Mar 13, 2025
SPAN125B PO - Cisne, City, Cyborg: Fin-de-siècle Dandies to Vampiric Queers in Modern & Contemporary Latin American LiteratureWhen Offered: Offered alternate years, next offered spring 2024 Instructor(s): S. Chavez Silverman Credit: 1
Explores roughly 200 years of Latin American literature and culture, using a decolonial lens. Students will develop critical readings attentive to gender, race, class, sexualities and context (historical, geographic and linguistic). Special attention to authors erased or marginalized by ‘the canon.’ Readings include canonical authors such as modernistas José Martí, Rubén Darío and Delmira Agustini; mundonovista novelist Rómulo Gallegos (later president of Venezuela); mid-20th century giants like Borges, Neruda, García Márquez and Julio Cortázar and late-20th /early 21st century authors known for their powers of resistance and subversion (through language, form, queerness) such as Elena Poniatowska, Manuel Puig, Alejandra Pizarnik, Mayra Santos Febres and Mariana Enríquez. Prerequisite: SPAN 101 PO. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: PO Area 1 Requirement;PO Language Requirement
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