2018-19 Pomona College Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2018-19 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Public Policy Analysis Major

All courses in the major taken after the first year must be for a letter grade with the exception of PPA 195 PO  or any course in a concentration designated Pass/No Credit.

Requirements for the Major in Public Policy Analysis

  1. Four-course public policy sequence: ECON 051 PO , ECON 052 PO ; POLI 003 PO  or PPA 001 PO ; POLI 135 PO .
  2. Statistical/Quantitative Methods course: ECON 057 PO  or POLI 090 PO  unless otherwise noted below:
  1. Policy Elective: Students are invited to suggest policy-oriented courses at the Claremont Colleges to fulfill this requirement, which must be approved by the PPA program coordinator. To be approved, the course must be beyond the introductory level and should focus primarily on public policy. This can include courses focused on a substantive policy area, such as housing or health, the development of tools for analyzing public policy or some combination of these. Students may consult with the program’s associate director. A policy elective is not required for EA/PPA or STS/PPA. Regularly offered courses which are approved are: ANTH 107 PO , ECON 122 PO , ECON 123 PO , ECON 125 PO , ECON 127 PO , ECON 128 PO PPA 079 PO , PHYS 017 PO POLI 136 PO , POLI 147 PO , POLI 149 PO , GOVT 105 CM .
  2. Courses in an existing major:

This information is subject to change by departmental or major committees.

  1. Three-course internship-thesis sequence: PPA 190 PO , PPA 191 PO , PPA 195 PO .