2017-18 Pomona College Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2017-18 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Senior Exercises

Degree Requirements & Academic Regulations


Each student’s major will culminate in a senior exercise designed to deepen understanding and integrate the content and method of his or her field of study. Although the exercise will differ from field to field, each requires the student to demonstrate mastery of the methodology, principles and practices of the chosen field. Descriptions of senior exercises for the College’s majors are available in departmental offices. In some cases, portions of the senior exercise are not given course credit but nevertheless must be enrolled in for transcript notation.

Students completing double-majors must complete separate and unique senior exercises for both majors.

The following regulations apply to students who have completed the final semester at the College but have not completed the senior exercise.

  1. Seniors who fail to complete a senior exercise course numbered 190–195 (Seminar, 190; Thesis, 191; Project, 192; Comprehensive Exam, 193; Activity, 195) in their final semester receive F or NC in the course.
  2. In any semester within the following two years, the student may re -enroll for that exercise for a nominal fee.
  3. After two years, the student will be considered withdrawn from the College and may re-enroll for the senior exercise only with the approval of the student’s major department and the Academic Procedures Committee. In this case, the type of senior exercise required is of the department’s choosing and might not be of the sort failed earlier.