2023-24 Pomona College Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2023-24 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Linguistics Major

The linguistics major is composed of 10 courses, plus the senior exercise. The senior exercise for the Linguistics major is the senior seminar course, which includes writing a senior seminar paper.

Requirements for the Major in Linguistics

  1. Introductory course: LGCS 010 PO  
  2. Required Courses:
  1. Methods Courses: One of the following three courses
  1. An LGCS advanced linguistics course numbered above LGCS160
  2. Either one additional methods course, or one additional advanced LGCS linguistics course
  3. Three additional courses; options include linguistics courses at any level at the 5Cs, LGCS 011 PO , and study abroad courses in linguistics (for which credit is requested by petition to the department)
  4. Senior exercise
  • All senior Linguistics majors take LGCS 190 PO  (Senior seminar in Linguistics) in the fall, which includes a senior seminar paper. This satisfies the senior exercise requirement.

Information about how to submit petitions to the department is available at https://research.pomona.edu/lgcs/ (along with other administrative information relevant to the major and to department life).