Feb 16, 2025
BIOL180 PO - Microbial EcologyWhen Offered: Last offered spring 2015. Instructor(s): E. Crane Credit: 1
A discussion of the role of microbes in controlling element cycling and in shaping the geosphere. Microbial populations in a range of environments will be discussed (soil, marine and aquatic waters and sediments, the shallow and deep subsurface, plant and animal hosts), and the role that communication, cooperation and competition play within these populations will also be examined. Laboratory incorporates modern techniques for studying microbes and microbial communities and sampling in the field. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: BIOL 041C PO or BIOL 041E PO . Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog: Area 4
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