2017-18 Pomona College Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2017-18 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

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ART104 PO - Drawing as Improvisation

When Offered: Last offered fall 2016.
Instructor(s): M.Teixido
Credit: 1

Drawing is a way to see, describe, understand, explore and be. The act of drawing is largely an improvisational act. In emphasizing this aspect of making drawings we will explore historical and contemporary ideas of improvisation through exercises and readings. This course will invite a range of approaches including but not limited to, collaboration, context specific work and drawing as performance. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: ART 005 PO  or another intro level studio art course. May be repeated twice for credit.
Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
Area 6

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