Mar 13, 2025
SPAN102C PO - Minimal Portraits: the Modern Spanish Short StoryWhen Offered: Irregularly Instructor(s): P. H. Cahill Credit: 1
Explores how modern short stories from 19th-21st century Spain sketch small yet significant portraits of characters and the world(s) they inhabit. Will examine texts associated with Realism, Naturalism, the Fantastic, Postmodernism, and Posthumanism. Readings, discussions, oral presentations, and papers will highlight questions of race, class, gender, regional identity, mental health, and (dis)ability, among other topics. Focus on authors? individual styles as well as analysis of the short story as a genre. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: SPAN 044 PO or equivalent. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Language Requirement
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