2011-12 Pomona College Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2011-12 Pomona College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Use the dropdown above to select the current 2024-25 catalog.


Check major and minor requirement sections in the Departments, Programs and Areas of Study section to determine if specific courses will satisfy requirements. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the course will necessarily satisfy a requirement.

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  • LIT 144 HM - Poe Goes South: Short Story

    CrsNo LIT 144 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • LIT 145 HM - Third World Women Writers

    CrsNo LIT 145 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • LIT 160 AF - African and Caribbean Literature

    CrsNo LIT 160 AF

    Reading and anaylsis of works of fiction, poetry, and drama representing the most important trends in African and Caribbean literatures.

  • LIT 165 AF - Writing Between Borders: Caribbean Writers in the U.S. and Canada

    CrsNo LIT 165 AF

    Examination of works by women writers from the Caribbean who live in the U.S. and Canada. Seeks to uncover the complex nature of cross-cultural encounters. Explores the strategies used by these writers to define themselves both inside and outside the body politic of two societies. Attention given to questions of identity, exile, history, memory, and language. Authors include Jean Rhys, Paule Marshall, Maryse Conde, Jamaica Kincaid and Michelle Cliff. Prerequisite: upper-division literature course or permission of instructor.

  • LIT 179 HM - Special Topics in Literature

    CrsNo LIT 179 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • LIT 179A HM - Special Topic: Hyphenated Americans

    CrsNo LIT 179A HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.


  • MATH 001 PZ - Mathematics, Philosophy and the Real World

    CrsNo MATH001 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 007 PZ - Mathematics of Gambling

    CrsNo MATH007 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 010B PZ - Cartography

    CrsNo MATH010B PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 010G PZ - Mathematics in Many Cultures

    CrsNo MATH010G PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 010HCPZ - Topology

    CrsNo MATH010HCPZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 029 PO - Advanced Problem Solving

    CrsNo MATH029 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): E. Flapan

    Course addresses hard problems that arise in the sciences and social sciences. Emphasis placed on translating complex word problems into mathematics and developing mathematical techniques to solve the problems. This course is independent of the calculus curriculum and is intended to help students studying chemistry or economics.

  • MATH 030 PO - Calculus I

    CrsNo MATH030 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali; A. Radunskaya

    30, 31 and 32 comprise a standard course in the calculus of one and several variables. This course focuses on limits, derivatives, integrals, mean-value theorems and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Prerequisite: satisfactory score on placement examination.

  • MATH 031 PO - Calculus II

    CrsNo MATH031 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Transcendental functions, techniques of integration, infinite series and related material. Prerequisite: MATH 030 PO  or satisfactory score on placement examination.

  • MATH 031H PO - Honors Topics in Calculus II

    CrsNo MATH031H PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): G. Sarkis; S. Shahriari

    Explores selected topics from Calculus II in greater depth than 31 and relates these topics to other areas of mathematics. This course is intended for students who have already seen some of the Calculus II material but are not yet ready for Calculus III or Linear Algebra. Prerequisite: MATH 030 PO  or a satisfactory score on the placement examination.

  • MATH 031S PO - Calculus II with Applications to the Life Sciences

    CrsNo MATH031S PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya; A. Rumbos

    The core topics of MATH 031 PO , as well as an introduction to modeling, differential equations and computing, in the context of problems from the life sciences. Both an excellent background for students who intend to go on to MATH 032 PO  as well as for those who intend to take no further mathematics courses.

  • MATH 032 PO - Calculus III

    CrsNo MATH032 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): R. Elderkin; A. Radunskaya; Staff

    Vectors and vector functions, partial derivatives and differentiability of functions of several variables, multiple integrals. Prerequisite: one of MATH 031 PO , MATH 031H PO , MATH 031S PO  (C or better) or satisfactory score on placement examination. Students can receive credit for only one of MATH 32, MATH 032H PO  or MATH 107 PO .

  • MATH 032S PO - Calculus III with Applications to the Life Sciences

    CrsNo MATH032S PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya, A. Rumbos

    Calculus III with Applications to the Life Sciences. Presents the core topics of Multivariable Calculus (Math 32) and probability in the context of problems from the life sciences. Topics include: vector fields, limits and continuity, differentiability, linearization, probability distributions, multiple integrals, line integrals, and Green’s Theorem. Applications include models of species interaction in ecosystems, the spread of disease and mutations. Provides an excellent background for students who intend to go on to Math 60 as well as for students taking a mathematical modeling course (e.g. MATH183) or a course on dynamical systems (e.g. Math 112). Prerequisite: 31 (C- or better) or satisfactory score on placement exam.

  • MATH 036 PO - Mathematical and Computational Methods in the Life Sciences

    CrsNo MATH036 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya; A. Rumbos

    Mathematical modeling motivated by problems in biology. Topics covered include probability, discrete dynamics, differential equations, linear algebra and statistics. Some computational techniques are presented to lend power to the theory. This course provides analytical and computational tools for the life scientist and motivates further study in mathematics. Prerequisite: one of MATH 031 PO , MATH 031H PO , MATH 031S PO , or satisfactory score on placement examination.

  • MATH 055 HM - Discrete Mathematics

    CrsNo MATH055 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 058 PO - Introduction to Statistics

    CrsNo MATH058 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin

    An introduction to the methodology and tools which are vital to the researcher in both the sciences and social sciences. Introduction to probability; binomial, normal, t-,and Chi-squared distributions; testing hypotheses; confidence intervals; analysis of variance; and regression and correlation analysis. Concepts will be applied to current data using statistical computer software. Prerequisite: MATH 030 PO  or satisfactory score on placement examination. Not recommended for students who have taken AP statistics.

  • MATH 058B PO - Introduction to Biostatistics

    CrsNo MATH058B PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin

    An introduction to the methodology and tools which are vital to research in the biological and health sciences and medicine. Topics include probability; distributions of random variables; testing hypotheses; confidence intervals; analysis of variance; regression analysis; odds ratios; sensitivity and specificity; and nonparametric methods. Concepts will be applied to current data using statistical computer software. Prerequisite: MATH 030 PO  or equivalent. Not recommended for students who have taken AP statistics.

  • MATH 060 PO - Linear Algebra

    CrsNo MATH060 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): V. de Sliva; S. Garcia; S. Grabiner; G. Karaali; A. Rumbos; G. Sarkis; S. Shahriari.

    Emphasizes vector spaces and linear transformations. Linear independence and bases, null spaces and ranks of linear transformations, the algebra of linear transformations, the representation of linear transformations by matrices. Additional topics may include Gaussian elimination, inner product spaces; determinants, eigenvalues; and applications of linear algebra. Prerequisite: one of MATH 031 PO , MATH 031H PO , MATH 031S PO  or MATH 032 PO .

  • MATH 064 HM - Differential Equations II

    CrsNo MATH064

    See the Harvey Mudd College catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 091 PO - Undergraduate Math Colloquium

    CrsNo MATH091 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium. Mr. Rumbos. Attendance at talks given by senior math majors, the Claremont Colleges Mathematics Colloquium and other suitable talks in Claremont. Offers students the opportunity to sample the wide range of active research areas and current trends in mathematics. Not open to senior math majors. Prerequisite: any math course numbered above 100. Non-credit. Each spring.

  • MATH 101 PO - Introduction to Analysis

    CrsNo MATH101 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): E. Flapan; G. Karaali; A. Rumbos

    A workshop course on how to write proofs in the context of analysis. Focus on the construction and presentation of rigorous proofs. Learn how to use the language of analysis to prove results about sequences, limits and continuity. Students regularly present proofs in both written and oral form. Prerequisite: MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 102 PO - Differential Equations and Modeling

    CrsNo MATH102 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): V. de Silva; A. Radunskaya; R. Elderkin

    Introduction to theory of ordinary differential equations, with applications to modeling in physical, biological and social sciences. Emphasis on qualitative study of differential equations via analytic methods or numerical techniques using standard mathematical software packages. A good understanding of theory of vector spaces and linear transformations is assumed. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO ; and MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 103 PO - Combinatorial Mathematics

    CrsNo MATH103 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): V. de Silva; S. Shahriari

    An introduction to the techniques and ideas of combinatorics including counting methods, generating functions, Ramsey theory, graphs, networks and extremal combinatorics. Offered jointly by Pomona and Scripps colleges.

  • MATH 107 PO - Vector Calculus

    CrsNo MATH107 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): V. de Silva; A. Rumbos; G. Sarkis

    Building on linear algebra and single-variable calculus, gives a streamlined introduction to multivariable (or “vector”) calculus. Topics include different types of integrals (line, double, surface, triple) and derivatives (partial, directional, total); the famous div, grad and curl operators; why the chain rule is easy and fun; the all-time best version of the fundamental theorem of calculus (by Stokes); and an answer to the vexing question: “What is dx?” Prerequisite: MATH 060 PO . Students can receive credit for only one of MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107.

  • MATH 108 PZ - History of Mathematics

    CrsNo MATH108 PZ

    See the Pitzer College catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 112 PO - Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaos

    CrsNo MATH112 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2015.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya

    The studies of discrete dynamical systems in dimensions one and higher is motivated and presented with examples taken from the recent research literature, including mathematical models of biological processes and neural networks. Among the mathematical topics introduced will be routes to chaos, bifurcation analysis and Sarkovskii’s Theorem. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO ; and MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 113 PO - Number Theory and Cryptography

    CrsNo MATH113 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): G. Sarkis

    This course introduces basic elements of the elegant and beautiful theory of numbers, including prime factorization, congruences and modular arithmetic, Fermat’s litte theorem, Euler’s phi function and quadratic reciprocity, together with their powerful application to public key cryptosystems like RSA and Diffie-Hellman. Prerequisite: MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 119 PO - Mathematics Research Circle

    CrsNo MATH119 PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): G. Sarkis; S. Shahriari

    An in-depth study of a topic to be chosen by the faculty Research Circle Facilitator(s), with special attention paid to explicit examples. The course will draw from current journal articles and culminate in research into related conjectures. Topic for Spring 2011: (Shahriari and Sarkis) Combinatorial and algebraic properties of the linear lattice.

  • MATH 131 PO - Principles of Real Analysis I

    CrsNo MATH131 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): E. Flapan; S. Garcia; S. Grabiner

    Countable sets, least upper bounds and metric space topology including compactness, completeness, connectivity and uniform convergence. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO  and MATH 060 PO ; a proof-based course above 100 is strongly recommended.

  • MATH 132 PO - Principles of Real Analysis II

    CrsNo MATH132 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): S. Garcia, S. Grabiner

    Topics may include: Baire Category Theorem, Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, Equicontinuity, Arzela-Ascoli Theorem, Riemann integration, Frechet Derivatives, Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems, Euler-Lagrange Optimization and Fourier Series. Prerequisite: 131 or equivalent. Offered jointly by Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd and Pomona College.

  • MATH 135 PO - Functions of a Complex Variable

    CrsNo MATH135 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2013.

    Instructor(s): S. Garcia

    Topics may include: Cauchy Riemann equations, harmonic functions, Cauchy’s Theorem, Liouville’s Theorem, Cauchy’s Integral Formula, Maximum Modulus Principle, Argument Principle, Rouche’s Theorem, series expansions, isolated singularities, calculus of residues and conformal mapping. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO , and MATH 060 PO ; MATH 101 PO  or MATH 131 PO .

  • MATH 136 HM - Cmplx Variables/Integral Trnsfrm

    CrsNo MATH136 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 137 PO - Real and Functional Analysis I

    CrsNo MATH137 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2013.

    Instructor(s): S. Garcia; S. Grabiner

    Abstract measures, Lebesgue measure, on Rn and Lebesgue-Stieljes measure on R. The Lebesgue integral and limit theorems. Product measures and the Fubini Theorem. Additional related topics as time permits. Prerequisites: MATH 131 PO  and MATH 132 PO .

  • MATH 138 PO - Real and Functional Analysis II

    CrsNo MATH138 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): S. Garcia; S. Grabiner

    Continuation of MATH 137 PO . Some of the topics covered will be Banach and Hilbert spaces, Lp spaces, complex measures and Radon-Nikodym theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 137 PO .

  • MATH 142 PO - Differential Geometry

    CrsNo MATH142 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali

    Curves and surfaces, Gaussian curvature, isometries, tensor analysis and covariant differentiation with application to physics and geometry. Intended for physicists and mathematicians. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO ; and MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 145 PO - Topics in Geometry and Topology

    CrsNo MATH145 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): V. de Silva

    Topic varies from year to year and will be chosen from differential topology, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, knot theory, algebraic topology and projective geometry.

  • MATH 147 PO - Topology

    CrsNo MATH147 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): E. Flapan

    Topological spaces, product spaces, quotient spaces, Hausdorff spaces, compactness, connectedness, path connectedness, fundamental groups, homotopy of maps and covering spaces. Prerequisite: MATH 131 PO .

  • MATH 150 PO - Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials Data.

    CrsNo MATH150 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered fall 2012.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin

    A second course in biostatistics. Emphasis on the most commonly used statistical methods in pharmaceutical and other medical research. Topics such as design of clinical trials, power and sample size determination, contingency table analysis, odds ratio and relative risk, survival analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 030 PO  and one of MATH 058 PO , MATH 152 PO , ECON 057 PO , PSYC 158 PO  or AP Statistics.

  • MATH 151 PO - Probability

    CrsNo MATH151 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin; A. Radunskaya; A. Rumbos.

    Probability spaces, discrete and continuous random variables, conditional and marginal distributions, independence, expectation, generating functions, transformations, central limit theorem. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO ; and MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 152 PO - Statistical Theory

    CrsNo MATH152 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin, A. Radunskaya

    Introduction to statistical inference, estimation of parameters, confidence intervals, Bayesian analysis and tests of hypotheses. Prerequisite: MATH 151 PO .

  • MATH 154 PO - Applied Nonparametric Analysis

    CrsNo MATH154 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler, J. Hardin

    Covering traditional and modern techniques in nonparametrics, course focuses on analyzing data under appropriate assumptions, by investigating the mathematical derivations as well as the computational aspects of various techniques including sign and rank tests, goodness-of-fit tests, Fisher’s exact test, bootstrapping and permutation tests. Programming skills developed. Statisitcal software will be used to analyze data. Prerequisites: MATH 030 PO  and one of: MATH 058 PO , MATH 152 PO , ECON 057 PO , PSYC 158 PO  or AP Statistics.

  • MATH 156 HM - Stochastic Processes

    CrsNo MATH156 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 158 PO - Statistical Linear Models

    CrsNo MATH158 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin

    An introduction to linear regression (including simple linear regression, multiple regression, variable selection, stepwise regression and analysis of residual plots) and analysis of variance (including one-way and two-way fixed effects ANOVA). Emphasis will be on both methods and applications to data. Statistical software will be used to analyze data. Prerequisite: one of MATH 058 PO , MATH 152 PO , ECON 057 PO , PSYC 158 PO  or AP Statistics.

  • MATH 159 PO - Advanced Topics in Statistics

    CrsNo MATH159 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2012.

    Instructor(s): G. Chandler; J. Hardin

    Topics vary from year to year and will be chosen from: analysis of genetic data, experimental design, time series, computational methods, Bayesian analysis or other topics.  Topic for Spring 2012: Time Series Analysis.  Prerequisites: MATH 031 PO  and MATH 058 PO 

  • MATH 164 HM - Scientific Computing

    CrsNo MATH164 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 165 HM - Numerical Analysis

    CrsNo MATH165 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 171 PO - Abstract Algebra I: Groups and Rings

    CrsNo MATH171 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali; G. Sarkis; S. Shahriari

    Covers basic structures which appear throughout mathematics including groups and rings. Topics in group theory will include isomorphism theorems, orbits and stabilizers and coset partitions. Topics in ring theory will include ideals, quotient rings and prime and maximal ideals. Ring and field extensions may also be introduced. Prerequisite: MATH 060 PO  or MATH 055 HM  ; a proof-based course above 100 is strongly recommended.

  • MATH 172 PO - Abstract Algebra II: Galois Theory

    CrsNo MATH172 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2012.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali; g. Sarkis, S. Shahriari.

    The topics covered will include polynomial rings, field extensions, classical constructions, splitting fields, algebraic closure, separability, Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, Galois groups of polynomials and solvability. This course is independent from MATH 174 PO  and may be taken by students who have taken MATH 174 PO . Prerequisite: MATH 171 PO .

  • MATH 173 PO - Advanced Linear Algebra

    CrsNo MATH173 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): S. Garcia

    Topics may include approximation in inner product spaces, similarity, the spectral theorem, Jordan canonical form, the Cayley Hamilton Theorem, polar and singular value decomposition, Markov processes, behavior of systems of equations. Prerequisite: completion of a semester course in linear algebra; a proof based course above 100 or consent of the instructor.

  • MATH 174 PO - Abstract Algebra II: Representation Theory

    CrsNo MATH174 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2015.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali; G. Sarkis, S. Shahriari.

    The topics covered will include group rings, characters, orthogonality relations, induced representations, application of representation theory and other select topics from module theory. Prerequisite: MATH 171 PO . This course is independent from MATH 172 PO  and may be taken by students who have taken MATH 172 PO .

  • MATH 177 PO - Advanced Topics in Algebra

    CrsNo MATH177 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): G. Karaali; G. Sarkis; S. Shahriari.

    Topic varies from year to year and will be chosen from representation theory, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, algebraic number theory, coding theory, algebraic combinatorics; algebraic graph theory and matroid theory. Prerequisite: MATH 171 PO .

  • MATH 180 HM - Applied Analysis

    CrsNo MATH180 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 181 PO - Dynamical Systems

    CrsNo MATH181 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2013.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya; A. Rumbos

    Continuous dynamics and most of the following topics: linear and nonlinear systems; bifurcation theory and chaos; existence and uniqueness theory and dependence on data; Hartman-Grobman and Poincaré-Bendixson theorems; Lyapunov stability theory and stable manifold theory. Prerequisites: MATH 101 PO  or MATH 136 HM ; MATH 102 PO .

  • MATH 182 HM - Partial Differential Equations

    CrsNo MATH182 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 182 PO - Partial Differential Equations

    CrsNo MATH182 PO

    When Offered: Spring 2012.

    Instructor(s): A. Rumbos

  • MATH 183 PO - Mathematical Modeling CP

    CrsNo MATH183 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): R. Elderkin, A. Radunskaya, A. Rumbos

    Introduction to the construction and interpretation of deterministic and stochastic models in the biological, social and physical sciences, including simulation studies. Students are required to develop a model in an area of their interest. Offered with optional Community Partnership activity. Prerequisite: 102.

  • MATH 186 HM - Stochastic Operations Research

    CrsNo MATH186 HM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 187 PO - Deterministic Operations Research

    CrsNo MATH187 PO

    When Offered: Offered alternate years; next offered spring 2014.

    Instructor(s): S. Shahriari

    Linear, integer, nonlinear and dynamic programming; classical optimization problems; applications to Markov chains; networks and game theory. Prerequisites: MATH 032 PO  or MATH 107 PO ; and MATH 060 PO .

  • MATH 188 HM - Social Change and Decision Making

    CrsNo MATH188 CM

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MATH 190 PO - Seminar in Mathematical Exposition

    CrsNo MATH190 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Directed study for majors. Seminar will discuss how to do a literature search in mathematics, how to read research papers in mathematics, how to write a mathematics paper and how to present a mathematics talk. Students will give oral presentations on the background material and major questions in the area of their senior research. Attendance is required. Required for senior majors. Half-course. Letter grade only.

  • MATH 191 PO - Senior Thesis in Mathematics

    CrsNo MATH191 PO

    When Offered: Each spring.

    Instructor(s): A. Radunskaya

    Preparation and presentation of senior thesis for completion of the major. Required for senior majors; attendance is required. Half-course. Letter grade only.

  • MATH 196 PO - Clinic in Applied Mathematics

    CrsNo MATH196 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Mathematical modeling and analysis of current unsolved problems proposed by government or industry. Small groups of students work together under faculty direction and in communication with a client from industry or government. Mathematical content determined ad hoc by the problem. Literature search, computer simulation and written reports usually required. Frequent cooperation with mathematics clinics of other Claremont Colleges. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MATH 198 PO - Summer Reading & Research

    CrsNo MATH198 PO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Open by invitation to students of proven ability. A written report, talk or poster presentation of the results of the summer’s work required.

  • MATH 199DRPO - Mathematics: Directed Readings

    CrsNo MATH199DRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Directed Readings. Syllabus reflects workload of a standard course in the department or program. Examinations or papers equivalent to a standard course. Regular interaction with the faculty supervisor. Weekly meetings are the norm. Available for full- or half-course credit.

  • MATH 199IRPO - Mathematics: Independent Research

    CrsNo MATH199IRPO

    When Offered: Each semester.

    Instructor(s): Staff

    Independent Research or Creative Project. A substantial and significant piece of original research or creative product produced. Pre-requisite course work required. Available for full- or half-course credit.

Media Studies

  • MS 045 PZ - Documentary Media

    CrsNo MS 045 PZ

    This course involves production, a historical survey of documentary practices in photography, film and video and a discussion of the ethical and ideological issues raised by the genre. Students will be expected to produce two short documentary projects in any media. Prerequisite: MS 050 PO  or MS 049 PO .

  • MS 046 PZ - Feminist Documentary

    CrsNo MS 046 PZ

  • MS 049 PO - Introduction to Media Studies

    CrsNo MS 049 PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): J. Friedlander

    Introduction to Media Studies. Presents a comprehensive view of the issues important to media studies, including the development of new technologies, visual literacy, ideological analysis and the construction of content. Read theory, history and fiction; view films and television programs; and write research and opinion papers. Same course as MS  049  SC. [I]

  • MS 050 PO - Language of Film

    CrsNo MS 050 PO

    When Offered: Each fall.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    Film and video can be understood as distinct semiotic systems with their own languages that can be studied from aesthetic, cultural, and historical perspectives. Students learn to analyze silent film, classic Hollywood, avant-garde film and video, as well as documentary, activist, and experimental work.

  • MS 051 PO - Introduction to Digital Media Studies

    CrsNo MS 051 PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2010.

    Instructor(s): K. Fitzpatrick

    An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of digital and electronic media, exploring the relationships between “old” and “new” media forms, the historical development of computer-based communication and the ways that new technologies are reshaping literature, art, journalism and the social world. [I]

  • MS 054 PZ - If the Buddha Made Movies

    CrsNo MS 054 PZ

  • MS 055 PZ - Shooting the Truth

    CrsNo MS 055 PZ

  • MS 060 HM - Documentary Fact and Fiction

    CrsNo MS 060 HM

  • MS 071 PZ - Video Art

    CrsNo MS 071 PZ

    This course examines video as an art practice. Through readings, screenings, visits to art venues and written assignments, students will analyze the historical, conceptual, and aesthetic issues informing contemporary video art and artists.

  • MS 074 PZ - Sound Theory, Sound Practice

    CrsNo MS 074 PZ

  • MS 076 PZ - Gender and Genre

    CrsNo MS 076 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 079 PZ - Silent Film

    CrsNo MS 079 PZ

    How does the invention of cinema fit within the emerging order of modernism? This class will examine early cinema in the context of the turn-of-the-century project of extending the field of human vision, examining topics such as ethnography, science, journalism, travel, representations of the city and architecture, and the construction of racial difference. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO , MS 051 PO  or equivalent.

  • MS 080 AA - Video and Diversity

    CrsNo MS 080 AA

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 080 PZ - Video and Diversity

    CrsNo MS 080 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 082 PZ - Introduction to Video Production

    CrsNo MS 082 PZ

    This workshop is an introduction to all aspects of digital video production – camera, lights, tripods, sound and non-linear editing. Hands-on assignments will be organized around the formal properties and power of video. The workshop will allow students to evaluate each other’s work as well as that produced by media professionals and to create a final video of their own. Prerequisite: MS 049 PO , MS 050 PO , MS 051 PO  or equivalent, or LIT 130 CM . Enrollment is limited. Course fee.

  • MS 083 PZ - Contemporary Practices in Media

    CrsNo MS 083 PZ

    The class will be developed around visiting media artist’s presentations and contemporary media art exhibitions. This work is situated through readings, presentations and papers in a larger media studies history. Prerequisite: MS 050 PO  or MS 049 PO .

  • MS 084 PZ - Handmade Film

    CrsNo MS 084 PZ

    Rejecting the prevailing Hollywood wisdom that one needs millions of dollars to make a movie, this class explores different models for creating moving images with the most modest of resources. Options to be considered include hand processing, camera-less films, PXL video, super-8 film, recycling and appropriation. Students will be expected to create several short exercises in order to familiarize themselves with these different techniques, as well as a final project. Course fee. Prerequisite: MS 082 PZ  or equivalent.

  • MS 085 PO - Independent/Experimental Film & Video

    CrsNo MS 085 PO

    When Offered: Fall 2011, every year.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    Independent & Experimental Film & Video. This course examines, in formal, historical, and political perspective, independent, experimental, and avant-garde film traditions selected from a broad range of visual traditions. Topics vary yearly from the European avant-garde to postwar American 16mm filmmaking, from the rise of video to the radical experimentations in sound. Prerequisite: 49, 50 or 51.

  • MS 087 PZ - Media Sketchbook

    CrsNo MS 087 PZ

  • MS 088 PZ - Mexican Visual Cultures

    CrsNo MS 088 PZ

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

  • MS 089 PZ - Mexican Film History

    CrsNo MS 089 PZ

  • MS 091 PO - History of American Broadcasting

    CrsNo MS 091 PO

    History of American Broadcasting. Studies the history of American broadcasting from the diffusion of radio as a mass media through the transition to television, up to the development of television as the dominant broadcasting form. Students will begin to understand the impact of U.S. broadcasting by familiarizing themselves with key programs and trends. Letter grade only.

  • MS 091 PZ - History of American Broadcasting

    CrsNo MS 091 PZ

    Studies the history of American broadcasting from the diffusion of radio as a mass media through the transition to television, up to the development of television as the dominant broadcasting form. Students will begin to understand the impact of U.S. broadcasting by familiarizing themselves with key programs and trends.

  • MS 093 PZ - Media Off-Screen

    CrsNo MS 093 PZ

    An intermediate production course that engages with media practices outside of the traditional single-channel film or videotapes made for broadcast or screening in a theatre. New genres and hybrid media forms including installation, performance, and tactical media are explored through a series of readings, lectures, presentations and creative assignments in both individual and group projects.

  • MS 094 PO - Transnational Asian Cinema

    CrsNo MS 094 PO

    When Offered: Last offered spring 2011.

    Instructor(s): J. Hall

    Introduces the cinemas of Asia. May include cinemas of East Asia, South Asian and/or the Middle East. Film and video are considered in political, social and theoretical contexts. editing with instruction in online non-linear video editing. Reading and viewing assignments will complement hands-on editing exercises. Prerequisite: Introduction to Video Production-MS 082 PZ , MS 182 HM , ART 148 SC . Enrollment is limited. Course fee.

  • MS 099 PZ - Advanced Editing

    See the Pitzer College catalog for a decription of this course.


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