2012-13 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jan 31, 2025  
2012-13 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.

Courses of Study

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Key to Course Listings

The College runs on a semester calendar on a course-based credit system, with one course equivalent to four semester hours or six quarter hours. The number of hours spent in class and laboratory may vary according to the subject and level of the work. Some courses meet four or five hours per week; science courses include whatever laboratory work is required and do not offer additional credit for the laboratory. Unless otherwise noted, all courses listed in this catalog are valued at one full course credit. Unless specifically noted, a course may not be repeated for credit. A maximum of eight cumulative (quarter-credit) courses (the equivalent of two courses) will count toward the 32 courses required for graduation; after the two-course equivalent limit has been reached, students may continue to enroll for cumulative courses but will not receive credit. (In such cases the courses appear with zero credit on the academic record.)

“A, B” after a course number (e.g. CHEM1A,B) denotes a course of study that is comprised of two semester-long courses where A is prerequisite to B. Otherwise, where a single letter is used, each course stands independently, but shares a common number for thematic or organizational reasons.

Two letter suffixes after a course number indicate that the course is offered by the joint Claremont Colleges intercollegiate departments of Africana studies (AF), Asian American studies (AA) or Chicano/a-Latino/a studies (CH).

Selected courses offered by the other Claremont Colleges are included in this catalog. They are identified by the following abbreviations preceding the course number: “CG”– Claremont Graduate University; CM–Claremont McKenna College; HM–Harvey Mudd College; PZ–Pitzer College; and SC–Scripps College.

Discipline Codes

The College uses the following codes in numbering its courses, and these codes are also referenced throughout this catalog. Course codes in use at the other Claremont Colleges are represented when relevant in the academic sections of this catalog.

AFRI Africana Studies CLAS Classics
AMST American Studies CSCI Computer Science
ANTH Anthropology DANC Dance
ARBC Arabic ECON Economics
ART Art, Studio ENGL English
ARHI Art History EA Environmental Analysis
ASAM Asian American Studies FREN French
ASIA Asian Studies GWS Gender & Women’s Studies
ASTR Astronomy GEOL Geology
BIOL Biology GERM German
CHEM Chemistry GRMT German Literature, English Translation
CHST Chicano/a-Latino/a Studies HIST History
CHIN Chinese ID Interdisciplinary Studies
CHNT Chinese Literature, English Translation IR International Relations
ITAL Italian PSYC Psychology
JAPN Japanese PPA Public Policy Analysis
JPNT Japanese Literature, English Translation RLST Religious Studies
LAST Latin American Studies RLIT Romance Languages and Literatures
LGCS Linguistics and Cognitive Science RUSS Russian
MATH Mathematics REES Russian and Eastern European Studies
MS Media Studies RUST Russian Literature, English Translation
MOBI Molecular Biology STS Science, Technology and Society
MUS Music SOC Sociology
NEUR Neuroscience SPAN Spanish
PHIL Philosophy SPNT Spanish Literature, English Translation
PPE Philosophy, Politics and Economics THEA Theatre
PE Physical Education    
PHYS Physics    
POLI Politics