EA030 PO - Environmental Science

When Offered: Spring 2024.
Instructor(s): M. Los Huertos
Credit: 1

This Environmental Analysis Program core course introduces the basic principles of environmental science with applications in chemistry, ecology and geology. It is part of the core course requirements for the Environmental Analysis major. The course provides a natural science foundation for Environmental Science. Topics covered include a discussion of ecosystems, climate change, energy and food production, land resources, pollution and sustainable development. A full laboratory accompanies the course and includes field and laboratory work and introduces Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping and statistics. Letter grade only. May be repeated once for credit.
Satisfies the following General Education Requirement(s), subject to conditions explained in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog:
Area 2

This course information is from the 2024-25 Pomona College Catalog. View this catalog.

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