Mar 12, 2025
SOC189T PO - Sociology of WasteWhen Offered: Irregularly Instructor(s): S. Stefanos Credit: 1
What is waste? How do conceptions and concerns about waste shape, and get shaped by, our modern world? Drawing on sociology and related disciplines, we will examine how inequalities related to waste management are structured by gender, race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, and other identities in late-stage capitalism. We will also use various forms of scholarship (books, articles, documentaries, podcasts) to probe the meanings of waste and analyze case studies of waste from around the world, such as: the interconnections between Northern clothing/textile waste and secondhand clothing markets in Latin America and Africa; nuclear waste and European politics; food waste and global topsoil loss; toxic waste and BIPOC communities; animal waste and industrial agriculture in the United States; excreta and the creation of modern cities; household waste and waste-collector communities in the Middle East/North Africa; plastic waste and the sovereignty of small Pacific Island states; recycling and China’s role in global governance; and burial regimes in India, among others. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Area 2;
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