2022-23 Pomona College Catalog 
    Jul 01, 2024  
2022-23 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2023-24 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

Click here  to view a Key to Course Listings and Discipline codes.



  • BIOL104 PO - Conservation Biology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2023.
    Instructor(s): C. Chang
    Credit: 1

    Biological approaches to the conservation of species and ecosystems. Topics include current problems in conservation at global through local scales, the origin and maintenance of biodiversity, population dynamics of rare or exploited species and the influence of human values on wildlife conservation. Prerequisites: BIOL 041E PO  .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL105 PO - Fire Ecology

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2020.
    Instructor(s): W. Meyer
    Credit: 1

    This seminar course will examine the primary literature, incorporate guest lectures from specialists, and take field trips to recently burned areas to explore theories, models, patterns, and predictive methods relating to the influence of fire on global ecosystems. While the focus will be on fire ecology in California, the last four weeks will explore similarities and differences among California, other Mediterranean regions, and other biomes across the globe. The focus of this course will be to understand the impact of fire on global ecosystems and apply these concepts to the preservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem function. Prerequisites: BIOL 041E PO  or equivalent.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL106 PO - Aquatic Ecology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2018.
    Instructor(s): N. Karnovsky
    Credit: 1

    Covers the ecology of marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats. Investigates how the physical and chemical properties of both salt and freshwater environments impact the distribution, abundance, behavior and inter-species interactions of aquatic organisms. Investigates the impact of anthropogenic activities on aquatic organisms. Lectures and discussions of primary literature. Experiments in lab and field. Field trips are required. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO . Letter grade only.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL107 PO - Avian Ecology w/Lab

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2018.
    Instructor(s): N. Karnovsky
    Credit: 1

    In this advanced ecology course we will use birds as a tool to understand the impacts of climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation, contaminants and altered biogeochemical cycles. We will study the evolution, phylogeny, physiology, behavior, population dynamics and interspecies interactions of birds with a focus on understanding current conservation crises. We will discuss relevant primary literature in class. During labs we will carry out studies of local bird migration, distribution, diets, abundance and diversity using current techniques. Labs will be in both the field and lab. Lab reports will be written as scientific papers. Field trips are required. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL112 PO - Advanced Animal Ecology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Fall 2021.
    Instructor(s): N. Karnovsky
    Credit: 1

    Covers population, community and ecosystem ecology of animals in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Topics include mechanisms that regulate population size and organize communities and the processes that characterize ecosystems. Students conduct their own studies in the field and laboratory. Field trips. Prerequisites: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL116 PO - Ecology and Evolution of Plants with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2019.
    Instructor(s): F. Hanzawa
    Credit: 1

    The ecology of plant populations, examined in an evolutionary context. Topics include population dynamics; ecology and evolution of interactions between plants and pollinators, herbivores and seed dispersers; evolution of plant structure; conservation of rare species. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL121 PO - Insect Ecology and Behavior with Laboratory

    When Offered: Fall 2022.
    Instructor(s): F. Hanzawa
    Credit: 1

    This course explores the interaction of insects with their biotic and physical environments from an evolutionary perspective. Topics include insect population ecology; mating, foraging and social behaviors; ecology of insect pollination, herbivory and parasitism; and insect diversity. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL125 PO - Animal Behavior with Laboratory

    When Offered: Fall 2021.
    Instructor(s): R. Levin
    Credit: 1

    This course examines maintenance, reproductive and social behaviors of animals from evolutionary, ecological and mechanistic perspectives. Topics include behavioral ecology and sociobiology, behavioral genetics, behavioral endocrinology and neuroethology. Laboratory includes field observations of free-living animals. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO  or permission of instructor.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL131 PO - Invertebrate Biology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2019.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Explores the taxonomy, phylogeny and functional morphology of the major invertebrate phyla. Select topics include some of the most pervasive evolutionary questions: insect-plant co-evolution, the evolution and biomechanics of insect flight, host-parasite co-evolution and the Cambrian explosion. Laboratories explore comparative anatomy, physiology and ecology through a combination of experimental and observational projects and field trips. Prerequisite: BIOL 041C PO  or BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL132 PO - Vertebrate Biology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2014.
    Instructor(s): N. Karnovsky
    Credit: 1

    Vertebrate ecology, evolution and current conservation crises. Aspects of vertebrate anatomy and physiology will be covered to highlight strategies vertebrates use to meet challenges of metabolism, thermoregulation, locomotion, prey capture, predator avoidance, mating, reproduction and migration. Labs are focused on modern techniques for studying vertebrate populations. Field trips. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL133L KS - Intro to Computational Neuroscience

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL140 PO - Animal Physiology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): D. Sykes
    Credit: 1

    The physiology of animals at the biochemical, cellular, organ and whole-animal level, stressing comparative solutions to common problems across animal groups. Prerequisite: BIOL 041C PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL142 PO - Physiological research fundamentals w/Lab

    When Offered: Spring 2022
    Instructor(s): D. Sykes
    Credit: .5

    This is a research based laboratory course. The course provides students with hands on experience working with a mouse model. We will design a project that investigates the role of key transcription factors that regulate gastrointestinal homeostasis, inflammation, and colitis. This course lies at the intersections of animal behavior and animal physiology. We will answer questions using foundational behavioral tests in concert with molecular techniques including; qPCR, western blot analysis and hematoxylin and eosin staining. The goal is to explore the impact of social housing on colitis severity. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: BIOL041C PO


    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4

  • BIOL146L KS - Ecology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL146L KS - Ecology with Lab

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL160 PO - Immunology

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): S. Stranford
    Credit: 1

    This course will cover the cells, organs and biochemical signals that make up the immune system, as well as mechanisms for the identification and removal of pathogens. Additional topics may include autoimmunity, allergy, vaccination, transplantation, cancer, immune deficiency and pathogen evasion strategies. Emphasis will be placed on the human immune response, with occasional use of clinical case studies to reinforce these ideas. In addition, common experimental models will also be discussed. In the final section of the course, students will be expected to deliver an oral presentation on an immunological topic of interest. Prerequisites: BIOL 040 PO  and BIOL 041C PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL161 KS - Neuroendocrinology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL162 PO - Genetic Analysis.

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2020.
    Instructor(s): J. Moore
    Credit: 1

    This course examines classic and more recent discoveries using genetic approaches. Students in this class will learn the approaches geneticists use to address biological problems, will come to a greater appreciation of about fundamental biological processes, and will gain the skills of reading, interpreting, discussing, and critically evaluating the biological literature. Among others, past topics have included the molecular nature of disease, the cell cycle with ties to cancer, important molecular genetic techniques, evolutionary genetics, and genetic regulation. Prerequisites: BIOL040 PO and BIOL041C PO or by permission of the instructor.


    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive

  • BIOL163 PO - Advanced Cell Biology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): S. Olson
    Credit: 1

    Discussion of the organization, function and biochemistry of the organelles and macromolecules of eukaryotic cells. Special emphasis will be given to cell membranes, protein synthesis and trafficking among organelles and intracellular motility. Prerequisite: BIOL 041C PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive
  • BIOL165 KS - Advanced Topics in Environmental Biology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
  • BIOL165A PO - Molecular Genetics of Cancer

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2021.
    Instructor(s): L. Seligman
    Credit: 1

    This course examines the genetic changes that underlie the conversion of healthy cells to cancer cells. Emphasis will be placed on studies identifying key genes in humans, as well as research in model organisms that has enabled an understanding of how changes in these genes lead to cancers. This is a literature-based course that emphasizes oral presentations. Juniors and seniors only. Prerequisite: BIOL 040 PO  and BIOL 041C PO  or permission of the instructor.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive
  • BIOL166 KS - Animal Physiological Ecology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL166 PO - Plant Physiology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): F. Jammes
    Credit: 1

    This course will cover, from the single cell to the whole organism, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that underlie each stage of plant life. Emphasis will be placed on the processes and resources required for plant growth, development and adaptation to the environment. Labs are inquiry-oriented and cover modern approaches to understand how plants perceive and interact with their environments. Prerequisite: BIOL 041C PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL169 PO - Developmental Biology with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): M. Kato
    Credit: 1

    The events and processes of animal development, including early development, organogenesis, signaling, developmental genetics, cloning, imprinting, stem cells and evolution of development. Includes both vertebrate and invertebrate embryos. Prerequisite: BIOL 041C PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL169L KS - Marine Ecology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL170 PO - Genomics and Transcriptomics with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2020.
    Instructor(s): D. Martinez
    Credit: 1

    Intended for upper-level undergraduates, the course will explore transcriptome and genome assembly, gene expression analysis, comparative genomics, gene ontology, genome annotation and other selected topics. Students will gain knowledge of current trends in genomic and transcriptomic science through a review of relevant literature, facilitated by interactive class discussion. The main objective of the course is for students to develop, through experiential learning, the skills to effectively handle and analyze the large sequencing datasets associated with transcriptomic and genomic studies. By the end of the course, students will be able to properly design, execute and analyze both transcriptomic and genomic experiments, with full knowledge of replication considerations, application of appropriate sequencing methods and effort for the question at hand and full critical analysis of the dataset to answer the biological question. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: BIOL 041C PO  or BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL173 PO - Genomics & Bioinformatics with Laboratory.

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): A. Cavalcanti
    Credit: 1

    This course provides an introduction to the analysis of genomic datasets using computer programs and primary literature. Topics include: Models of sequence evolution, sequence alignment, similarity searching, biological databases, phylogenetic reconstruction, analysis of microarray data and next-generation sequencing data. During the first part of the course, the students will learn basic techniques of bioinformatics and data analysis, followed by student lead discussions of current literature on topics like: microbiomes, genetic regulation, genomic epidemiology, etc. Laboratory incorporates the analysis of datasets using widely available software tools. No programming experience is required. Prerequisites: BIOL 040 PO  . Co-requisites: BIOL 041C PO  or BIOL 041E PO  .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive
  • BIOL173B PO - Genomics & Bioinformatics of SARS-CoV-2, with Laboratory

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2021.
    Instructor(s): A. Cavalcanti
    Credit: 1

    This course is an introduction to the analysis of genomic datasets using computer programs and primary literature. This year the course will emphasize the genome of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and explore the primary literature about the virus. Topics include: Models of sequence evolution, sequence alignment, similarity searching, biological databases, phylogenetic reconstruction, and gene expression level analyses. Laboratory incorporates the analysis of datasets using widely available software tools. No programming experience is required. Prerequisites: BIOL 041C PO  or BIOL 041E PO . Course is equivalent to BIOL173 PO.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive
  • BIOL174 PO - Data Analysis and Programming for the Life Sciences.

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2019.
    Instructor(s): A. Cavalcanti
    Credit: 1

    This course explores the analysis of big data in the Life Sciences through hands-on classes and exercises. Although examples will mostly be biological, the techniques learned are useful for anyone interested in data analysis. Through the use of GitHub repositories and Python and R notebooks, the students will gain proficiency in the current trend of Reproducible Research techniques. Topics will include where and how to acquire data, cleaning the data, analyzing the data and presenting results. Students will learn to use databases to organize data, and to create web applications to present results. Example datasets will include a mix of molecular and ecological data, while different statistical techniques, from basic descriptive statistics to multivariate analysis and ordination techniques, will be utilized. No previous statistics experience is required, but students should have basic programming experience. Prerequisites: BIOL 040 PO  and one of the following: CSCI 005 HM , CSCI 051G PO , CSCI 051J PO , or CSCI 051P PO  .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL175 KS - Applied Biostatistics

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL176 KS - Tropical Ecology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL180 PO - Microbial Ecology

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2021.
    Instructor(s): E. Crane
    Credit: 1

    A discussion of the role of microbes in controlling element cycling and in shaping the geosphere. Microbial populations in a range of environments will be discussed (soil, marine and aquatic waters and sediments, the shallow and deep subsurface, plant and animal hosts), and the role that communication, cooperation and competition play within these populations will also be examined. Laboratory incorporates modern techniques for studying microbes and microbial communities and sampling in the field. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: BIOL 041C PO  or BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL187P KS - Special Topics in Biology: Herpetology

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL189E PO - Global Change Biology

    When Offered: Fall 2021.
    Instructor(s): F. Hanzawa; N. Karnovsky
    Credit: 1

    Global Climate Change Biology. Relying on scientific literature, this course examines documented shifts in geographical ranges, seasonal phenology, community interactions, genetics and extinctions related to global climate change. We will explore biological outcomes of major climatic events such as the last ice age, evolutionary and ecological patterns related to ongoing climate change, and attempts to predict biological consequences of future climate change. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: BIOL 041E PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • BIOL190 PO - Biology Senior Seminar

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): M. Kato; S. Olson
    Credit: 0.5

    The senior seminar focuses on developing skills required for successful completion of written and oral components of the senior thesis, taking ownership of a project, critical analysis and discussion of current research in biology, and professional development. Topics may vary each year. Senior majors only. Letter grade only. May be repeated once for credit.
  • BIOL191F PO - Senior Grant Proposal

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Design of a research protocol to answer an original question. Written in the form of a grant proposal. Open to students whose preliminary written project proposals have been approved by the department. Preliminary proposals due one week prior to pre-enrollment in the preceding semester.
  • BIOL191H PO - Senior Grant Proposal

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Design of a research protocol to answer an original question. Written in the form of a grant proposal. Open to students whose preliminary written project proposals have been approved by the department. Preliminary proposals due one week prior to pre-enrollment in the preceding semester. May be repeated twice for credit. 
  • BIOL194A PO - Experimental Senior Thesis (1st semester)

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    An experimental senior thesis may be undertaken by mutual agreement between a student and a faculty member and is dependent on design and availability of a suitable project and/or appropriate lab space. Suitable projects may include continuation of investigations begun in summer research or independent studies. Taken in two semesters for full course credit each semester; students who do not pass the first semester (BIOL194A, 1st semester) must complete a research grant proposal (BIOL 191F PO ) in the second semester. Letter grade only.
  • BIOL194B PO - Experimental Senior Thesis (2nd semester)

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 1

    Continuation of the experimental senior thesis project in 194B requires the successful completion of BIOL194A; students who do not pass the first semester course must complete the Library Senior Thesis (BIOL 191F PO ) in the second semester. Letter grade only.
  • BIOL199DRPO - Biology: Directed Readings

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • BIOL199IRPO - Biology: Independent Research

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • BIOL199RAPO - Biology: Research Assistantship

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Lab notebook, research summary or other product appropriate to the discipline is required. Half-course credit only.


  • CHEM001A PO - General Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): R. Garza; F. Grieman; J. Liu; M. Arora; C. Taylor; D. Wellman
    Credit: 1

    An introduction to chemical concepts including reaction stoichiometry and the periodic table; classes of reactions; properties of gases; metathesis, acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and complexation chemistry; chemical and physical equilibria; thermodynamics; and electrochemistry. These topics are studies for chemical systems both macroscopically and at the atomic and molecular level. Laboratory work is coordinated with the lecture and emphasizes quantitative analytical and instrumental techniques. 
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM001B PO - General Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): M. Johal; C. Taylor; F. Grieman; J. Liu; M. Arora; D. Wellman
    Credit: 1

    An introduction to the theories exploring the physical and chemical properties of the elements and their compounds, including the structure and properties of solids, liquids and gases. Topics include nuclear chemistry, quantum theory, atomic and molecular structure via orbital theory, chemical bonding, coordination chemistry, spectroscopy, chemical kinetics and the properties of multicomponent solutions and electrolytes. Laboratory work is coordinated with the lecture and emphasizes instrumental physical and inorganic techniques and molecular modeling. Pre-requisite: CHEM 001A PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM014L KS - Basic Principles of Chemistry

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM015L KS - Basic Principles of Chemistry

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM029L KS - Accelerated General Chemistry

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM051 PO - General Chemistry with Laboratory Accelerated

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): M. Arora; M. Johal
    Credit: 1

    Accelerated introductory course for well-prepared students. Chemical equilibria, atomic structure, molecular bonding and structure, chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Laboratory work emphasizes quantitative analytical and instrumental techniques and molecular modeling. Interactive computing and modeling is an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: two or more years of high school chemistry and/or AP Chemistry (score 4/5) and a passing score on the placement examination. High school laboratory experience is preferred.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM104 HM - Inorganic Chemistry

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM106 PO - Environmental Chemistry

    When Offered: Spring 2022.
    Instructor(s): C. Taylor
    Credit: 1

    An examination of environmental systems such as the atmosphere and the oceans, from a molecular perspective. The course will critically examine chemical sources of environmental pollution and the means for remediation of these problems. Prerequisites: CHEM 001B PO  or CHEM 051 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM110A PO - Organic Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): N. Ball; D. O’Leary; K. Muzikar; C. Selassie; T. Vasquez
    Credit: 1

    A study of organic compounds, including synthesis and reaction mechanisms. Laboratory includes both synthesis and qualitative organic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 001A PO ; CHEM 001B PO  or CHEM 051 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM110B PO - Organic Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): C. Selassie; D. O’Leary; T. Vasquez
    Credit: 1

    A study of organic compounds, including synthesis and reaction mechanisms. Laboratory includes both synthesis and qualitative organic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 110A PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM112 PO - Analysis of Scientific Literature: Demystifying the Approach and the Science

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): J. Liu
    Credit: 1

    What is science research? Who does science research? In this course, we will aim to answer these questions, and others, in order to demystify and humanize science through a focused analysis of primary literature. Through a guided investigation of a set of related journal articles, students will develop their ability to decipher figures, interpret findings, and propose and defend further experiments to test their own hypotheses and questions. This course is aimed at second-year students and no prior experience with primary literature is expected. The journal articles selected will be from the interface of chemistry and biology; topics may include: nucleic acid-based therapeutics, regulatory RNAs, or microbial pathogenesis. Prerequisites: CHEM110A PO.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Speaking Intensive
  • CHEM115 PO - Biochemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): J. Liu; K. Muzikar; M. Brown; M. Sazinsky
    Credit: 1

    Biological molecules considered in terms of their structure and roles in the dynamic processes by which energy and information are received, interconverted and transmitted in order to maintain life. Laboratory emphasizes techniques and instrumentation used to study the nature of biochemical molecules and processes. Prerequisite: CHEM 110A PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Writing Intensive
  • CHEM128 KS - Inorganic Chemistry

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM147 PO - Inorganic Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): N. Ball
    Credit: 1

    The structure, bonding, and reactivity of inorganic molecules and solids are discussed using a symmetry and molecular orbital based approach. Additional topics including ligand field, hard/soft acid-base theories, as well as physical organometallic chemistry will be discussed with applications in spectroscopy, organometallic catalysis, and bioinorganic chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 110A PO . Co-requisites: CHEM 110B PO  .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM150 PO - Advanced Synthesis Laboratory

    When Offered: Each Spring
    Instructor(s): N. Ball
    Credit: 0.5

    How are molecules made? How do I design new or better reactions? In this laboratory-based course we will expand on fundamental skills gleaned from other introductory chemistry courses toward state-of-the-art techniques used in chemical research. Students will be guided through research methods such as air-free technique, chromatography, spectroscopy, and reaction design toward research goals designed by the students and instructor. Preference will be given for juniors and seniors, but sophomores are welcome provided space is available. Prerequisites: CHEM110B


    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4

  • CHEM156 PO - Physical Chemistry in Molecular Biology

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): M. Johal
    Credit: 1

    Fundamentals of quantum mechanics, statistical thermodynamics, classical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. The application of physical chemistry to biochemistry and molecular biology with an emphasis on the determination of molecular structure and molecular interactions. Prerequisite: CHEM 110B PO ; PHYS 041 PO ; and either MATH 031 PO , MATH 031S PO , MATH 032 PO , MATH 032S PO  or MATH 060 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM158A PO - Physical Chemistry

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): F. Grieman
    Credit: 1

    Fundamentals of quantum mechanics with applications to atomic structure, chemical bonding, molecular spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Introduction to statistical mechanics. Prerequisites: CHEM 001A PO  and CHEM 001B PO ; or CHEM 051 PO ; MATH 032 PO  or MATH 067 PO ; PHYS 041 PO  and PHYS 042 PO  or PHYS 070 PO , PHYS 071 PO , and PHYS 072 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM158B PO - Physical Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): R. Garza; M. Johal; M. Arora; F. Grieman
    Credit: 1

    Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, statistical thermodynamics and chemical dynamics, solids and surface chemistry. Related laboratory work with an emphasis on spectroscopy, thermodynamics, kinetics and data analysis. Prerequisites: CHEM 158A PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM161 PO - Advanced Analytical Chemistry with Laboratory

    When Offered: Each fall.
    Instructor(s): C. Taylor
    Credit: 1

    Study of modern instrumental methods of analysis with an emphasis on optical and X-ray spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and high-performance gas and liquid chromatography. Efficient experimental designs are used to make multivariate investigations by students working in formal groups. Prerequisite: CHEM 110A PO 
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM162 PO - Physical Chemistry Laboratory

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): M. Johal; M. Arora; R. Garza
    Credit: 0.5

    This is a lab course only and is required only for majors who take CHEM 158B PO  lecture (thermodynamics and kinetics) elsewhere with no laboratory component (e.g., study abroad). The laboratory includes experimental methods covering physical chemistry principles using modern instrumental methods and advanced data analysis. Prerequisites: CHEM 158A PO  and equivalent of CHEM 158B PO  lecture.
  • CHEM164 PO - Computational Chemistry

    Credit: 0.5

    Introduction to the theory and practice of computational chemistry, including numerical methods, molecular mechanics/dynamics, and electronic structure calculations. Model chemistries will be discussed and compared in lecture along with their range of applicability. Laboratory exercises emphasize learning how to apply a variety of commercial and free software to chemical problems in biochemistry and materials chemistry. Lecture with three to four laboratory exercises. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 060 PO ; one year of physics. Co-requisites: CHEM 158A PO  or by instructor permission.
  • CHEM165 PO - Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory

    When Offered: Irregularly
    Instructor(s): M. Sazinsky
    Credit: 0.5

    This course presents students with a broad spectrum of techniques, approaches and concepts of contemporary biochemistry and build upon the experiences and skills developed in Chem115 or any equivalent introductory biochemistry course. Students will perform a semester long project to develop hypotheses involving the structure and function of biological macromolecules or a biological system, design and perform the experiments to address the research question and work in groups to analyze and communicate their findings. Prerequisites: CHEM115 or its equivalent
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM172 PO - NMR Spectroscopy

    When Offered: Each spring.
    Instructor(s): D. O’Leary
    Credit: 1

    Examines fundamental concepts in nuclear magnetic resonance with a focus on spectroscopic techniques used for organic structure elucidation and conformational analysis. Hands-on experience with data collection and analysis. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: CHEM 110A PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM174 PO - Bio-Organic Chemistry

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2020.
    Instructor(s): C. Selassie
    Credit: 0.5

    Basis for a clearer understanding of the structures of organic compounds, the mechanisms of organic reactions and how they fuse together at the molecular and cellular level. Examples drawn from drug and pesticide design, as well as environmental toxicology. Interactive computing using specific software is an integral part of the course. Prerequisites: CHEM 110B PO . Letter grade only. Half-course.
  • CHEM175 PO - Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2021.
    Instructor(s): C. Selassie
    Credit: 1

    An interdisciplinary course that provides a basic understanding of the key underlying mechanistic principles of drug interactions at the molecular and cellular level. Topics include physicochemical principles of drug design and action, receptor-effectors theories, receptor characterization, DNA interactions, drug distribution and metabolism, as well as pro-drug chemistry. Lecture/Computational Lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 110B PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM180 PO - Advanced Biochemistry

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2022.
    Instructor(s): E. Crane; M. Sazinsky
    Credit: 1

    An examination of biochemical catalysis with an emphasis on enzyme mechanisms and techniques used in their elucidation. Current primary literature is studied to gain an understanding of what is known and perhaps more importantly, not known, about catalysis in chemistry and enzymology. Prerequisite: CHEM 115 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM181 PO - Chemical Biology

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2021.
    Instructor(s): J. Liu
    Credit: 1

    This course, which builds on foundations in both chemistry and molecular biology, will address the following questions: (1) What is chemical biology; and (2) What can chemical biology do to advance science and human health? Students will consider varying definitions of “chemical biology” and explore examples of each of these views. Topics may include small molecule screens to decipher biological networks, genetic control with small molecules, directed evolution, self-replication and approaches toward next-generation antimicrobials. Prerequisite: CHEM 115 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4; Writing Intensive
  • CHEM182 HM - Chemistry in Living Systems

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM185 PO - Soft Nanomaterials

    When Offered: Fall 2021.
    Instructor(s): M. Johal
    Credit: 1

    This course will cover the fundamental underpinnings of nanoscience from a chemical perspective. The course will begin with thermodynamic and kinetic considerations in nanomaterials with an emphasis on temperature effects and self-assembly, including Intermolecular forces in self-assembling systems, aggregation, and quantum effects. The fundamentals of surface chemistry will be covered, along with bulk and surface characterization methods. Fabrication, properties, and applications of functional nanomaterials will be covered, including biological assemblies and their applications. Prerequisites: CHEM 110A PO , CHEM 110B PO ; MATH 031 PO ; PHYS 041 PO ; PHYS 042 PO .
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM187 HM - HIV/AIDS: Science, Society, and Service

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 4
  • CHEM188 PO - Atmospheric Chemistry

    When Offered: Fall 2020.
    Instructor(s): F. Grieman
    Credit: 0.5

    Chemical and physical principles are used to describe the complex system of the Earth’s atmosphere. Atmospheric structure, design of simple models and atmospheric transport will be covered followed by selected topics concerning geochemical cycles, the greenhouse effect, aerosols, stratospheric ozone, smog and acid rain. Prerequisites: either one of MATH 031 PO  or equivalent and either PHYS 041 PO , PHYS 042 PO , PHYS 070 PO , or PHYS 071 PO  and PHYS 072 PO . Co-requisites: CHEM 158A PO  or CHEM 156 PO , or instructor permission. 
  • CHEM191 PO - Senior Literature Thesis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    The senior capstone exercise for all chemistry majors is the Senior Thesis with two options:  literature thesis (CHEM191  PO) or experimental thesis (CHEM 194 PO ). The literature thesis in grant proposal format is based on literature research. The Senior Thesis experience focuses on further developing students’ content knowledge and skills relevant to the professional chemist, including interacting with data and scientific literature, effectively communicating with a broader community of chemists, taking ownership of a project, and conducting oneself in a professional manner.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Speaking Intensive
  • CHEM194 PO - Senior Experimental Thesis

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    The senior capstone exercise for all chemistry majors is the Senior Thesis with two options: literature thesis (CHEM 191 PO ) or experimental thesis (CHEM194  PO). The experimental thesis is based on original research in collaboration with a faculty member. The Senior Thesis experience focuses on further developing students’ content knowledge and skills relevant to the professional chemist, including interacting with data and scientific literature, effectively communicating with a broader community of chemists, taking ownership of a project, and conducting oneself in a professional manner. 
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Speaking Intensive
  • CHEM199DRPO - Chemistry: Directed Readings

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • CHEM199IRPO - Chemistry: Independent Research

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5-1

    A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Prerequisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.
  • CHEM199RAPO - Chemistry: Research Assistantship

    When Offered: Each semester.
    Instructor(s): Staff
    Credit: 0.5

    Lab notebook, research summary or other product appropriate to the discipline is required. Half-course credit only.

Chicano/a-Latino/a Studies

  • CHLT060 CH - Women in the Third World

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT061 CH - Contemporary Issues of Chicanas and Latinas

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT062 CH - Humor and the Chicana/o Artist

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT064 CH - Chicano/a Music Experience

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT066 CH - Fandango as a De-Colonial Tool

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT068 CH - Rock en Las Americas

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT072 CH - Central Americans in the U.S.

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT079 CH - Gender, Sex and Healthcare in America

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT085 PZ - Gender, Radicalism and Revolution: Central American Feminisms

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3
  • CHLT105 PZ - Undocumented Los Angeles: The Untold Story of Organizing

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.
    Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
    Area 3

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