more than a total of seven nights per semester. A student may host no more than two visitors at a time.

The following regulations apply to visitors on campus and in the residence halls.

  1. Visitors on campus must conform to the rules of the residence halls and the provisions of the Pomona College Student Code. If a visitor violates College policies or disturbes other residents of the hall, visitor privileges may be revoked.
  2. Students are responsible for the conduct of their visitors. A student host may be charged when their visitor violates the Student Code.
  3. Visitors are not allowed to sleep in lounges or other common areas.
  4. Any student hosting an overnight visitor on campus must register the visitor with Housing and Residence Life (or the Office of Admissions, if the visitor is a prospective student). A Visitor Pass will be issued, which must be in the visitor’s possession at all times and shown upon request.
  5. If the visitor does not plan to stay overnight but wishes to attend a College event, event passes are available from the Campus Center and the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
  6. Students in double rooms must obtain the written consent of their roommate before registering their visitor. Cots and linens are available for visitors staying in student rooms. Students may contact the Housekeeping Office to arrange for this service (proof of visitor registration will be required). A cot, pillow and linen, which includes two sheets, a blanket, and pillowcase, are available for $5 per night.


Hammocks are prohibited and may not be attached/hung on trees and other structures, i.e. light poles, railings, balconies, etc.

Housekeeping in Common Areas

All students are expected to keep the common areas of the residence halls in a reasonable state of cleanliness. When an excessive mess is found, it is the responsibility of the residents of the residence hall to clean it up. In the case of a hallway, the smallest identifiable group of residents has the responsibility of restoring the area to reasonable cleanliness.

A 24-hour period will be given to affect the clean-up. At the end of this time period, if the conditions are not up to standards, a fine will be assessed to each person responsible for the clean-up task. If no people are identified, the clean-up costs may be charged to those residing in the smallest identifiable space where the mess occurred.

It should be noted that in some cases this means that students not directly responsible for the mess will be held responsible for the cleanup if no individual or group can be identified.

Lock Outs

All students should lock their doors when leaving their rooms and carry their room keys with them, even if only to walk down the hall to a friend’s room. Not only is this a good safety and security practice, it also prevents you from locking yourself out of your room. If you should lock yourself out of your room between 5:00 p.m. and midnight on weekdays, or from 8:00 am - midnight on weekends, call the on-call RA to unlock your door (you must show proper identification). At all other times, lock-out calls should be directed to Campus Safety at ext. 72000. This service will cost $25, and you must show proper identification and authorization (to enter the room to be unlocked) and a means to pay the fee— i.e., provide an account name and number for billing or pay by check. No cash will be accepted.

Modifications to Residence Hall Rooms and Areas

Students may not install equipment and make significant alterations to a residence hall room, common area or exterior area without prior permission. This includes, but is not limited to large outdoor decorations, tarps, canopies, lofts, etc. 

Students who wish to install sun-shades on patios within residence halls may do so provided that the sun-shade is a free-standing structure supported by objects not attached to the building or patio in any way. In addition, the sun-shade should not be visible from the road and should not distract or take away from the external aesthetic of the building. The sun-shade may cover no more than ¼ of the patio area and may not be used to block entrance or sightlines into the residential interior area(s) attached.

In the event of any policy violations in the area(s) attached to the patio, Housing and Residence Life may require immediate removal of the sun-shade. Students wishing to install a sun-shade will be required to meet with a staff member from the Office of Housing and Residence Life to ensure that the structure meets these guidelines and to receive final approval. If, for any reason, staff members deem that the structure does not fall within the guidelines outlined above, students will be asked to dismantle and remove the structure.

Moving In and Out

When moving into a residence hall, students must register with the Office of Housing and Residence Life. A student will be considered to have taken possession of and responsibility for a campus room when they receive a room key, resides in the room, or places belongings in the assigned room. A student also is considered to occupy a room if they fail to notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life by the tenth day of the semester that they do not intend to occupy the room which has been drawn or assigned.

Occupancy of any room is limited to the student(s) assigned to that room. A student may not transfer, sublet, loan or assign the room to another person under any circumstances. A student not assigned to a room may not take up residence within it.

The Director of Housing and Operations must approve all changes in room assignments. Rooms and roommate assignments are contracted for the academic year. Students who feel their living situation is not satisfactory should consult with Housing and Residence Life. A room change can be considered in cases of roommate conflicts after those wishing to make a change have made a sincere effort to resolve their differences. In some cases, mediation may be required before a room change will be granted. Residents may not attempt to force a roommate to move out of the room or prevent a new roommate from moving in. Students may not intimidate others within the hall or prevent their reasonable use of facilities.

It will be necessary for anyone changing rooms for the second semester of the academic year to pack and store their belongings during the semester break so that both the old and the new room can be cleaned. Student room fees cover the academic year, which does not include the winter vacation period. During winter vacation, the residence halls are closed and students are not permitted to stay in their rooms. Use of residence halls during this period can result in fines and other sanctions. In addition, the Dining Halls are not open over spring break.

Students are encouraged to inform a Resident Advisor, Sponsor, roommate or neighbor if they intend to be away from the hall overnight or for a weekend. Such information is important in reaching that individual should an emergency arise. In case of a longer absence (a week or more), students should contact a dean in the Office of Student Affairs who can be helpful in notifying faculty members and resolving other problems that may arise.

When moving out of a residence hall, students must notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life and return all keys. Occupancy and responsibility for the room do not terminate until this step is taken. Students should leave a forwarding address.

Noise Policy

Student rooms are designated spaces to study and to sleep. For that reason, students should not create persistent or excessive noise audible to surrounding residents. Mutual respect is the expected standard. If someone is disturbed by noise, they have the right to request a decrease in the level of the noise and the student receiving the complaint is expected to respond by decreasing the volume of noise. Noise should be kept to a minimum, regardless of time of day or established quiet hours.

Quiet Hours are from midnight to 8:00 AM Sunday through Friday and 2:00 AM to 10:00 AM Friday and Saturday. All other hours are “courtesy hours,” during which the halls must be quiet enough for residents to study or sleep. In addition, all residence halls will maintain quiet hours from midnight on Wednesday preceding final exam week until 8 AM on the Saturday of final exam week. Following the completion of spring semester Finals Week (5pm on Friday) through the official closing of the residence halls after Graduation, all social events must be officially registered through the ASPC Office and must adhere to all event registration policies and procedures.

If a resident is bothered by noise, that person should ask the individual causing the noise to reduce the volume. However, if, for any reason, the resident cannot speak with the student causing the disturbance, the student may contact the RA on-duty for assistance. If the resident, guest, or visitor does not decrease the noise level and the RA or complainant must ask a second time, the person’s conduct may be documented by the RA, which will subject the offender or their host to a fine and/or Judiciary Council action.

Students who repeatedly violate the noise policy may be removed from the residence halls at the discretion of the Dean of Campus Life. Their case may also be referred to the Judiciary Council with a charge of disorderly conduct. If found responsible by the Judiciary Council, the student’s full record of noise policy violations will be made available to the Judiciary Council prior to the Council’s determination of sanctions. The Judiciary Council may recommend to the Dean of Campus Life removing from College housing a student who creates a persistent disruption from College housing.

Pets in the Residence Halls

Animals in the residence halls create sanitation problems and/or adversely affect the health of others living there. Under no circumstances are students permitted to have cats or dogs in the residence halls. Only completely and consistently caged, non-poisonous pets that are legal in the state of California are permitted and then only if they do not adversely affect other residents.

Housing and Residence Life must give permission and issue a permit for any animal kept in the residence halls. Students can speak with the Disability Coordinator in the Dean of Students Office if they believe they may be eligible for an accommodation for a service animal or an emotional support animal.

The owner must maintain the pet in a well cared for and clean manner. Animals must be in their cages when left unattended. A permit is required for each animal. Animals are never allowed in the dining halls. Pet owners are responsible for all costs related to pet cleaning, including pet waste, fleas, etc. In addition, pet owners must post a sign on their door to signify they have a pet in their room.

If another resident or a staff member objects to the presence of the pet, the owner is obligated to rectify the situation immediately, which may include the removal of the animal from the residence hall.

If a dog or cat is found in a residence hall, the owner will be fined $100. The animal then must be removed within 24 hours. After 24 hours the owner will be fined $50 per day until the animal is removed. Subsequent violations of the pet policy will result in Residential Suspension for a period of time to be determined by the Dean of Campus Life.

Propping Doors

The external doors to the residence halls are locked to prevent the intrusion of unwanted and possibly dangerous individuals.

Each student is given a Student ID card that will open all card-keyed residence hall doors. Students are not allowed to prop residence halls doors open. Propping doors endangers the safety of every hall resident. Any student found propping a door will be fined. In the event of theft, damage or loss, new ID cards may be obtained at the Office of Housing and Residence Life in Sumner Hall. Lost cards should be reported promptly so that they be de-activated, further protecting students from intrusion. An individual found tampering with, removing or altering the locking mechanism of any door will be fined and may be referred to the Judiciary Council.

Residence On and Off Campus

Students are required to live in a residence hall unless an exception is made in the statement offering admission. After the second year, some exceptions are made to the policy of residential living, although the College generally expects its students to live on campus and participate in the life of the College. Students are guaranteed housing for four years (eight semesters). Students who continue studies at the College beyond eight semesters will be housed on a space available basis. Students who wish to live off campus must submit a formal application to and secure authorization from Housing and Residence Life. This application must include verification from the Financial Aid Office. Students who are married, have children, or have serious health problems normally will be granted permission to move off campus. A few additional applications from seniors, and sometimes juniors, are approved each year.

Selecting a room is a binding commitment. Students who elect to live off campus after choosing a room during the Room Draw (or in any of the room selection procedures) will forfeit their $500 deposit.

Off-campus students are subject to all relevant College regulations.

Room Draw/Selection

Room selection is conducted by Housing and Residence Life each spring for the following year. Each student is randomly assigned a lottery number by computer, establishing priority within their class. The lowest number has the highest priority. Room-draw policies and procedures may be modified from year to year.

Actual room selection takes place after numbers have been assigned. Based on the number, students will be permitted to select a room. Students who do not draw a room during room draw are placed on a deferred list. Those students on the deferred list will be assigned housing in August. Students entering their second year or above may choose a roommate of any sex or gender. Detailed instructions on the room selection procedures and policies are sent to all students at the appropriate times during the year.

Room Condition Reports

Room Condition Forms, which describe the condition of the room prior to occupancy, are provided for students when they move into rooms. They are used at the end of each semester to evaluate any damage which might have occurred during that time. Students will receive notice from the Office of Housing and Residence Life when these forms become available online via Engage (formerly CollegiateLink).

At move-in, If the level of maintenance of a particular room is not adequate, or if any college-issued item needs to be fixed, students may fill out a work order online. Students may also contact Maintenance at extension 72236. 

Room Maintenance

In case of repairs or general maintenance, students may fill out a work order online. Students may also contact Facilities and Maintenance at extension 72236. 

The College is committed to maintaining safe and attractive residence halls. Each residence hall is scheduled for thorough renovation every ten years and undergoes periodic refurbishing between renovations. Students are encouraged to decorate and personalize rooms through the addition of rugs, lamps, pictures and other enhancements. However, in order to prevent damage that requires excessive maintenance, limits are set on student enhancements.

Students are not permitted to paint individual rooms or common areas. They may not install equipment or make significant alterations to a residence hall room or common area without prior permission. The fine for painting a room is $100 per wall.

In residence hall rooms where picture moulding is provided, all pictures, decorations and bulletin boards should be hung from the moulding. If no moulding is available, students should contact Housing and Residence Life or the Maintenance office for advice on the proper material to use in hanging decorations. Students are charged for excessive wall or surface damage.

Satellite Dishes

Installation of antennas or satellite dishes on the exterior of buildings for personal use is not permitted.

Special Interest Areas

Areas, including Friendships Suites and Substance-Free housing, are established by Housing and Residence Life upon receipt of recommendations from the advisory group called the Residence Hall Committee. Detailed instructions for applying to these areas are distributed prior to the Room Selection Process.

Telephone Service and Voicemail

Students who do not have a cell phone may request the installation of a land line (room extension). This request may be made through Housing and Residence Life upon arrival at the beginning of the semester. Students may sign up for voice-mail service on this extension at no charge. For long distance calls, students must use a personal calling card or cell phone.

Sports in Hallways

The use of roller-skates, roller blades, skateboards or bicycles in any campus building is prohibited.

In addition, students are not allowed to play sports (e.g., frisbee, hockey, soccer, football, etc.) inside campus buildings, including residence halls. Students who play sports in the residence halls may be referred to the Judiciary Council.

Windows, Balconies, Ledges, and Rooftops

Throwing or dropping objects from windows, balconies, ledges* or rooftops of any campus building endangers the lives and safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors and is prohibited. Windows and balconies may not be used as points of entrance to or egress from student rooms. Use of balconies, ledges, or rooftops for social events is prohibited. Any student found on the roof or ledge of any campus building in areas other than those designated for usage will be fined $1,000 and will also be liable for the cost of any repair to the roof. Removal of residence hall window screens is also prohibited.

Students are prohibited from climbing any free standing structure that someone could stand on, sit on or reach (e.g., swings sets, gazebos, or canopies).  Such behaviors, because they represent a danger to the safety of members of the campus community, are prohibited and may be subject to punishment by fine and/or referred to the Judiciary Council.

* Definintion of a ledge: A relatively narrow, projecting part, as a horizontal, shelf-like projection on a wall or building.

Student ID Cards and College Keys

A valid student ID card is evidence of enrollment in the current semester at Pomona. Any time an ID card is tampered with, which includes punching a hole through the photograph, magnetic strip, student birth date, student name or student ID number, scratching out the birth date or changing the appearance of a photograph, the ID card is considered invalid and as such, falsified. It is the College’s expectation that students will not punch holes in other areas of their ID cards (through the name or ID number or through the birth date). The fine for a Falsified ID violation is $100.

Housing and Residence Life replaces student ID’s free of charge when it is determined that the ID is damaged. This would apply to instances where the magnetic stripe no longer works, or if a card no longer “taps” on card readers.

Students are required to present their valid 5-C Student ID cards for admittance to campus events. In addition, students 21 and older are required to show a valid 5-C Student ID card to be served alcohol at campus events. Cards that are determined to be invalid (as described above) will be reported and/or confiscated and students will be assessed a Falsified ID fine of $100 in these instances.

Any student who possesses or uses a key, which they are not authorized to use (including a duplicated key not issued to the student by the College), may be subject to judiciary action and/or fines. Penalties are related to the seriousness of the offense and could result in suspension or expulsion from the College for the unauthorized possession or use of master keys.

Students are strongly urged to report and replace lost ID cards and keys because of the risk active keys and ID cards pose to the security of all students and staff of the college.

Social Rooms Use

The Heritage Lounge (social room 5), located beneath north campus residence hall Norton-Clark, may be used for meetings, but alcohol and parties are not permitted in this space. The Lounge, as well as the social spaces in the Campus Center, may be reserved through the Smith Campus Center (72268). Doms Lounge and Edmunds Ballroom, in the Smith Campus Center may be reserved for socials and parties.

Reservations must be made no less than 48 hours in advance of a meeting or two weeks in advance for an event with alcohol. All Social Rooms are smoke-free.



Students are encouraged to have a bicycle on campus. The College is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles. Bicycles may be kept in a student’s own room or in a bicycle rack (or other authorized bike storage) during the academic year. Bicycles may not be locked to trees, handrails, poles, fences, benches, or kept in hallways, stairwells, or trash closets.  They also may not be stored in any other areas in which their storage can impede an emergency evacuation, prevent individuals from making use of access ramps and similar structures, or inconvenience the Housekeeping Staff.  Bicycles will be removed from these locations and impounded without notice; the locks will be cut and rendered unusable.  To retrieve an impounded bicycle, you must provide ID and a detailed description of the bicycle to the Facilities Department.  If unclaimed after two weeks, impounded bicycles will be offered to the Green Bikes program.  Bicycles left outside on campus over the summer will be removed from bike racks and may be donated to the Green Bikes program. 

Damage to Residence Halls

It is the obligation of every student living in or visiting the residence halls to not to damage or allow their guests or visitors to damage any College property. It is the policy of the College to charge individuals responsible for damages which occur or for items which are lost from the residence halls. Charges reflect the cost of replacement and/or repairs. Furthermore, it is the policy of the College to attempt to establish financial responsibility for damages which occur in public areas of a residence hall for which individual responsibility cannot be ascertained. Costs for acts of unclaimed vandalism may be charged back to those residing within the smallest identifiable space where the vandalism has occurred, and residents will be held responsible for damages caused by their guests or visitors.

Damages and Losses Within Individual Student Rooms

All damages and losses which occur within an individual student’s room beyond the range of reasonable wear and tear are charged to the resident(s) of the room. The room condition form completed at the beginning of each resident’s occupancy protects the student from being held liable for previously existing conditions. It is assumed that when residents have checked into a room they are then responsible for all damages and/or losses which may occur during their occupancy.

Costs for acts of unclaimed vandalism may be charged back to those residing within the smallest identifiable space where the vandalism has occurred. Appeals may be made through Housing and Residence Life.

At the end of the academic year, charges are assessed for room damage and loss through year-end inspection and check-out procedures. These charges are placed on the student’s bill. For students not returning the following year, the charges are deducted from their fees or deposit, and if the charges exceed the amount of the fees or deposit, the difference is billed to the student.

Personal Property in the Residence Halls

The College does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property belonging to students, whether stored or in a student’s room. All items are brought and kept on campus at the student’s own risk. Parents and students should inspect insurance policies and determine whether the limits are sufficient to cover the student’s belongings while away from home. If current insurance is not sufficient, the parent or student should increase coverage. Students should avoid keeping valuable items in the residence halls and storage rooms. Students should lock their doors when leaving their rooms and carry room keys, even if only to walk down the hall to a friend’s room. Unfortunately, theft does occur. All students should be aware of strangers in the halls and report suspicious behavior to a Resident Advisor (RA) or to Campus Safety. Students should keep their rooms locked when they are away from them and when they are sleeping.

Students are urged to report broken windows, locks, and doors to Facilities via filling out a work order online, RA’s or Housekeeping Staff in order to ensure the safety of residents.

Room Furnishings


The College provides every resident with a single bed, a study desk, a dresser, a chair, a recycling bin, and a wastebasket.   Fire and safety codes require that all corridors and exits are unobstructed, therefore, furniture and other items should not be placed in hallways or common areas. Students provide their own study lamps (CFL or LED bulbs/lights are preffered), linens, and in some cases, bookshelves. Lofts are prohibited. All rooms have window shades or blinds. Blinds should not be removed by students.

Common area furniture is not to be removed from common areas (including lounges, courtyards, kitchens, academic buildings, etc.). If furniture from a common area is found in an individual’s room or moved in such a way that it obstructs emergency evacuation procedures, a minimum fine of $150 will be levied along with an additional fine of $25 a day until the furniture is returned to the common area.


The College does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property belonging to students, whether stored or in a student’s room. Limited storage space is available in the residence halls for trunks, footlockers, packing boxes and other objects that students might wish to keep during term-time.

Fire and safety codes require that all corridors and exits are unobstructed, so such items should not be placed in hallways or common areas.

Students are responsible for College furniture assigned to each room, and are charged for furniture that is damaged or not accounted for at the end of the year.

Bicycles left outside on campus over the summer will be donated to the Green Bikes program.


Students may not damage College property or the property of other students within the halls. Financial responsibility for damage to College property will be assigned to the smallest identifiable population within the residence hall if the specific perpetrator(s) is not identified.

Students found responsible for damage will be charged for the cost of repair and/or replacement of property and, additionally, may receive a fine for the act of vandalism itself. Students found responsible for vandalism may be referred to judicial council.


Pomona College extends the privilege of operating motor vehicles on its campus to some registered students, employees, and visitors. First-year students are not allowed to bring cars to campus. Vehicle Registration is now available on-line, allowing you to register your vehicle with Campus Safety. All vehicles parked on Pomona’s property must display a valid parking permit or a temporary parking permit. Temporary parking permits are available at the Department of Campus Safety. Student Parking permits are valid only on the campus for which they have been issued.

Motor Vehicle Registration Charges and Fines

The cost to register an automobile, motor bike, motorcycle, or motor scooter is $60 per semester or $120 per year. The fine for failure to register a motor vehicle is $50 per ticket. After the third ticket, the motor vehicle will be towed. The fine for storing a motor bike is $25 plus labor charges for removal.

All operators of a motorized vehicle must, at minimum, adhere to the following guidelines regarding the operation and parking of their vehicle(s) at the College:

  1. A vehicle shall be parked within a designated parking stall as painted on the street and in parking lots.
  2. No person shall drive any motorized vehicle, stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the lawn, quad, or areas of any campus not regularly designated as a street or parking lot, except emergency vehicles on official business, and, as may be necessary to carry out maintenance work on such lawn, quad, and/or other non-designated areas for driving or parking.
  3. The speed limit on campus streets is 25 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in parking lots is 10 miles per hour. Regardless of posted speed limits, a vehicle operator shall not drive at speeds that are excessive or imprudent for existing road, weather, or traffic conditions.
  4. Pedestrians have the right of way.
  5. All state and local traffic laws are enforced at all times on the campus.
  6. All traffic accidents should be reported as quickly as possible to the Department of Campus Safety.
  7. All vehicle operators must maintain a valid driver’s license and insurance coverage. (Adapted from “Parking and Traffic Regulations,” available through the Department of Campus Safety.)


Alcohol and Other Drugs

  1. The sale, use, distribution possession or trading of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, or any other controlled or illegal substance within the residence halls is not permitted.
  2. Responsible consumption of alcohol by students of legal age is expected in the residence halls. Unsafe drinking behaviors are not permitted.  This can include, but is not limited to: underage drinking, excessive drinking, large gatherings in private rooms or hallways, and loud noise and loud music.
  3. Distilling, fermenting or brewing beer or other spirits is not permitted in the residence halls.
  4. Kegs, “kegorators,” pony kegs, party balls and other common containers are not allowed in the residence halls. Likewise, unregistered parties are not allowed. Hard alcohol (vodka, bourbon, rum, etc.) is not permitted on South Campus.
  5. Students who continue to violate the policy will be referred to the Judiciary Council with a notation on their record of previous offenses.

For more information, please view the College’s Alcohol and Drug Policies.

Drinking Games

Drinking games involving unsafe behavior, underage drinking, or resulting in evident intoxication are prohibited and may be subject to a fine.


Smoking is prohibited in all Pomona College residence halls. Smoking is prohibited in any area, including outdoors, if it results in second hand smoke entering a non-smoking area. All non-residential buildings, newly constructed or renovated spaces at Pomona College are smoke-free. Hookahs found to be in violation of these policies will be confiscated and discarded.

Students in violation of the smoking and/or hookah policy will be subject to disciplinary proceedings which may include, but is not limited to, standard fines, sanctions and/or judicial board hearings. Students who violate the policy more than once may be required to appear before the Judiciary Council.

All other spaces in all buildings on campus are non-smoking areas. These non-smoking areas include, but are not limited to all public and common areas, such as hallways, social rooms, stairwells, lobbies, dining rooms, lounges, lavatories, laundry rooms, computer rooms, and offices.

Substance Free Opening

All Pomona students should note that Substance Free Opening for Fall 2017 extends from Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 8:00 AM until Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 12:00PM.

During this period the College does not permit alcoholic beverages to be served or consumed on campus or on Orientation Adventure trips. Possession of open containers is also prohibited. College policies concerning illegal drugs will be strongly enforced as provided by the Student Code. Violations by Pomona students that occur off campus may also result in disciplinary action.

Violations of Substance Free Opening will result in 10 hours of community service and the appropriate sanction points. In addition, violators will not be allowed to move into a residence hall prior to the opening day established for all returning students the following fall. The student would be required to live off campus during pre-opening training, for Sponsor or Mentor, Admissions intern, Resident Advisor, Head Sponsor or Orientation Adventure Leader, among other positions. Violations of substance free opening may jeopardize students’ ability to hold these leadership positions. Substance Free Opening violations may also result in Judiciary Council hearings if other Student Code violations are associated with the sanctioned incident.

Unregistered Parties

Private gatherings in residence hall rooms, the common living areas of student suites, that infringe on public space or become a public nuisance will be dispersed and sanctioned. Students who host such parties are responsible for the behavior of those who attend.

Sanctions (Points and Fines)

Point System for Drugs, Alcohol, and Parties

Hosting an Unregistered Party

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 2 points
Each Additional Offense 3 points

Providing Alcohol to Someone under 21 years of age

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 2 points
Each Additional Offense 3 points

Attending an Unregistered Party

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 1 point
Each Additional Offense 2 points

Kegs, “Kegorators,” Pony Kegs, Party Balls, and other Common Containers (Keg will be confiscated)

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 2 points
Each Additional Offense 3 points

Possession and/or Consumption of Hard Alcohol on South Campus

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 3 points
Each Additional Offense 4 points

Other Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol by Students under 21 Years of Age

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 1 point
Each Additional Offense 2 points

Falsification of Identification

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 1 point
Each Additional Offense 2 points

Drinking Games aas Defined in our Policy*

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 1 point
Each Additional Offense 2 points

Marijuana Use, Possession, or Trading

Number of Offenses Points
First Offense 4 points
Each Additional Offense 5 points

Additional Points For Marijuana Use in Residence Halls & Other Smoke-free Areas (As Defined by Policy)

Number of Offenses Points
Each Offense 2 points

Additional Points Possession of Open Containers of Alcohol by Any Student, Regardless of Age or Class Standing, during Substance-Free Opening Period

Number of Offenses Points
Each Offense 2 points

*Drinking games resulting in evident intoxication are prohibited.

Point Forgiveness: Two points are forgiven every 100 days (excluding summer and winter breaks) from the date of the last, point-incurring violation.

Appealing Points: Points assignment can be appealed to the Judiciary Council only on the basis of (1) dispute about the facts of the incident or (2) claim of improper implementation of Pomona College Student Handbook procedure. Appeals of a points assignment that leads to a finding of responsibility by the Judiciary Council will not be reported externally. The evidentiary standard in these cases will be “preponderance of evidence,” rather than “clear and convincing.”

If, through one or more incidents, a student accumulates:

  • 1 to 5 Points: Student will receive a formal written warning.
  • 6 to 11 Points: Referral to the Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselor. Students with 6 or more points are penalized in the housing lottery (50 is added to their room draw number).
  • 12 to 15 Points: Student will be placed on a status of residential probation. Student’s parent(s) or guardian will be notified of the change of residential status. Students on any form of probation are prohibited from studying abroad per Article 6, Section A, Part 2.
  • 16+ Points: Student will be suspended from the residence halls.



Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $25
Second offense $100-$200

Misuse of Residence Halls

Offense Fine
Student’s failure to return Room or Residence Hall keys $75 each
Student’s failure to vacate room on time $25 per hour
Student failure to clear and clean room $50
Damage to student room and furnishings Cost of repair
Loss of furnishings Replacement Costs
Failure to remove door decorations $20
Missing furniture Replacement Cost
Unauthorized use of room during Winter Break $100 a day
Painting the exposed or pre-cast concrete in north campus residence halls (within the individual student rooms, living room in the suites, and all other areas in which there is exposed or pre-cast concrete)  $1,000
Unauthorized painting

$100 per wall or ceiling

Fire Safety Fines

Offense Fine
Misuse of fire equipment $500
Pulling fire alarms/creating false alarms $500
Failure to cooperate with evacuation procedures $50
Use of open flame devices, including candles and incense, in the residence halls $25

Misuse of Windows, and/or Balconies, Removal of Screens

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $100
Second offense $200


Offense Fine
Propping Doors $100
Tampering with door locking mechanisms $100

Unathorized access/use of rooftops

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $1,000

Misuse of Emergency Whistle

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $100

Unauthorized Pets on Campus

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $100 plus $50 per day after 72 hours
Second offense $200 plus $50 per day after 72 hours

Possession of an Unauthorized or Duplicate Key

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $100

Food Fights

Number of Offenses Fine
First offense $50
Subsequent offense $100

Failure to pay fines can result in the assessment of additional charges and other action by the College.