Mar 13, 2025
POLI189G PO - Negotiating the U.S. PolicyscapeWhen Offered: Next offered fall 2023 Instructor(s): S. Diament Credit: 1
Americans are reputed to show disfavor toward government compared to our counterparts in other developed democracies. And yet, there are over 93,000 governmental entities with jurisdiction over 330 million Americans. This enormous scale of government not only belies the myth of a libertine America but suggests Americans cannot get enough government. What gives? This is a unique course that problematizes basic issues of public policy in relation to the historical development of the American state. It combines two subfields in political science which are generally not paired together (political history and policy studies), straddling cerebral concepts with creative case studies. The novel nature of the course exposes students to big ideas about statebuilding, while also preparing them for professional graduate degrees in public policy. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Area 2
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