2011-12 Pomona College Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2011-12 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

Click here  to view a Key to Course Listings and Discipline codes.


Chicano/a-Latino/a Studies

  • CHST 191 CH - Senior Thesis in Chicano Studies

    CrsNo CHST191 CH

    Offered each semester.


  • CHIN 001A PO - Elementary Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN001A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng; J. Wu

    First-year course in the Chinese language. Conversation, pattern drills, reading and character-writing. CHIN 1A, each fall; CHIN 001B PO , each spring.

  • CHIN 001B PO - Elementary Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN001B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng; H. Yao

    First-year course in the Chinese language. Conversation, pattern drills, reading and character-writing. CHIN 001A PO , each fall; CHIN 1B, each spring.

  • CHIN 002 PO - Accelerated Elementary Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN002 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): J. Wu

    Designed for students with some oral proficiency in Chinese. Accelerated introduction to basic structure, which covers the CHIN 001A PO , CHIN 001B PO  sequence in a single semester. Intensive practice in reading and writing.

  • CHIN 011 PO - Conversation: Contemporary Chinese Language and Culture

    CrsNo CHIN011 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Bashaw

    Open to all students except native speakers. Credit for satisfactory participation in Oldenborg Center activities and two conversation classes weekly. Prerequisite: CHIN 001B PO . Cumulative credit; graded P/NC. May be taken a total of four times for a total of one course credit.

  • CHIN 013 PO - Chinese Conversation, Advanced

    CrsNo CHIN013 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Bashaw

    Open to all students except native speakers. Credit for satisfactory participation in Oldenborg Center activities and two conversation classes weekly. Prerequisite: two years of college-level language study or equivalent. Cumulative, one-quarter course credit; graded P/NC. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Limited to one enrollment per semester and a cumulative total of one course credit.

  • CHIN 051A PO - Intermediate Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN051A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): H. Yao

    Further study in the Chinese language, including reading, conversation, grammar, character-writing and composition. Prerequisite: CHIN 001B PO . CHIN 51A, each fall; CHIN 051B PO , each spring.

  • CHIN 051B PO - Intermediate Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN051B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): S. Hou

    Further study in the Chinese language, including reading, conversation, grammar, character-writing and composition. Prerequisite: CHIN 001B PO . CHIN 051A PO , each fall; CHIN 51B, each spring.

  • CHIN 051H PO - Intermediate Chinese for Bilinguals

    CrsNo CHIN051H PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): J. Wu

    Further study in the Chinese language, intended especially for students with some oral proficiency in Chinese. Practice in speaking and listening, with particular emphasis on reading and writing skills. Covers equivalent of the CHIN 051A PO , CHIN 051B PO  sequence in a single semester. Prerequisite: CHIN 002 PO .

  • CHIN 111A PO - Advanced Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN111A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Further development of overall language proficiency through extensive reading of modern texts, including essays, fiction, political writings and newspaper articles. Student discussion, translation and composition. Prerequisite: CHIN 051B PO  or CHIN 051H PO .

  • CHIN 111B PO - Advanced Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN111B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Further development of overall language proficiency through extensive reading of modern texts, including essays, fiction, political writings and newspaper articles. Student discussion, translation and composition. Prerequisite: CHIN 051B PO  or CHIN 051H PO .

  • CHIN 125 PO - Modern Chinese Literature

    CrsNo CHIN125 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): S. Hou

    Introduces students to 20th century literature of the May 4th era, the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, through a close reading of selections from poetry, prose, fiction and drama. Further development of advanced speaking, listening and writing skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 111B PO .

  • CHIN 127 PO - Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

    CrsNo CHIN127 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng

    Selected readings from modern and contemporary Chinese literature. Further development of advanced reading, speaking and writing skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 125 PO .

  • CHIN 131 PO - Intro to Classical Chinese

    CrsNo CHIN131 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): S. Hou

    Introduction to the basic grammar and syntax of the literary language. Greater emphasis placed on lexicon and its integration into the modern language. Readings include simple extracts from early philosophy and history, as well as selections from Chinese prose and poetry. Written exercises and translations. Prerequisite: CHIN 111B PO .

  • CHIN 145 PO - Survey of Classical Chinese Literature

    CrsNo CHIN145 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): A. Barr

    Selected topics in pre-modern Chinese literature. Readings in prose, poetry, fiction and drama in original Chinese texts. Content varies from year to year. Prerequisite: CHIN 131 PO .

  • CHIN 179 HM - Special Topics: China

    CrsNo CHIN179 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CHIN 192A PO - Senior Project

    CrsNo CHIN192A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    A two-semester directed study of selected topics, culminating in the translation of a literary text (modern in the first semester, pre-modern in the second), accompanied by contextual commentary and critical analysis. Half course each semester. Letter grade only. CHIN 192A, first semester; CHIN 192B PO , second semester.

  • CHIN 192B PO - Senior Project

    CrsNo CHIN192B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Second semester of a two-semester directed study of selected topics, culminating in the translation of a literary text (modern in the first semester, pre-modern in the second), accompanied by contextual commentary and critical analysis. Half course each semester. Letter grade only. CHIN 192A PO , first semester; CHIN 192B, second semester.

  • CHIN 199DRPO - Chinese: Directed Readings

    CrsNo CHIN199DRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations, written papers, and/or oral presentations equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.

  • CHIN 199IRPO - Chinese: Indep Research Project

    CrsNo CHIN199IRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Independent Research Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.

Chinese Literature in Translation

  • CHNT 164 PO - Poetry and Poetics

    CrsNo CHNT164 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): S. Hou

    A study of classical poetry in its historical and literary contexts. Readings from across a vast range of periods, forms, styles and themes. Critical methodology drawn from native Chinese aesthetics in the thought of Confucianism, Taoism and Zen Buddhism, as well as contemporary Western literary criticism. A segment devoted to women poets. Some attention to modern poetry.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 166 PO - Chinese Fiction, Old and New

    CrsNo CHNT166 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): A. Barr

    Examines classic works from China’s rich indigenous story-telling tradition, as well as notable achievements in 20th-century Chinese fiction. Readings include 17th-century love stories and tales of the supernatural, the great 18th-century novel of manners, The Dream of the Red Chamber, as well as recent works by contemporary authors.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 167 PO - Urban Imaginations: The City in Chinese Literature and Film

    CrsNo CHNT167 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2013.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng

    Explores the emergence of the city in popular imagination by juxtaposing different representations of the city in 20th-century Chinese fiction and cinema. Issues examined include configurations of time and space, gender and sexuality, love and alienation in the city, country vs. city and tradition vs. modernity.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 168 PO - Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese Literature

    CrsNo CHNT168 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2011.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng

    Explores the representation of gender and sexuality by modern and contemporary male and female writers. Issues examined include the notion of “love,” intersection of feminism and nationalism, masculinity and power, gendering of race and class, sexuality and commercialism.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 179 HM - Special Topics: China

    CrsNo CHNT179 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 199DRPO - Chinese in Transltn: Directd Rds

    CrsNo CHNT199DRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations, written papers, and/or oral presentations equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.

    (Chinese in Translation)

  • CHNT 199IRPO - Chinese Trsltn: Indep Rsrch Proj

    CrsNo CHNT199IRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Cheng

    Independent Research Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full credit only.

    (Chinese in Translation)


  • CLAS 008A PO - Introductory Latin

    CrsNo CLAS008A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Intensive study of Latin grammar and syntax, elementary composition and readings from various Latin authors. Prerequisite: CLAS 100.

  • CLAS 008A SC - Introductory Latin

    CrsNo CLAS008A SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 008B PO - Introductory Latin

    CrsNo CLAS008B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Intensive study of Latin grammar and syntax, elementary composition and readings from various Latin authors. Prerequisite: CLAS 100.

  • CLAS 008B SC - Introductory Latin

    CrsNo CLAS008B SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 010 PO - The Epic Tradition

    CrsNo CLAS010 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2011.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn

    Survey of epic poetry from ancient Greece and Rome. Topics addressed may include the role and development of the epic hero; theme and style in epic; oral and literary versions of epic; genre and the reception of ancient epic; allusion and intertextuality; and the mythical background. Readings may include Homer, Apollonius of Rhodes, Vergil, Ovid and others.

  • CLAS 018 SC - The Ancient Novel and Romance

    CrsNo CLAS018 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 019 SC - The Ancient World in Film

    CrsNo CLAS019 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 032 PO - Introductory/Intermediate Latin

    CrsNo CLAS032 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn

    Introductory/Intermediate Latin. Semi-intensive course for students with some previous Latin who are too advanced for CLAS 008A PO  and not ready for a 100 series course. Includes review, mastery of basic grammar and readings from Catullus, Plautus and others.

  • CLAS 051A PO - Introductory Classical Greek

    CrsNo CLAS051A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): B. Keim

    Introductory Classical Greek. Greek grammar and syntax for beginning students. Selected readings from such works as Plato’s Dialogues.

  • CLAS 051B PO - Introductory Classical Greek

    CrsNo CLAS051B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): B. Keim

    Greek grammar and syntax for beginning students. Selected readings from such works as Plato’s Dialogues.

  • CLAS 052A PO - Elementary Classical Hebrew

    CrsNo CLAS052A PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2012.

    Instructor(s): E. Runions

    Basic elements of Hebrew grammar and translation of selected biblical passages.

  • CLAS 052B PO - Elementary Classical Hebrew

    CrsNo CLAS052B PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): E. Runions

    Basic elements of Hebrew grammar and translation of selected biblical passages.

  • CLAS 060 SC - Greek Civilization

    CrsNo CLAS060 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 061 PO - Roman Life and Literature

    CrsNo CLAS061 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2012.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn

    Introduction to Roman civilization from roughly 800 B.C.E. to 300 C.E. through an examination of literary and material sources. Topics may include social structure, the family, town and country living, politics and the military, spectacle entertainments, literature, historiography, philosophy and religion.

  • CLAS 064 PO - Gods, Humans and Justice in Ancient Greece

    CrsNo CLAS064 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): R. McKirahan

    Focus on the fundamental questions in ancient Greek moral thinking, such as the following: What is the best kind of life for a human? Should I be good? Can I be good? Is morality objective, subjective, or relative to one’s society? What is the relation between gods and humans? Are we at the mercy of fate?

  • CLAS 100 PZ - Intermediate Latin

    CrsNo CLAS100 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 101A PO - Intermediate Greek

    CrsNo CLAS101A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): R. McKirahan

    Intermediate Greek. First semester emphasizes reviewing Greek grammar and learning to read Attic Greek prose. Second semester on Greek poetry. Prerequisite: CLAS 051A PO , CLAS 051B PO .

  • CLAS 101A SC - Intermediate Classical Greek

    CrsNo CLAS101A SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of the course.

  • CLAS 101B PO - Intermediate Greek

    CrsNo CLAS101B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): R. McKirahan; D. Roselli

    Intermediate Greek. First semester emphasizes reviewing Greek grammar and learning to read Attic Greek prose. Second semester on Greek poetry. Prerequisite: CLAS 051A PO , CLAS 051B PO .

  • CLAS 101B SC - Intermediate Classical Greek

    CrsNo CLAS101B SC

    See Scripps College Catalog for a description of the course.

  • CLAS 102 PO - Readings in Classical Hebrew

    CrsNo CLAS102 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2013.

    Instructor(s): E. Runions

  • CLAS 103 PO - Readings in Medieval Latin

    CrsNo CLAS103 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Wolf

    Latin survived for centuries after the decline of the Roman Empire as the political, intellectual and ecclesiastical language of medieval Europe, yielding a huge corpus of works, many of which remain untranslated today. This course provides students the chance to hone their skills by producing original translations of medieval texts. Prerequisite: one year of Classical Latin or the equivalent. Every semester. Half-credit, repeatable.

  • CLAS 110 PO - Cicero

    CrsNo CLAS110 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Introduction to Latin prose with readings from Cicero’s orations and philosophical works. Prerequisite: CLAS 100 PZ  or permission of instructor.

  • CLAS 110 SC - Cicero

    CrsNo CLAS110 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 112 PO - Vergil

    CrsNo CLAS112 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2012.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Introduction to Latin poetry with readings from Vergil’s Ecloques and Aeneid. Prerequisite: 100.

  • CLAS 112 SC - Vergil

    CrsNo CLAS112 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 114 SC - Female and Male in Ancient Greece

    CrsNo CLAS114 SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 121 PZ - Classical Mythology

    CrsNo CLAS121 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 130 PO - Roman Decadence

    CrsNo CLAS130 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2014.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    The forces at work within the Roman Empire which counteracted its self-created image of order, stability and property. Religious cults, superstition, personal corruption and excess, popular violence, the Roman obsession with death, the radical decline from classical models of life and art.

  • CLAS 150 PZ - Archaeology: Age of Augustus

    CrsNo CLAS150 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 161 PZ - Greek Art and Archaeology

    CrsNo CLAS161 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 162 PZ - Roman Art & Archaelogy

    CrsNo CLAS162 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 181A PO - Advanced Latin Readings

    CrsNo CLAS181A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Great works of Latin prose and poetry from the writings of the major authors of the Roman Republic and Empire. May include the Roman letter, satire, lyric poetry, historians, drama, philosophy, elegiac poets or Lucretius. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: CLAS 100 PZ  or CLAS 110 PO  or CLAS 112 PO .

  • CLAS 181A SC - Advanced Latin Readings

    CrsNo CLAS181A SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 181B PO - Advanced Latin Readings

    CrsNo CLAS181B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): C. Chinn; E. Finkelpearl

    Great works of Latin prose and poetry from the writings of the major authors of the Roman Republic and Empire. May include the Roman letter, satire, lyric poetry, historians, drama, philosophy, elegiac poets or Lucretius. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: CLAS 100 PZ  or CLAS 110 PO  or CLAS 112 PO .

  • CLAS 181B PZ - Advanced Latin Readings

    CrsNo CLAS181B PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 181B SC - Advanced Latin Readings

    CrsNo CLAS181B SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 182A PO - Advanced Greek Readings

    CrsNo CLAS182A PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): R. McKirahan

    Great works of Greek prose and poetry selected from major authors, genres and periods. Authors and topics may include Homer, the Archaic Age, Greek tragedy, Greek historians, Greek rhetoric, Aristophanes, Plato and Aristotle. Each semester may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: CLAS 101B PO .

  • CLAS 182A SC - Advanced Greek Readings

    CrsNo CLAS182A SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 182B PO - Advanced Greek Readings

    CrsNo CLAS182B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): R. McKirahan; D. Roselli

    Great works of Greek prose and poetry selected from major authors, genres and periods. Authors and topics may include Homer, the Archaic Age, Greek tragedy, Greek historians, Greek rhetoric, Aristophanes, Plato and Aristotle. Each semester may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: CLAS 101B PO .

  • CLAS 182B SC - Advanced Greek Readings

    CrsNo CLAS182B SC

    See the Scripps College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CLAS 190 PO - Senior Seminar in Classics

    CrsNo CLAS190 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    A seminar for review and discussion of major topics in Greek and Roman literature and civilization and directed study for majors in the process of completing senior exercise.

  • CLAS 191 PO - Senior Thesis in Classics

    CrsNo CLAS191 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Students work on an individual basis with faculty to identify an area of interest, become familiar with basic bibliography and research tools and define a topic, which may be a thesis or other suitable project. Students submit results of research in writing, or in another medium if appropriate and make an oral presentation to the Classics Department. Course or half-course. (The half-course option is available only to students with more than one major.)

  • CLAS 199DRPO - Classics: Directed Readings

    CrsNo CLAS199DRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.

  • CLAS 199IRPO - Classics: Independent Research

    CrsNo CLAS199IRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Independent Research or Creative Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.

Computer Science

  • CSCI 030 PO - Computation & Cognition w/Lab

    CrsNo CSCI030 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): S. Sood

    Introduction to computer programming for cognitive science and the computational modeling of human cognition. The nature of computation, the relation between computation and intelligence and various approaches from artificial intelligence will be explored. Intensive programming practice during weekly lab sessions. No previous programming experience required.

  • CSCI 051 PO - Intro to Computer Science w/Lab

    CrsNo CSCI051 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Bruce; T. Chen; Staff

    Introduction to the field of computer science using the object-oriented language Java. Topics include iteration and recursion, basic data structures, sorting and searching, elementary analysis of algorithms and a thorough introduction to object-oriented programming. Special emphasis on graphics, animation, event-driven programming and the use of concurrency to make more interesting programs. No previous programming experience required.

  • CSCI 052 PO - Fundamentals of Computer Science

    CrsNo CSCI052 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): E. Bull; S. Sood

    A solid foundation in functional programming, procedural and data abstraction, recursion and problem-solving. Applications to key areas of computer science, including algorithms and complexity, computer architecture and organization, programming languages, finite automata and computability. This course serves the same role as CSCI060 HM as a prerequisite for upper-division computer science courses at any of the Claremont Colleges. Prerequisite: CSCI 051 PO .

  • CSCI 055 PO - Discrete Mathematics

    CrsNo CSCI055 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): T. Chen; Staff

    Introduction to the study of finite mathematical structures and the ways to build them, count them and analyze them. Topics and examples chosen to relate to concepts of interest in the design and analysis of computer algorithms, including permutations and combinations, graphs and trees and codes. Emphasis on creative problem solving and learning to read and write proofs. Prerequisite: CSCI 051 PO .

  • CSCI 062 PO - Data Structures Adv Programming

    CrsNo CSCI062 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Bruce; A. Lee; Staff

    Key topics include abstract data types (including stacks, queues, trees, priority queues and dynamic dictionaries), analysis of algorithms (including worst-case, average-case and amortized analysis) and program verification. Extensive practice in Java. Includes an introduction to manual memory management in C++. Serves the same role as CSCI070 HM as a prerequisite for upper-division computer science courses at any of The Claremont Colleges. Prerequisite: CSCI 051 PO .

  • CSCI 081 PO - Computability & Logic

    CrsNo CSCI081 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): C. Stone; Staff

    Computability and Logic. An introduction to formal systems, mathematical models of machines and computability. Topics include predicate logic, regular languages, context free languages and recursive and recursively enumerable sets. Students will learn to understand and construct formal proofs. Prerequisites: CSCI 052 PO  and CSCI 055 PO .

  • CSCI 105 PO - Computer Systems

    CrsNo CSCI105 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Bull; E. Erlinger; Staff

  • CSCI 121 PO - Software Development

    CrsNo CSCI121 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): M. Erlinger; Z. Sweedyk

    Rigorous introduction to the technological and managerial discipline concerned with the design and implementation of large software systems. Techniques for software specification, design, verification and validation. Student teams design, implement and present a substantial software project. Prerequisite: CSCI 062 PO .

  • CSCI 124 HM - User Interface Design

    CrsNo CSCI124 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 125 HM - Computer Networks

    CrsNo CSCI125 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.



  • CSCI 131 PO - Programming Languages

    CrsNo CSCI131 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Bruce; Staff

    A thorough examination of issues and features in language design and implementation, including language-provided data structuring and data-typing, modularity, scoping, inheritance and concurrency. Compilation and run-time issues. Introduction to formal semantics. Prerequisites: CSCI 062 PO  and CSCI 081 PO .

  • CSCI 132 HM - Compiler Design

    CrsNo CSCI132 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 133 CM - Database Systems

    CrsNo CSCI133 CM

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course (CMC Computer Science courses are listed within the Mathematics Department lists). 

  • CSCI 134 HM - Operating Systems

    CrsNo CSCI134 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 135 CM - Distrib. Software Architecture

    CrsNo CSCI135 CM

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course (CMC Computer Science courses are listed within the Mathematics Department lists). 

  • CSCI 136 HM - Computer Architecture

    CrsNo CSCI136 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 137 PO - NextGen Programming Languages

    CrsNo CSCI137 PO

    An exploration of ideas and experimental languages that will influence the languages of the future. One important focus for the course is on proposals for languages for concurrency and parallel processors. Most of the reading will be current research papers. Some programming will be required for trying out language proposals. Prerequisites: CSCI 131 PO  or permission of instructor.

  • CSCI 140 PO - Algorithms

    CrsNo CSCI140 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): T. Chen; R. Libeskind-Hadas

    Algorithm design, computer implementation and analysis of efficiency. Discrete structures, sorting and searching, parsing, pattern matching and data management. Reducibility and theoretical limitations. Prerequisites: CSCI 055 PO  and CSCI 062 PO .

  • CSCI 141 HM - Advanced Topics in Algorithms

    CrsNo CSCI141 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 142 HM - Complexity Theory

    CrsNo CSCI142 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 144 HM - Scientific Computing

    CrsNo CSCI144 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 147 HM - Computer Systems Performnc Analy

    CrsNo CSCI147 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 151 PO - Artificial Intelligence

    CrsNo CSCI151 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2012

    Introduction to artificial intelligence covering traditional topics such as state-space search, game playing and knowledge representation, as well as more recent approaches including neural networks, genetic algorithms, robotics and machine learning. Philosophical issues surrounding artificial intelligence and cognitive science will also be considered. Prerequisite: CSCI 052 PO .

  • CSCI 152 HM - Neural Networks

    CrsNo CSCI152 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 153 HM - Computer Vision

    CrsNo CSCI153 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 154 HM - Robotics

    CrsNo CSCI154 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 155 HM - Computer Graphics

    CrsNo CSCI155 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • CSCI 156 HM - Parallel and Real-Time Computing

    CrsNo CSCI156 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.


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