2015-16 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jun 26, 2024  
2015-16 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2023-24 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

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  • ENGL170Y PO - Metaphysical Poets

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): A. Kunin
    Credit: 1

    Intensive study of the religious and erotic lyrics of the 17th-century Metaphysical poets. Some attention to their influence on modernist poetry and criticism. Serious consideration of exchanges between poetry and speculative philosophy. Readings will include poems by Donne, Herbert, Philips, Cowley, Hutchinson, Crashaw, Vaughan, Marvell, Traherne and Finch. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: ENGL 067 PO . (H2, PO, 170)
  • ENGL183 SC - Asian American Literature: Gender and Sexuality

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • ENGL183A PO - Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): J. Lethem
    Credit: 1

    Student’s own work is principal content of the course; class meets weekly to read and discuss it. Occasionally other readings. Enrollment limited to 15. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; student must submit a writing sample to receive permission. ENGL 064A PO  strongly recommended. May be repeated for credit. ENGL183A PO: Fiction. ENGL 183B PO : Poetry. ENGL 183C PO: Screenwriting. ENGL 183D PO : The Literary Essay. (E)
  • ENGL183B PO - Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): C. Rankine
    Credit: 1

    Student’s own work is principal content of the course; class meets weekly to read and discuss it. Occasionally other readings. Enrollment limited to 15. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; student must submit a writing sample to receive permission. ENGL 064B PO  strongly recommended. May be repeated for credit. ENGL 183A PO : Fiction. ENGL183B PO: Poetry. ENGL 183C PO: Screenwriting. ENGL 183D PO : The Literary Essay. (E)
  • ENGL184 PO - New Poetics

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2014.
    Instructor(s): C. Rankine
    Credit: 1

    The course takes as its point of departure a threefold hypothesis: 1) there is no poetry without formal decisions; 2) for some writers, these decisions are no longer a matter of choosing between the alternatives of traditional prosody and “free verse”; and 3) such decisions concern not only composition itself, but one’s whole relationship with the world. We will investigate a variety of recent projects in poetics, so that each of us might begin to construct a working poetics. Readings will be drawn from “projective verse,” “language writing,” “ethnopoetics,” “new formalism,” poststructuralism, translation theory, hypertext, and so on, as we consider quetisons ranging from techniques of composition to the ethics and politics of writing. The course is intended for students with a real commitment to writing, an experimental spirit, an impatience with notions of writing that go no further than “self-expression,” and a desire to bride what we will assume, for the monet, and futile and perhaps foolish distinctions between the creative and the critical. (TH, H5, PO)
  • ENGL189J PO - Topics in Asian American Literature

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2015.
    Instructor(s): J. Jeon
    Credit: 1

    Topics in Asian American Literature. To be announced. (H5, RC, DG)
  • ENGL190 PO - Senior Exercise/Seminar Option

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 0

    Students electing this option take a second 170-series Advanced Studies Seminar to satisfy the senior exercise requirement. A grade and credit are assigned for the ENGL 170 PO  seminar; enrollment in 190 confers no credit but will receive one of the following designations: No credit, pass or distinction. Students must receive at least a C-minus in the Advanced Studies Seminar in order to receive a pass in ENGL 190.
  • ENGL191 PO - Senior Thesis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): K. Dettmar
    Credit: 0.5

    Students choosing this option enroll both semesters of the senior year. A grade will be assigned for the fall semester based upon the completion of a chapter of thesis (or approximately 20 to 25 pages of writing toward the thesis) and for the spring semester upon completion of the thesis. Eligibility based on grade point average and permission of the department
  • ENGL195 PO - Literary Criticism: Advanced Methods

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): K.Dettmar
    Credit: 1

    An advanced seminar in the research methods characteristic of literary criticism, this class will revolve around the questions and challenges raised by student thesis projects: what kind of knowledge does literary scholarship aim to produce? What is the relationship between literary studies and the methods and theories of other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences? P/NC only. Prerequisites: ENGL 067 PO  and any ENGL 170 PO . ENGL 170 PO  may be taken concurrently.
  • ENGL199DRPO - English: Directed Readings

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • ENGL199IRPO - English: Independent Research

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • ENGL199RAPO - English: Research Assistantship

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Lab notebook, research summary or other product appropriate to the discipline is required. Half-course credit only.
  • ENGL406 CG - American Literature and Political Theory

    Credit: 1.0

    See the Claremont Graduate University catalog for a description of this course.

Environmental Analysis

  • EA010 PO - Intro to Environmental Analysis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): M. Los Huertos; B. Cutter
    Credit: 1

    An EAP introductory core course. Examines the history of environmental change over the past century, the environmental ramifications of economic and technological decisions, lifestyles and personal choice and the need to evaluate environmental arguments critically. (Taught at Pitzer and Pomona).
  • EA020 PO - Nature, Culture and Society

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller; N. Davis
    Credit: 1

    An EAP introductory core course. This required class for all EA majors and minors is especially designed for sophomores and juniors. It will employ case studies to help analyze some key contemporary environmental dilemmas. Topics will vary but will draw on an interdisciplinary array of sources in the humanities and social sciences, including history, philosophy and literature; religion, art, politics and sociology.
  • EA030 PO - Science and the Environment

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): R. Los Huertos
    Credit: 1

    This course introduces the basic principles of environmental science with applications in chemistry, ecology and geology, and is part of the core course requirements for the Environmental Analysis major. The course provides a natural science foundation for EA as one way to understand the environment. Topics covered include a discussion of ecosystems, climate change, energy and food production, land resources, pollution and sustainable development. A full laboratory accompanies the course and will include field and laboratory work and as emphasis on introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping and statistics. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: EA 010 PO  or by permission of the instructor.
  • EA085 PO - Food, Land and the Environment

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): M. Los Huertos
    Credit: 1

    An exploration of co-evolution of humans and their food systems, agroecology (sustainable food production) and the environmental and nutritional issues associated with selected types of agriculture. The course combines seminar with practical, hands-on training in horticulture, bee keeping, bed preparation, harvesting and marketing. Using the Pomona Organic Farm, students will manage their own beds using ecologically sustainable methods. Prerequisite: EA 010 PO  or by permission of the instructor.
  • EA090 PZ - Environmental Change in China and East Asia

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • EA101 PO - GIS in Environmental Analysis

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Introduction to GIS and it’s applications and analysis of environmental resources and hazards that differentially affect populations. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: EA 010 PO . Corequisite: EA 030 PO . May be repeated once for credit.
  • EA120 PZ - Global Environmental Politics and Policy

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • EA132 PZ - Practicum in Exhibiting Nature: The Pitzer Outback

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • EA141 PZ - Progress and Oppression: Ecology, Human Rights, and Development

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • EA170 PO - U.S. Environmental History

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller
    Credit: 1

    An examination of the idea of nature and wilderness in American history, from colonial visions to contemporary ideologies. It will draw from the work of Henry David Thoreau, John Muir and Mary Austin; Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson and Michael Pollan, as well as environmental documentaries and material culture.
  • EA 171 PO - Water in the West

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller
    Credit: 1

    Explores how communities, states and the federal government developed the legal precedents, physical infrastructure, financial mechanisms, environmental engineering, political will and social desire for the construction of a hydraulic empire in the Trans-Mississippi West.
  • EA172 PO - Crisis Management

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller
    Credit: 1

    This seminar assesses the history of public lands in the U.S. since the late 19th century and the environmental, legal, political and cultural forces that have shaped the federal land management agencies’ often controversial operations on the national forests, parks and grasslands. Topics will include, among others, these bureaus’ intellectual origins, political histories, fire-management practices, and the social pressures and environmental dilemmas that have shaped their actions.
  • EA173 PO - Ecology of Streams, Lakes and Wetlands with Lab

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): M. Los Huertos
    Credit: 1

    This lecture and laboratory course explores the physical and biological patterns and processes of inland waters. We begin by reviewing the hydrologic cycle and discussing the physical processes that occur in headwater streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and estuaries. Early seminars introduce the chemical processes and ‘signatures’ of headwaters and gaining surface waters. The course is structured to focus on different types of systems separately, e.g. streams, lakes, wetlands and estuaries while demonstrating that many of the same ecological processes and phenomena occur in each, i.e., biogeochemical cycling, controls on primary production, evolutionary selection, community patterns, population dynamics and food web structure. The most visible taxa in aquatic systems will be introduced including algae, plants, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles via laboratory and field work. The course will discuss how drinking, irrigation, recreation, transportation, flood control and power generation compete for water resources, altering the ecology of inlands ecosystems. Case studies will integrate ecological sub-disciplines while highlighting the human-nature conflicts in freshwater systems. Students interested in watershed and marine systems will find the course extremely useful in their understanding of how various biota co-exist in these seemingly simple systems. There will be two weekend field trips for the course. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: BIOL 041E PO  or EA 030 PO  plus one lab course or CHEM 001B PO  or one semester of statistics. May be repeated twice for credit.
  • EA190 PO - Environmental Senior Seminar (CP)

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): C.Miller; R.Hazlett
    Credit: 1

    A required capstone, team-based seminar in which senior EA majors focus their various curricular backgrounds on environmental issues and problems as defined by real-world clients. Past clients have included Pomona College’s Sustainability Integration Office, Scripps College, the City of Claremont, Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens, Sustainable Claremont, UnCommon Good and USGS. Prerequisites: EA 010 PO , EA 020 PO , EA 030 PO  and EA 191 PO . Letter grade only.
  • EA 191 PO - Thesis in Environmental Analysis

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller
    Credit: 1

    Production of a senior research paper or project which culminates in a professional-quality public presentation. Open to senior EA majors only.
  • EA191H PO - Thesis in Environmental Analysis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): C. Miller
    Credit: 0.5

    Same as EA 191 PO , but taken in both semesters of the senior year for half-credit each semester; grade and credit awarded at the conclusion of the second semester.
  • EA199DRPO - Environmental Analysis: Directed Readings

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • EA199IRPO - Environmental Analysis: Independent Research

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.


  • FREN001 PO - Introductory French

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): C. Rolland
    Credit: 1

    Development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Intensive conversation and oral and written exercises. Pictures, videos, films, stories and realia from Francophone culture.
  • FREN002 PO - Introductory French

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): C. Rolland
    Credit: 1

    Further development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Intensive conversation and oral and written exercises. Pictures, videos, films, stories and realia from Francophone culture. Increased emphasis on reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: FREN 001 PO .
  • FREN011 PO - Conversation: Contemporary French Language and Culture

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): R. Bashaw
    Credit: 0.25

    Open to all students except native speakers. Credit for satisfactory participation in Oldenborg Center activities and two conversation classes weekly. Prerequisite: one year of college-level language study. Cumulative credit; graded P/NC. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Limited to one enrollment per semester and a cumulative total of one course credit. Prerequisite: FREN 002 PO .
  • FREN013 PO - French Conversation, Advanced

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): R. Bashaw
    Credit: 0.25

    Open to all students except native speakers. Credit for satisfactory participation in Oldenborg Center activities and two conversation classes weekly. Prerequisite: two years of college-level language study or equivalent. Cumulative, one-quarter course credit; graded P/NC. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Limited to one enrollment per semester and a cumulative total of one course credit. Prerequisite: FREN 033 PO .
  • FREN015 PO - Advanced Plus Conversation

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): R.Bashaw
    Credit: 0.25

    Open to all students except native speakers. Credit for satisfactory participation in Oldenborg Center activities and weekly course attendance and participation. P/NC only. Prerequisites: FREN 101 PO  or higher; instructor permission required. May be repeated four times for credit.
  • FREN022 PO - Intensive Elementary French

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): C. Rolland
    Credit: 1

    Covers first-year material in a single semester. Intensive work on oral expression, comprehension, writing and reading. Pictures, videos, films, stories and realia from Francophone culture.
  • FREN033 PO - Intermediate French

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): L. Yoshioka-Maxwell
    Credit: 1

    Review of basic grammar; development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through films, discussion, articles, literary texts, language tables and compositions. Prerequisite: FREN 002 PO  or FREN 022 PO .
  • FREN044 PO - Advanced French

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): J. Abecassis; V. Duzer; M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    Discussions of texts (novels, scripts, poems etc.) and films from France and Francophone culture, with a review of French grammar. Development of skills and knowledge for living and studying abroad. Emphasis on speaking but course content varies. Prerequisite: FREN 033 PO .
  • FREN101 PO - Introduction to Literary Analysis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): V. Duzer; J. Abecassis
    Credit: 1

    Analysis of various literary genres and styles in poetry, prose and theatre. Close textual readings. Introduction to some critical methods and practice in the interpretation of texts. Written and oral work. Required of majors. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN102 PO - Eat, Drink, Shop in Francophone Culture

    When Offered: Fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): L. Yoshioka-Maxwell
    This course explores 19th- and 20th-century literary and visual representations of cultures of consumption in the francophone world. In the first part of the course, we will trace the emergence of the consumer society in 19th-century Paris in relation to major social, economic and political upheavals. Moving into the 20th century, the course will examine the social and cultural shifts generated by the post-war economic boom, the relationship between conspicuous consumption and the French imperialist legacy and the ways in which food culture informs the articulation of national or ethnic identity. We will read texts in a variety of genres, including gastronomic treatises, ethnographic writing, poetry and novels. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN103 PO - Frenchness: May ‘68-2008

    When Offered: Spring 2018.
    Instructor(s): V. Duzer
    Credit: 1

    Social, cultural, political and literary determinants of the notion of “Frenchness.” From the famous “Events of May ‘68” through May 2008 and beyond, the evolution and transformation of ideas about what it means to be French. Stereotypes of French identity, analyzed and discussed through newspaper articles, excerpts from novels, interviews, songs and films. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN106 PO - French Creative Writing: Atelier d’écriture

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): V. Pouzet-Duzer
    Credit: 1

    Through a wide range of writing exercises in French, from prompt answers to translation work, this “atelier d’écriture” will help you gain familiarity with the conventions and techniques of literary genres, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. You will engage in a creative process that incorporates research, revision, discussions with others and attention to form, audience, language, and context. And in the end, you will be composing an original creative work in French. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: FREN 101 PO .
  • FREN107 SC - Headline News: Advanced Oral Expression and Composition of Current Events and Culture

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • FREN109 PO - Introduction to French Linguistics

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): D. Divita
    Credit: 1

    Examines the phonological, morphological and syntactic aspects of modern French to understand how it functions as a linguistic system. Includes a detailed unit on sociolinguistics, examining synchronic variation according to speaker (considering such variables as gender, age and class) and according to situations of use. Students will assemble a corpus of data collected from various media (audio, visual and textual) and use it to investigate a specific aspect of the structure of modern French. Course also serves practical needs of students pre-study abroad. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: FREN 044 PO  or FREN 101 PO .
  • FREN110 PO - French Films

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): V. Pouzet-Duzer
    Credit: 1

    The aesthetics of a small selection of French films and the cultural, philosophical and political cultures out of which they were produced as an introduction to the major styles, periods, and directors of French cinema. Linguistic, technical and theoretical tools for cinematic analysis in French. Oral and written expression through discussion, essays and oral presentations. Possible filmmakers include Meliès, Renoir, Resnais, Rohmer, Truffaut, Godard, Kurys, Varda, Malle and Garrel. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN127 PO - Language and Power in the Francophone World

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): D. Divita
    Credit: 1

    An investigation of the complex relationship between language and identity in the French-speaking world. Who speaks French, how they speak it and why it matters. Increased oral and written proficiency and awareness of sociolinguistic issues through the analysis of primary documents regarding the history and politics of standardization; language policy in France and abroad and the meaning of regional and stylistic variation. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: FREN 101 PO . Previously offered as FREN 108 PO .
  • FREN128 PO - The Fantastic

    When Offered: Fall 2018.
    Instructor(s): J. Abecassis
    Credit: 1

    The fantastic as a literary and cultural phenomenon. Study of myth, fairy tales and fantastic tales of the Romantic period. Emphasis on psychoanalytic and archetypal criticism. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN129 PO - Who’s Afraid of Marcel Proust?

    When Offered: Fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): V. Duzer
    Credit: 1

    What does Marcel Proust’s monumental project teach us about French literature? How did his pastiches and references to the literary canon help Proust write? This course connects close readings of passages from “La Recherche” and their direct and indirect sources (Marie de France, Ronsard, Racine, Chateaubriand, Nerval, Sand, Bergson, etc.) as a way to review the spectrum of French literature. Prerequisites: FREN 101 PO  or the equivalent.
  • FREN130 SC - French Theater from Text to Stage I: Theatricality and “Mise en Scene”

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • FREN150A PO - Les Moralistes: Public and Private Selves

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): J. Abecassis
    Credit: 1

    Study of late 16th and 17th century French moral thought in the essays, plays, satire and dialogues of Montaigne, Molière, La Fontaine, La Rochefoucauld and Pascal. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN150B PO - Les Philosophes: Paradoxes of Nature

    When Offered: Spring 2018.
    Instructor(s): J. Abecassis
    Credit: 1

    Enlightenment thought through the reading of tales, dialogues and essays of Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau and Sade. Prerequisite: FREN 101 PO  or FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN150C PO - Moralistes/Philosophes: Advanced Topics

    When Offered: Fall 2017.
    Instructor(s): J. Abecassis
    Credit: 1

    In-depth study of a single author or theme in early French literature, e.g. Diderot’s fiction, The Confessions of Rousseau, the tragedies of Racine. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN151 PO - Men, Women and Power

    When Offered: Spring 2017.
    Instructor(s): M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    The representation of power, gender and sexuality by female and male writers in 17th and 18th century France. How sexuality is used to maintain or subvert relationships between men and women. How texts implicate the reader in those struggles for power. Sensibility, pre-Romanticism and libertinism. Racine, Molière, Prévost, Graffigny, Rousseau and Laclos. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN152 PO - Masters, Servants and Slaves

    When Offered: Fall 2015.
    Instructor(s): M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    Literary works that foreground servants and slaves to rethink who is and should be master. Uppity servants in comedies by Moliére. Marivaux and Beaumarchais, women coming to voice despite “Oriental” harem despotism and French paternalism in novels by Montesquieu and Mme de Graffigny: the supposedly universal “Declaration of the Rights of Man” of 1789. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN173 PO - Reading Bodies

    When Offered: Spring 2016.
    Instructor(s): M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    Gender and sexuality as a matter of nationality, race and class in 19th century French literature, art and popular culture. Marie Antoinette and Republican masculinity, fashion plates and cross-dressers, manual laborers, dandies, prostitutes and sexual hermaphrodites among others. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN174 PO - The Romantic Other

    When Offered: Fall 2016.
    Instructor(s): M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    In the 19th century novel, love is the ultimate driving force, exerting a strong, harmful influence on the protagonists. Tempted by incest, adultery and miscegenation, they are frequently condemned to live in exile or die of grief… Why did the forbidden Other represent such a powerful, psychological and social danger after the Revolution? And why does romance play such an important role in Romanticism, the first great literary movement of post-revolutionary French society? The great novels of d’Albe, Chateaubriand, Staël, Duras and George Sand and a recent French film show that these questions are still with us. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .
  • FREN175 PO - Writing the Exotic

    When Offered: Spring 2018.
    Instructor(s): M. Waller
    Credit: 1

    Colonialism and the fascination with “exotic” lands and peoples in 19th century France. What do novels and other cultural texts tell us about nationalist fantasies and anxieties on the domestic front? A study of noble “savages”, savage slaves, racial ostracism, sex tourism and Orientalism in works by Chateaubriand, Duras, Hugo, Flaubert, Nerval and others. Prerequisite: FREN 044 PO .

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