Mar 12, 2025
SOC189I PO - Women and Power in Latin AmericaWhen Offered: Spring 2022 Instructor(s): E. Hernandez Credit: 1
This course examines the obstacles women in Latin America still face in entering decision-making spaces in politics, the state, civil society, and the private sector and the resilience and creativity they show on a daily basis to counteract such patterns of exclusion. We will look at their participation in the diverse feminist and women’s movements and the alliances they have built with the LGTBQ community, workers, indigenous, and Afro-descendants movements in the region as well as with allies in national and local governments and international organizations. Coursework culminates in a research project with written and digital components. Letter grade only. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Area 2
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