THEA100G PO - Acting Studio: Performing Comedy

When Offered: Next offered Fall 2023
Instructor(s): J. Mills
Credit: 1

Students will study the dynamic, precise, and often chaotic tools of comedy technique. In the first half of the semester, students will train in the tools of high comedy performance, paired with meticulously structured, witty farces (e.g. Wilde, Moliere, Ludwig, Frayn, Ayckbourn). In the second half of the semester, students will structure and create their own comedic content via stand-up (to be performed in public at open mics), sketch, and lazzi. Prerequisites: any THEA001 course and THEA 012 PO .
Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
Area 6

This course information is from the 2023-2024 Pomona College Catalog. View this catalog.

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