Mar 13, 2025
GERM154H PO - Contemporary German FictionWhen Offered: Last offered fall 2019. Instructor(s): Staff Credit: 0.5
Germany is the world’s most popular country (BBC), the German government is holding up the West singlehandedly (various sources) – and German literary authors are doing just fine, thank you (Frankfurter Buchmesse). The only sad thing: they rarely get translated into English – you have to read them in German. This course introduces students to some of the best contemporary German prose fiction and contextualizes it. Close reading and interpretation; some secondary literature and criticism; discussion; written and oral student contributions. Prerequisites: GERM 044 PO or equivalent. Previously offered as GERM154 PO. Course must be taken twice to fulfill the foreign language requirement. Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Language Requirement; Writing Intensive
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