Mar 12, 2025
RUST189A PO - Empire at War: Art & Lit in RusWhen Offered: Spring 2023 Instructor(s): L. Battsaligova Credit: 1
Through the exploration of works of art and literature that deal with the representation of war (and peace), we will define the aspects of building a nation, the creation of an empire, and the rise and fall of nationalism and colonialism. We will consider art and literature from Russia paying special attention to the questions of form, genre, language, medium, and the limits of truthful representation. We will discuss works by Catherine the Great, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Goncharova, Eisenstein, Sokurov, and Kovalenko. We will also refer to secondary sources for historical background and critical insight. Given the interdisciplinary nature of our seminar, several classes will be held at such locations as the Benton Museum, Williamson Gallery, Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and the Mission Inn Museum in Riverside. All readings and discussions are in English. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Area 1;
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