2011-12 Pomona College Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2011-12 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

Click here  to view a Key to Course Listings and Discipline codes.


Media Studies

  • MS 100 PZ - Asian Americans in Media

    CrsNo MS 100 PZ

    This is a historical survey of Asian American involvement in media production, beginning with the Silent Film Era and ending with contemporary projects in film, video and new media. In this course, we will focus on the shifting yet continuous participation of Asians in the production of media in North America and look at how changing political, social and cultural discourses have shaped media representations of Asians throughout this period.

  • MS 100 AA - Asian Americans in Media

    CrsNo MS 100 AA

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 101 PO - Pomona Media Guild

    CrsNo MS 101 PO

    Pomona Media Guild. The Pomona Media Guild is open to all Pomona College students engaged in research projects where video is a tool for investigation and/or presentation. Students learn basic pre- and post-production video skills (pre- and post-production) in addition to project mapping, interview techniques, and the ethics and aesthetics of creative visual research. By application only. Half credit.

  • MS 109 PZ - Queer Film and Media

    CrsNo MS 109 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 110 PZ - Media and Sexuality

    CrsNo MS 110 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 133 PZ - Media Arts Web Exchange

    CrsNo MS 133 PZ

  • MS 135 PZ - Learning From YouTube

    CrsNo MS 135 PZ

    What can YouTube teach us and is this how, what and all we’d like to learn? Over its hundred year history, radical media theorists have looked with utopian zeal to a moment in the media future which turns out to be upon us: a time where access to the production and distribution of media is democratically available outside channels organized by capital. So why is the technology being used primarily to spoof mainstream media forms and what does this tell us about the media, our society and political possibility? Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO , MS 051 PO  or equivalent.

  • MS 145 PO - Topics in Media History

    CrsNo MS 145 PO

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2007.

    Instructor(s): K. Fitzpatrick

    A focused investigation into specific historical aspects of various media, including technological and social history, genre development, specific auteurs and international media cultures and systems.

  • MS 147 PO - Topics in Media Theory I

    CrsNo MS 147 PO

    When Offered: Each fall or spring.

    Instructor(s): J. Friedlander; J. Hall

    A close examination with an emphasis on the visual arts (painting, photography, film, video, installation art, performance art, conceptual art, art museums). Course may be repeated once for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO  or a 20th-century Art History course.

  • MS 147A PO - Contextualizing the Culture Wars

    CrsNo MS 147A PO

    When Offered: Each fall or spring.

    Instructor(s): J. Friedlander

    Contextualizing the Culture Wars. [T]

  • MS 147B PO - Body, Representation, Desire

    CrsNo MS 147B PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): J. Friedlander

    Explores approaches to theorizing the corporeality of the body and places them in a critical relationship to post-structuralist, performative and deconstructive accounts. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO , MS 051 PO  or a contemporary art history course. [T]

  • MS 147D PO - Topics: Theories of the Visual

    CrsNo MS 147D PO

    When Offered: Offered occasionally.

    Instructor(s): J. Friedlander

    This course examines ways of understanding relationships between viewers and images through an exploration of the cultural, political, and psychic mechanisms that accompany the act of looking. It engages these issues though consideration of painting, photography, film, television, science, and surveillance. It provides students with a background in a range of foundational theoretical perspectives—feminist, psychoanalytic, Marxist, phenomenological, structuralist, poststructuralist—that underpin scholarship in the fields of media studies and art history.

  • MS 147G PO - Topics in Media Theory

    CrsNo MS 147G PO

    When Offered: Fall 2011.

    Instructor(s): M. Shurkus

    Topics in Media Theory: Virtuality and the Body.  Traditionally, the notion of the virtual referred to something unreal. Yet, along with the development of digital technologies, our understanding of “the actual” and the body’s perceptual capacities has transformed. Drawing on philosophical and cultural theories, we will investigate virtuality and the body’s capacities to apprehend and process virtual information. Letter grade only. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO  or MS 051 PO 

  • MS 149 PO - Topics in Media Theory

    CrsNo MS 149 PO

    When Offered: Each fall or spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    A rigorous, focused inquiry into the theorists, schools and movements that have set the terms for analysis of contemporary media, including print media, film, television and the Internet. Topics change from year to year; course may be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO  or ENGL 067 PO .

  • MS 149F PO - Queer Visions/Queer Theory

    CrsNo MS 149F PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    This topics-variable course probes the intersections of sexuality, queer theory, and the history of cinema and video practice. Topics examined range from the specific strategies of queer filmmakers and queer spectators to theoretical and critical considerations of visuality and community.

  • MS 149H PO - Topics in Media Theory

    CrsNo MS 149H PO

    Topics in Media Theory: Games, Theory, and Narrative Structures. This course provides an introduction to the scholarship that has developed around video games. Our primary focus will be on the various narrative structures games employ, both within the programmed structures of the game and at the level of interface with players. Readings will include contemporary videogame theory and history. Letter grade only.

  • MS 149Q PO - Freud, Film, Fantasy…

    CrsNo MS 149Q PO

    Freud, Film, Fantasy. Mr. Hall. An in-depth exploration of key texts from psychoanalysis reveals a scandalous relation between desire and representation, namely fantasy. We probe the political life of fantasy and the usefulness of sexuality and the unconscious for conceiving alternative to the hegemony of the normal.May repeat for credit.

  • MS 149A PO - Marxism and Cultural Studies

    CrsNo MS 149A PO

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2009.

    Instructor(s): K. Fitzpatrick

    Focus on the relationship between Marxist social thought and its recent descendant, cultural studies, with application to the study of the contemporary media. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO , MS 051 PO  or ENGL 067 PO . [T]

  • MS 149E PO - The Brief History of Film Theory

    CrsNo MS 149E PO

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2010.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    This course traces the theoretical considerations of film from the early 20th century to the present with special attention to the provocative intersection of semiotics, Marxism, and psychoanalysis that defined film theory from the late 1960s through the 1980s. We examine this brief history of film theory alongside the cinema that inspired it and the films it engendered. Prerequisites: MS 050 PO . Letter grade only.

  • MS 151 PZ - Television Genres

    CrsNo MS 151 PZ

  • MS 152 PO - Television Authorship

    CrsNo MS 152 PO

    When Offered: Last offered fall 2009.

    Instructor(s): K. Fitzpatrick

    Exploration of key movements in recent television, as represented by the work of prominent creators, with attention to critical and theoretical questions of authorship in the medium. [MH]

  • MS 153 PO - The Original Television Series

    CrsNo MS 153 PO

    The Original Television Series from “The Sopranos” to “Mad Men.”. The course examines the original television series, a prominent development in U.S. television and, more broadly, in American culture during the last decade. We discuss representative texts in this genre, among them The Sopranos, The Wire, and Mad Men, and examine the genre’s distinctive features. We also look at how television series engage with American culture. Prerequisite: One of the following: 49, 50, 51, 91.

  • MS 160 PO - Japanese Film: Canon to Fringe

    CrsNo MS 190 PO

    When Offered: Alternate years.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    Follows the emergence of Japanese filmmaking with attention to key directors: Ozu, Mizoguchi, Kurosawa, Oshima, and others. Surveys the range of Japanese genres from feature filmmaking to documentary and experimental work. Prerequisites: MS 050 PO  or by permission of instructor.

  • MS 161 PO - Japanese Cinema: The Politics of Mid-Century Japanese Cinema

    CrsNo MS 161 PO

    When Offered: Alternate years.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    The Japanese New Wave used sex, violence, and the body to launch a critique of domestic and international politics, high-growth economics, and the conventions of Japanese cinema. We explore the utopic visions of radical Japanese filmmaking and its powerful demonstration against social norms. Prerequisites: MS 050 PO  or by permission of instructor. Letter grade only.

  • MS 168 PO - Writing Machines

    CrsNo MS 168 PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2010.

    Instructor(s): K. Fitzpatrick

    Exploration of the effects of new technologies of writing on the development and dissemination of narrative, from hypertext to blogs and onward. Includes hands-on production. Prerequisite: MS 051 PO . [T/P]

  • MS 170 HM - Digital Cinema: Experience Animation

    CrsNo MS 170 HM

  • MS 173 HM - Exile in Cinema

    See the Harvey Mudd College catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 179 HM - Special Topics in Media Studies

    CrsNo MS 179 HM

  • MS 182 HM - Introduction to Video Production

    CrsNo MS 182 HM

    Students learn how to make their own videos, using professional video cameras and editing systems. Weekly hands-on workshops will cover the entire production process – storyboarding, shooting, lighting, recording sound and editing in Final Cut Pro. Students will complete several group exercises and individual projects, and participate in critiques of professional media and each other’s work. Video is explored as a medium for expression, persuasion, humor, storytelling and art-making. Prerequisite: MS 050 PO  Language of Film or MS 049 PO  Introduction to Media Studies.

  • MS 190 PO - Senior Seminar

    CrsNo MS 190 PO

    Jointly-taught seminar designed for senior majors. Review of key issues/theories in Media Studies.

  • MS 190 JT - Senior Seminar

    CrsNo MS 190 JT

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Jointly taught seminar designed for senior majors. Review of key issues/theories in media studies.

  • MS 191 PO - Senior Thesis

    CrsNo MS 191 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

  • MS 192 PO - Senior Project

    CrsNo MS 192 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): Staff

  • MS 194 PZ - Media Arts for Social Justice

    CrsNo MS 194 PZ

    This course examines the process of creating social documentary and community engaged media. Students will study the ethics of working in video production with diverse populations and model projects of community media practice. Working in small groups, students will implement hands-on media production projects in collaboration with local nonprofit and social service agencies. Collaboration will be a key component with CORE Partners of CEC and other sites including: Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe, Pomona Economic Community Center, Pomona Habla, Organizacion en California de Lideres Campensinas, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Transgender Youth Program, Girls and Gangs, and REACH LA. Prerequisite: MS 082 PZ , MS 182 HM , or ART 148 SC  or by permission. Course fee.

  • MS 196 PZ - Media Internship

    CrsNo MS 196 PZ

    Internship in media related industry or institution integrated with significant and clear connection to academic curriculum through independent written or production project.

  • MS 197 PZ - Media Praxis

    CrsNo MS 197 PZ

    See the Pitzer College catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 198 PO - Summer Reading & Research

    CrsNo MS 198 PO

    When Offered: Last offered summer 2010.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Permission of instructor required. Course or half-course. May be repeated.

  • MS 198 PZ - Advanced Media Project

    CrsNo MS 198 PZ

    Student designed media production project involving advanced production and post-production skills, adequate pre-production research and writing component. Prerequisite: MS 082 PZ . May be taken twice for credit. Pass/No Credit only. Course fee.

  • MS 199DRPO - Media Studies: Directed Readings

    CrsNo MS 199DRPO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.

Molecular Biology

  • MOBI 185 PO - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of DNA Repair

    CrsNo MOBI185 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2011.

    Instructor(s): T. Negritto

    DNA repair mechanisms from eukaryotic cells are analyzed in detail and at the molecular level. Emphasis is given to how mutations that impair DNA repair pathways can result in genomic instability, one of the main forces driving the onset and progression of cancer. Current literature is analyzed in detail and molecular biology methods, including microarray technology, are covered in depth. Prerequisites: BIOL 040 PO , CHEM 110A PO /CHEM 110B PO .

  • MOBI 187 PO - Human Diseases with Defective Genome Maintenance Mechanisms

    CrsNo MOBI187 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2012.

    Instructor(s): T. Negritto

    This course will focus on human syndromes and hereditary diseases linked to defective processing of damaged DNA or other aspects of DNA metabolism. The molecular and biochemical defects associated with these diseases will be analyzed in detail in a seminar style course. Prerequisites: BIOL 040 PO , CHEM 110B PO .

  • MOBI 188 PO - Molecular Biology Laboratory

    CrsNo MOBI188 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): T. Negritto

    An advanced junior course of laboratory investigation in molecular biology. Students undertake group and independent research projects and select their senior thesis projects. Prerequisites: CHEM 115 PO  and BIOL 163 PO .

  • MOBI 191 PO - Senior Library Thesis-Grant Proposal

    CrsNo MOBI191 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Senior Thesis - Research Grant Proposal. Completion of a written proposal seeking to solve an outstanding problem in molecular biology (half course). Open to students who have not been approved for an experimental thesis. Letter grade only. Half course.

  • MOBI 194 PO - Experimental Thesis

    CrsNo MOBI194 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Completion of a laboratory research project. Experimental Senior Theses may be undertaken by mutual agreement between a student and a faculty member and are dependent upon design and availability of a suitable project and appropriate lab space. Suitable laboratory projects include continuation of investigations begun in summer research or Independent Studies. Taken in two semesters for half-course credit each semester; grade and credit awarded at the conclusion of the second semester. Students who do not pass the first semester receive NC (no credit) grade and must complete a research grant proposal (191, half-course) in the second semester. Students unable to secure an experimental thesis must complete a research grant proposal. Letter grade only.

  • MOBI 199IRPO - Molecular Biology: Independent Research or Creative Project

    CrsNo MOBI199IRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Independent Research or Creative Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.


  • MUS 004 PO - Materials of Music

    CrsNo MUS 004 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Lindholm; A. Cramer

    Materials of Music. Thorough elementary understanding of the materials of music—harmony, melody and rhythm—and facility in reading and notating music. Discussion from historical and theoretical viewpoints of the factors that enter into the musical experience. Laboratory assignments using computer-assisted instruction. No previous musical experience required.

  • MUS 010 PO - Individual Instruction, Level I

    CrsNo MUS 010 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010BAPO - Bass Level I (Indiv Instruc)

    CrsNo MUS 010BAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): F. Tinsley

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010BNPO - Bassoon Level I (Indiv Instruc)

    CrsNo MUS 010BNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): C. Beck

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010CLPO - Clarinet Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010CLPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Bovyer

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010EUPO - Euphonium Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010EUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): S. Klein

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010FLPO - Flute Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010FLPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Ridich

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010GUPO - Guitar Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010GUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): J. Sanders; J. Yoshida

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010HDPO - Harpsichord Level I (Indiv Inst)

    CrsNo MUS 010HDPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): W. Peterson

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010HNPO - French Horn Level I (Indiv Inst)

    CrsNo MUS 010HNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): D. Ondarza

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010HPPO - Harp Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010HPPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): M. Dropkin

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010OBPO - Oboe Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010OBPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): F. Castillo

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010OGPO - Organ Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010OGPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): W. Peterson

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010PCPO - Percussion Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010PCPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): T. Dimond

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010PFPO - Piano Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010PFPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Lee; G. Blankenburg; M. Kohn; P. Young; L. Zoolalian

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010SAPO - Saxophone Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010SAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Foerch

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010TBPO - Trombone Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010TBPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): P. Keen

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010TPPO - Trumpet Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010TPPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Burkhart

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010TUPO - Tuba Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010TUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): S. Klein

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010VAPO - Viola Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010VAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): C. Fogg

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010VCPO - Violoncello Lev I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010VCPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Lebow

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010VNPO - Violin Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010VNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): T. Pelev

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 010VOPO - Voice Level I (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 010VOPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Lytle; U. Kleinecke-Boyer; G. Geiger; H. Price

    Individual Instruction, Level I. Half-hour lesson weekly. Cumulative credit.

  • MUS 020TUPO - Tuba Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020TUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): S. Klein

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 20: half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100: hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020 PO - Individual Instruction, Level II

    CrsNo MUS 020 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 20 series: half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 series: hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department.

  • MUS 020BAPO - Bass Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020BAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): F. Tinsley

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020BNPO - Basson Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020BNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): C. Beck

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020CLPO - Clarinet Level II (Indiv Inst)

    CrsNo MUS 020CLPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Bovyer

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020EUPO - Euphonium Level II (Indiv Inst)

    CrsNo MUS 020EUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): S. Klein

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020FLPO - Flute Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020FLPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Ridich

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020GUPO - Guitar Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020GUPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): J. Sanders; J. Yoshida

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020HDPO - Harpsichord Level II (Indiv In)

    CrsNo MUS 020HDPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): W. Peterson

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020HNPO - French Horn Level II (Indiv Ins)

    CrsNo MUS 020HNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): D. Ondarza

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020HPPO - Harp Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020HPPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): M. Dropkin

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020OBPO - Oboe Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020OBPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): F. Castillo

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020OGPO - Organ Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020OGPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): W. Peterson

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020PCPO - Percussion Level II (Indiv Ins)

    CrsNo MUS 020PCPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): T. Dimond

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020PFPO - Piano Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020PFPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Lee; G. Blankenburg; M. Kohn; P. Young; L. Zoolalian

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020SAPO - Saxophone Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020SAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): K. Foerch

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020TBPO - Trombone Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020TBPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): P. Keen

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020TPPO - Trumpet Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020TPPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Burkhart

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020VAPO - Viola Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020VAPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): C. Fogg

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020VCPO - Violoncello Lev II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020VCPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Lebow

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020VNPO - Violin Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020VNPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): T. Pelev

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 020VOPO - Voice Level II (Indiv Instr)

    CrsNo MUS 020VOPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Lytle; U. Kleinecke-Boyer; G. Geiger; H. Price

    Individual Instruction, Level II. Initial enrollment is dependent upon successful completion of a qualifying examination. MUS 020 PO : half-hour lesson weekly, cumulative credit, each semester; MUS 100 PO : hour lesson weekly, half-course, each semester. Satisfactory grades required for continued study. More information is available from the Music Department secretary.

  • MUS 031 PO - Pomona College Choir

    CrsNo MUS 031 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): D. Di Grazia

    A large chorus which draws its membership from the College and the community. Rehearses two evenings a week and generally presents two concerts a year of major choral works. Audition required. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 032 PO - Pomona College Glee Club

    CrsNo MUS 032 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): D. Di Grazia

    The Glee Club, a chamber choir of 20–30 members, performs classical music from many historical periods and styles. Concurrent membership in the College Choir throughout the academic year required (except for students who spend their fall semester on study abroad or on official leave from the colleges). Audition required. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 033 PO - Pomona College Orchestra

    CrsNo MUS 033 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Lindholm; Staff

    Performance of major works of the orchestral repertoire and training in orchestral techniques. Enrollment by audition. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 035 PO - Pomona College Band

    CrsNo MUS 035 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Beeks; S. Klein

    Rehearsal and performance of original compositions and arrangements for concert band. Two rehearsals per week. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 037 PO - Jazz Ensemble

    CrsNo MUS 037 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): B. Bradford

    Rehearsal and public performance with opportunity for original work. Enrollment by audition. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 040 PO - Chamber Music

    CrsNo MUS 040 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Program for vocal and instrumental students who participate in small ensembles under the direction of a faculty coach. Students typically form ensembles before enrolling. The department will ensure that an appropriate coach is assigned. Weekly rehearsals and at least one performance required. Half-course. (May not be taken more than once per semester, regardless of participation.) P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 041 PO - Balinese Gamelan Ensemble

    CrsNo MUS 041 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): N. Wenten

    Introduction to the Balinese gong kebyar gamelan ensemble and its related performance traditions. As is customary in Bali, students learn to play nearly all the instruments in the ensemble. Attendance is mandatory. Performance emphasized, with some guided listening. No musical experience required. Half-course. P/NC grading only.

  • MUS 042B PO - Afro Cuban Music Ensemble

    CrsNo MUS 042B PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): J. Addington

  • MUS 042F PO - Mbira Ensemble

    CrsNo MUS 042F PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): A. Perman

    Mbira Ensemble.

  • MUS 042D PO - Hindustani Music Ensemble

    CrsNo MUS 042D PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2008.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Students will learn basic performance techniques for sarod, sitar, harmonium, tabla and vocal expression. Half-course. Each semester.


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